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When does EQ become harder?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by nodontcarekkthxbye, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Zalamyr Augur

    WoW uses a steady trickle of gear to trivialize content much faster than EQ does. There's also multiple difficulty levels to raids: Raid Finder (which releases later on), Normal, Heroic, and Mythic. So these bleeding edge guilds are attempting to beat Mythic, without having farmed the earlier events or difficulties hardly at all. A more standard guild will work their way through normal, then heroic, then work on mythic while still farming heroic. There's also gear outside of raiding (mythic+ dungeons, pvp, world quests, etc) that can also be good to fill in gaps. Doing all of these things for a few extra months makes tackling Mythic raids more achievable for the average guild over time.

    So yeah, it's a bit like trying to tackle end game EQ raids without the previous expansions gear. Not entirely analogous, as the gearing systems in both are quite different.
    snailish and Scornfire like this.
  2. Scornfire The Nimbus Prince

    Given my current time commitments that wouldn't be doable, but I'd probably be willing to give it a shot if you have a toon I can borrow, for a game I'm not particularly interested in returning to I wouldn't want to spend a significant amount of time playing it. I have a wizard you can have, it's only 105 though and hasn't been played in a few years, but a significant jump from starting a toon from scratch on live, obviously you wouldn't be able to raid with us, but you could check out EoK/RoS raids with Freelance on our server

    Ooo, shots fired :p
    code-zero likes this.
  3. Lion of God Elder

    I would actually love to take you up on that offer.
    Ill PM you.
  4. malaki Augur

    That list of attempts for this WoW expansion is actually pretty low for world firsts compared to other expansions/tiers. The last several bosses of Siege of Orgrimmar all took hundreds of attempts for Method as well and caused a lot of guilds to fail/break up.
  5. a_librarian Augur

    I had this experience watching the world's fastest Super Metroid speedrun

    Turns out it wasn't as easy as it looked
  6. Iyvy Augur

    He's right though. Comparing Mythic WoW raids to any EQ content is just stupid. I highly doubt you've ever done a Mythic raid, nothing in EQ is even remotely as hard. It's not even close. It's orders of magnitude easier.

    Also we're playing the TLP to play the TLP. I love all these people being like "Well on live it gets harder!" (it doesn't really, a bit, but like, nothing huge). We aren't playing TLPs to play Underfoot, we're playing them to play classic->PoP.

    They should make this content harder.
  7. Scornfire The Nimbus Prince

    Out of curiosity, what's your raiding experience in EQ? If you've cleared everything when it was current then cool, WoW Mythic while undergeared is probably harder like you guys are saying. But comparing TLP content from going on 2 decades ago to WoW's hardest raid content is pretty disingenuous.
  8. code-zero Augur

    Do you even know what an order of magnitude would indicate?
    You're on TLP
    It's easy(ier)
    Everyone knows that
    Perhaps Mythic is "harder" than the tier 3 raiding content in TBL or maybe not.
    Game mechanics, adds, percentage triggers and all that are pretty standard across most MMO platforms
    You aren't going to find an infirmed septagenarian in a top raiding guild
    Now I do have some acquaintances who are pro gamers and I'd suspect that they'd get a giggle out of an MMO player telling them how hard it is. We have some fun with them telling me that they need to stage an intervention if I don't stop playing EQ :D

    I am not saying that there's not some difficulty but playing an MMO no matter how challenging isn't really THAT challenging
  9. a_librarian Augur

    World of Warcraft was partly developed by huge EQ fans that figured they could do better than what SoE was offering. In classic WoW the only raid I'd compare to EQ was Molten Core, everything after that (BWL, AQ, Naxx) was so far beyond the raid content EQ was capable of delivering at the time.

    It's just a fact that Blizzard had EQ to learn from and avoid many design choices that would limit how tightly they could balance content (like max raid size and number of playable classes being huge ones). The complexity and challenge offered in WoW raids was simply an evolution from EQ.

    I'm only comparing classic WoW to EQ because I did not raid beyond that point.
  10. exiliusmon New Member

    Are the wow classic servers here yet? I'm so ready! For the Horde!