What zones will be instanced with the downtime tomorrow?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by oleris, May 27, 2015.

  1. thechacko Elder

    A better question is why people are so invested in a virtual economy that is floated with microtransactions lol.

    Seriously guys... you can buy Kronos and be wealthy in the game. Stop. Just stop. No one is going to lose out by there being 60 FBSS available in a week.
  2. Tudadar Augur

    I dont see them instancing solb or lguk because of the loot drops ( this was their reason for not wanting to do this in the first place )

    I could maybe see OOT with say 60-75 person limit before instance. Maybe lavastorm and sro. I really expect them to do this similar to hotzones and maybe pick 1 zone in a certain level range without too much of a xp bonus/drops and offer people that alternative.

    If they get desperate and cant think of other zones we might see mistmoore and paw.
  3. Vaclav Augur

    I wasn't expecting that quickly - as I said "If it get complicated..." as in a future possibility if that's an issue that arises.

    If statements aren't a difficult concept.
  4. Glistarian Augur

    Here's the thing about instancing - the same crowd that makes magebox armies will find ways to exploit it. If there's any weakness at all, they'll find it. It's what they do.

  5. Vaclav Augur

    It's what all players do all the time with everything - it's not exclusive to bot players.
  6. Vindor Lorekeeper

    They should and they will have to. There is too much people, you can have more loot if there is more poeple its not a problem. The real issue is to make sure it cant be exploited, a simple lockout as long as the repop timer of the zone should do it.

    There is no point in letting people xp simply to deny them any dungeons fun and loot, not to mention the best xp zone are often dungeons.
  7. Glistarian Augur

    Tomorrow evening - TL crowds any zone with loot creating as many instances as possible and KS's everyone else, leaving the 'peasants' with nothing. Don't even pretend to be surprised.

    Any new loot from this will NOT be fairly distributed. It will go to the same crowd that hogs it now.
  8. RainbowTest Augur

    Instancing is not wanted by most because they are either uninformed, afraid of change, or fully aware of the real life money that is to be made from krono trading on a server with highly controlled loot tables like a progression server. Those mage box groups you see roaming around are there for a reason ;) Its not about the love of the game its about farming gear to sell for krono's plain and simple. Instancing would kill a good portion of DBG's revenue as then people would no longer buy krono's. Its why the test server is so overly poluted with FV copies. It is stupid and wrong but since the guys selling the copies are using krono's as the currency it continues to happen unabated by the devs. That is Roshen's complete point of demanding fighting for content, the harder and in demand the loot is the more krono's they sell. Anyone who thinks otherwise is drinking some kool aid.
    Glistarian likes this.
  9. thechacko Elder

    Isn't that kinda the entire point of video games?
  10. Vaclav Augur

    So you think they've got an infinite player count? That's cute.

    Instances don't spawn on demand - they'll likely take at least 30 people to trigger another, etc.

    Plus they're not some sort of hive mind, there's actually factions within the guild that feel differently about different things. (i.e. some are debating leaving to move to Lockjaw, some were actually TRAINING OTHER TL and got booted a couple nights ago, etc)

    I'll be the first to say, some TL have rubbed me the wrong way - some others are friends that I've known over a decade who would never do something like that however.

    Please stop making this forum look like a prisonplanet article.
    thechacko likes this.
  11. Glistarian Augur

    LOL. 30 whole toons! Not players, mind you, since boxers count.
  12. Vaclav Augur

    It'll quite possibly be higher and regardless there's the rest of the post you ignored for your conspiracy theory nonsense.
  13. Glistarian Augur

    There's no conspiracy theory, bro. The guild has shown that they will exploit any weakness they find to DOMINATE!!!!!!!! the server. It's already their style.
  14. Vindor Lorekeeper

    Put a lock out timer on /pick problem solved. Well not the ksing part but if everyone can find a free camp and cant switch for a whole repop timer there isnt much point to go and ks other, assuming your not ksing for the sake of ksing
  15. Vaclav Augur

    That's no different than any other player. There's no reason to slight them over it.

    Even I as mellow as I am about things overall - I'll hop through all the Qey Hills instances each night a few times to check for Hadden. All players except those terribly new to the game will use mechanics to their advantage to enrich their online experience.
  16. Vindor Lorekeeper

    Honestly with a well though lock out timer and the appropriate pop cap its the ideal solution. Its like assuring the perfect population balance of the server.

    Only problem i see is for solb and permafrost which are both dungeon and raid target zone. Maybe just make vox and naggy pop only on one instance per week ? /shrug
  17. Glistarian Augur

    LOL. "enrich"
  18. Fallfyres Augur

    Yep, excellent point Glistarian. You know how many players from Fippy/Vulak have come here to share their experience about how that played out? I get the sense during this 'instance' discussion that few people have ventured outside of the hallowed halls and dungeons of Norrath to other MMORPG realms. I understand the attraction of limited instancing providing some space for players to actually get to targets they otherwise wouldn't because of overcrowding. It comes with a cost though depending upon what type of instancing the devs choose to implement.

    There are many MMO's out there that utilize the personal instant push a button get my own instance, with different variations of timers/not timers.

    With timers there most definitely becomes a problem of, 'my friend ricky is in the instance of Dark Sewer Slime Challenges #33, but it won't let me in, keeps putting me in #34. I don't want to be in #34. I want to go where my friend is waiting for me to join him for grouping at!!!!'

    With the instant push button make yer own instance anywhere anytime dungeons, you all get as much loot as you have time to run through and gather, and everyone comes out with phat loot and tries to sell it to players. Its absolutely awesome if you are in the elite crowd and are among the first to access this loot. You will sell it for some time and make some serious big plat. The regular Joe and Jane coming behind ..eh not so much, or at all.

    But within a very short time period/weeks probably they already have it and don't want to buy yours, so an even more artificial vendor buy back program is instituted by the devs which makes every player who has to sell that awesome Ebon Mace or Mrylokar's Dagger of Vengeance or whatever, realize, its...not awesome...anymore as they get their 98 silver for it. Neither is anything else. Crafting becomes completely irrelevant. Yes. Much more than now even on our live servers.

    Harvested ingredients are all completely commonplace or players have huge stores they will never get rid of or use. And you get the fabulous experience of playing the 'how the hell do I get away from/keep my name from being passed around with the spam botters who keep trying to sell me plat' game. The ignore feature doesn't do any good because they get your name as you zone in/out of pretty much any zone or dungeon, or when you type in Gen Chat and then they pass that name to another throwaway character, compiling their lists. Then they send you sales messages in private tells hassling you all the time, forcing you to change your play experience while the game devs say 'there really isn't anything we can do.'

    This is not reinventing the wheel. Its been attempted/done in the industry, the negative affects are readily apparent even to a newbie player who tries out these games for a couple days. There is no economy. Things don't get cheaper in the long run...the personal plat acquisition of some portion of the players is like our FV server, without the other benefits of FV. Full on instancing is great for two types of players: solo-centrist ones, and gold farming entrepreneurial businesses all about spreading like an insidious disease throughout your virtual world, making it theirs, and no longer the one you loved. It most definitely sends out a neon flashing sign invitation to gold farmers who do it as a business.

    Its complicated. I am jazzed that this dev team is thinking, taking action and planning for further changes if they need to be flexible. So the instances choices and the ramifications it will have on the quality of immersion and game life we have on Ragefire and Lockjaw depends on DBG.

    I am watching to see those professionals make changes with instancing with some of the points I've brought up because they know exactly what I'm talking about. I hope they will continue to make these far reaching choices for EQ with an eye toward their customers.
  19. Diemond Augur

    I for one am glad they haven't announced them yet, because as the saying goes. Ignorance is bliss. As soon as they announce it there will be people on here complaining about this zone being instanced or why wasn't this zone included. So the longer they go without announcing it the better.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  20. Fubbik New Member

    I wouldn't mind if they increased /pick timer for certain zones (or overall), but before they do that they need to implement a function to have a group zone into the same instance. Otherwise an increased timer would kill group-play in certain situations.