What guilds have killed the Emp ?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Rcbauer, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. bodes Augur

    I know you didn't pull him to zone but you killed him back when the snakes were bugged and not respawning
  2. ZeeK Elder

    We tanked and mezzed the Snakes during the entire fight...
  3. Eshan New Member

    We just pull him to the parking lot outside TacoBell

    Aneia, MBear, Sumonerr_Tunare and 3 others like this.
  4. Hamshire Augur

    and this thread almost hit page two and was lost forever.
  5. Maybach99 New Member

    yet here you are.. - Also, people LOVE hearing about the guy who was a stud High School football player 16 years ago while he's standing in a Burger King with his gut hanging his your belt, nawmeen?
  6. AgentofChange Augur

    The first emp kill on the server was killed in the open world. Not sure how you go about exploiting that but I'm sure you all have some conspiracy theory.
  7. Hamshire Augur

  8. Rcbauer Augur

    Hamshire was never an athlete. Just another nerdy unemployed drunk living off our tax dollars.
  9. bodes Augur


    The flaw in this analogy is that the only server he ever had success on was the ghost town Vulak 5 years ago.

    Luckily it shouldn't be long before that guild implodes. They stopped raiding in Velious when the mage exploit got fixed. If they fix the Aten Ha Ra bugs/exploits they won't have the numbers to clear the zone in 6 hours legit and will have to stop raiding and likely collapse. When you funnel all the top loot to leadership alts your raid effectiveness suffers
  10. Kaelys New Member

    That is Mabbu. Not EOE. Did someone forget to tell me when Mabbu started representing everyone who was a member of EOE? Hrm. So maybe -MABBU- deserves his reputation.
  11. Hamshire Augur

    Heartland likes this.
  12. Hobie Lorekeeper

    First of all, ESHAN! OMG I LOL'd IRL on that photoshop of Taco bell and Emperor. Secondly, I can confirm that Mendacium downed the emperor with adds being mezzed, off tanked, etc. We even had the ornate bridle drop, which caused squee's of joy. We did it all old school. It was fun!
  13. Rattenmann Journeyman

    I honestly fail to understand why big guilds would need to exploit Emperor.

    Like seriously. This dude is no pushover, but he isn't hard either. Every raidforce that has been doing Velious should steamroll him without any exploits.

    So i keep hearing people exploited him, but i just don't believe it. Setting up one of the known exploits seems harder and more time consuming then just rushing in and killing the guy.
  14. Kiani Augur

    The only thing I've heard of on emperor is pulling him out of his room. Which is to be able to do him with unkeyed people. I think it's cheesy, I'm not sure if it's an exploit - the people who do it claim it's legit, and I have heard he's always been pullable, and still is, even in OW.
  15. Rcbauer Augur

    Some guilds lack skill and can only cheese things to 'win'. Like boxers that think they're good players...no you're not good. You just have numbers and your alts can steal raid loots.
  16. Kiani Augur

    I agree with the statement in general, but pulling emperor isn't down to lack of skill though, it's down to lack of keys - and trying to get there earlier than they otherwise would. You still have to kill him, and the mob is the same whether at zone in or in his room.
  17. nightork New Member

    I have never personally tried or tested pulling emp to wherever in openworld so I cannot directly contest that he is/was/can be pulled out of his room, however I would ask the question if that is possible, then why is it also not possible to just CotH into his chamber in OW?
  18. Zanador Elder

    Not true. Unless the adds also warp down to you every time you kill them after the initial pull, by pulling the Emperor out of his room you are avoiding having to tank and CC additional adds, and turn the encounter into a tank and spank.
  19. AgentofChange Augur

    There are no heroes in his room or chamber
  20. nightork New Member

    Exactly my point. You can't coth into his chamber, why would he then be pull able out of his chamber? Wouldn't really make much sense.
    I'm almost curious enough to try it on a live server to see if it's possible.