When developers get it wrong...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cicelee, Oct 21, 2021.

  1. Cicelee Augur

    It took me about 11 seconds to read BAN THEM ALL. The first ten I thought to myself....what the halfling do you have against brick and mortar shopping?
  2. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    This ends the debate. Lucid shards are not pronounced "Luckid shards".
    It's Loose-lin. You're simply wrong if you don't think so.
    You can quote language rules all you want but English doesn't follow all the rules, all of the time. Far from it. It's kind of a well-known flaw of English.
    Dev's opinions don't matter to me anymore after seeing the incredible amount of typos they carelessly make, both in game and in posts. For god's sake, Ngreth abbreviates Wednesday as "WEDS". Is there an S after the D? No, there isn't. That would be like abbreviating Thursday as "THUD".

    And by the way, Gif is pronounced like Gift. Drop the T and you have Gif. You don't change the start of the word because a letter fell off the end. And no, the inventor doesn't decide how to pronounce it, he invented an image compression algorithm, not the use of acronyms.

    You sure did.
    Accipiter, Shindius and Celephane like this.
  3. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    Actually, the debate ended when the devs Said it was Luck-Lin many times. They named it, they get to choose the pronunciation.. You don't go around telling parents they can't pronounce their kids name how they choose.. L-A is still gonna be la dash ah to the mom who named her kid that.
    My son is Garran because the character in the book he is named after is Garion, but my husband wanted it pronounced Gair an.. not Gar e on which is how any teacher in school would have pronounced the other one.

    Brett is not bar rett..
    Luclin is Luck lin.
    Joules_Bianchi and Nennius like this.
  4. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    The C in Luclin is as in cycling - cl = k in both

    Incline, unclassified, exclude, cataclysm, recluse
    Clap, Cloud, Climb, Clamber, Clod

    Loose lin people are the victims of bad schooling.

    Lucid is said with the Ci with an S sound, but the CL is a K sound just because the first 2 letters of each word are the same (Lu) does not follow that the C must sound the same. the Letter that follows the C dictates the sound, there are a small number of exceptions to this rule but that's why English is among the hardest languages to learn.
    Joules_Bianchi, Stymie and Elyssanda like this.
  5. Stymie Pendragon

    The fact that native English speakers have to pass 12 years of classes to get a basic diploma in the US says a lot about the language. I recently learned that "conversated" is considered a word according to Websters for instance. Just like "ain't" which is also not a word as far as I'm concerned.
  6. Randomized Augur

    Conversated = conversed. And to be fair, it's not 12 years of "learning to speak the English language as a native English language speaker". It's grammar, sentence structure (every country goes through this) - history, arts of the language, proper writing forms/techniques. But anywho

    The Devs be darned lol /wink. I pronounced it Loose-lin when i was first introduced to the game (thats the way my mind said it the very first time I saw the name), and it'll forever be that way for me. In all honesty...how often are we going into run into someone (outside of your own household) that will even know what "Luclin" is or refers to.

    So it's all up to ourselves to just pronounce it however is best said in our own heads (imo).
    Shindius likes this.
  7. Stymie Pendragon

    I know where conversated came from, and I thought it was a good represention of what Skuz was talking about when it pertains to learning the intricacies of the English language. Thank you for the lesson none the less.
  8. Nennius Curmudgeon

  9. Randomized Augur

    Just correcting the very common misconception that it's 12 years worth of "learning to speak english" :)
  10. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Quite so. Having been a teacher for a long time it seems to me that we teach lots of other subjects in that 12+ years of typical education in the U.S.
    Elyssanda likes this.
  11. Allworth Elder

  12. Shindius Journeyman

    Colloquialisms aka slang terms.

    Some of y'all sure get worked up over something that has no bearing on your daily life. Doesn't matter how you pronounce something in a fantasy game anyway. Say it how you want and do what makes you happy.
    Coagagin likes this.
  13. Ibadan Kun'Tirel Augur

    It's almost like language is a social construct defined around shared meaning and able to be pronounced/interpreted/understood differently across groups
    Elyssanda, Shindius and Nennius like this.
  14. Biltene Kingslayer

    All in the same post, that's impressive.

    It's Luck-lin. The rules previously stated that a consonant after a c makes it a hard c are correct. If you can find any word in English that has a cl where the c is soft, I'd be very impressed. The fact that you can't distinguish the difference between a c followed by a vowel vs. followed by a consonant illustrate the main issue in this debate, mainly that many people don't know how English works. Which isn't surprising considering the aforementioned weirdness of the language.
    Elyssanda likes this.
  15. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    I'm going to enjoy this new expansion, Terror of Licklin.
    Shindius and Nennius like this.
  16. Nennius Curmudgeon

    You've got this problem licked.
    Shindius likes this.
  17. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    I have a guildmate that pronounces Paludal as Puh-LOO-duhl.
  18. Naugrin Augur

    I kind of like "ain't," but I've always hated "conversated." To me it was a word that was lucked into by people that never learned the word "converse."
    Stymie likes this.
  19. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I ain't gonna go do some conversating soon.
    Shindius and Naugrin like this.
  20. ttobey Developer

    Loose Linn sounds like Evil Lynn's easy sister.
    Bjornulf, Thugrak, Stymie and 4 others like this.