What guilds have killed the Emp ?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Rcbauer, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. Rcbauer Augur

    The best part about EoE is the officers are running a scam on loot. Like the raid leader that 6 boxes using the program..there's no DKP so his boxes get lots of goodies from the 'loot council' but he still gets the best stuff for him main. No wonder they can't kill content without cheese.
  2. Xoner Baby Joesph Sayer

    CoC did it fully legit and have it recorded, mezzes, offtanking, and all.. Admittedly it was a pretty ugly kill, but we got it down on 1st attempt. We'll clean it up and do it better and more smoothly next time. Was pretty irritating that the adds continued to keep respawning after emp was dead.
  3. Truthbringer New Member

    I heard Darkwind did the same.. Not once but twice now lolol.. Its hard to farm keys!
  4. Kaelys New Member

    I don't know you RCbauer, but I'm pretty sure you have no clue what goes on in our guild, because Karael's alts don't get any more loot than anyone elses boxes, and even if they did, so what? He goes to every raid and works very hard, and his alts actually contribute some value to the raid. Most the other boxes on the raid are monks and clerics. I have a box cleric and I get loot occasionally for her, but most of the loot goes to mains. So, good job there, with your bitter comments and assumptions. Did you not get some piece of loot you really wanted because someone else was more deserving? Too bad for you. Are you that guy who didn't get the axe, or are you the one who didn't get the essence of nature? Or are you just angry in general?

    Anyhow, I also think its amusing how so many of you call out EOE all the time for doing things that you think they're doing, that other guilds are doing, but they get the brunt of the blame. Its ridiculous, really. I love how Entendre's all like, hey we had a legit kill, as if they need to prove themselves because maybe they were cheeseballing Vulak and other targets? Hrm. I dunno, I'm not in Entendre, but like all of you, I hear rumours and talk. That's all it is, rumours and talk. I have no proof, so I'm not going to sit here and point fingers other than at things that actually happened to me and in my presence and are verifiable.
  5. Rcbauer Augur

    So you pulled Emp to ZI
  6. Hamshire Augur

  7. Toodles Elder

    When <insert guild here> sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing exploits. They're bringing trains. They're greifers. And some, I assume, are good people

  8. Rcbauer Augur

  9. TheDizzle New Member

    Its really funny when you say "I'm not pointing fingers" yet that is exactly what you just did. We pointed out our legit kill because you failed to be able to do it.
  10. Hamshire Augur

    When Donald Trump shows his tax returns.
  11. Kaelys New Member

    No. I was using your guild as an example. If you read carefully -- and no, I'm not judging your reading skills either, you will see that I never actually said you did anything since I have no proof that you did. Nor did I point a 'finger' at you. You just happened to post here in this stupid forum on this stupid thread, bringing attention to yourself because you posted.

    Honestly, I don't care how other guilds pull things, or if they cheese things or not. It doesn't affect me in any way. What I do think is amusing though is that people come here and make wild accusations without a shred of proof.

    It would probably be different if it was 11 years ago, and there was only one mob and all the guilds were contesting each other, and guilds were cheating. Then I might care. But right now, its just a lot of stupid, unnecessary drama no one cares about.
  12. Fizon Augur

    No one cares? These forums are full of people flaming each other over exploits and other none sense. I find it pathetic that people can't beat 15 year old content without cheating. You are robbing your guildies of the experience that they play a 20 year old game for. But by all means rub your e and carry on.
  13. Rcbauer Augur

    Did Ikkukgud report income from selling his accounts and the guild loot to the IRS?
  14. Banecrow Elder

    Mendacium got Emperor last night. No cheese just straight up old school teamwork beat down.
    Izzabela likes this.
  15. Hamshire Augur

    Now we are hitting troll territory with your posts.

    I am the guild bank so no guild loot has been sold unless it was useless to the guild & Ikikgud still plays but just casually and under a different name.

    If you don't know what you are talking about which clearly you don't with many of your posts thus far could you please quit wasting my time and the time of others reading this thread?

    Oh and if you care to follow up are you actually Banecrow in game or are you another coward posting with a false name because I have never seen you in game before.
  16. Accipiter Old Timer

    Here's a quote from reddit:

    [–]MabbuEQ -1 points an hour ago

    I'm going to be real here. Here's a little piece of advice. Stay away from the area where we are killing if we're exping... we likely have potions running, and if you slow us down you will either be trained, or you'll have us sitting on top of you laying waste to anything that gets pulled by our group or yours. If you stay away from our exp...we leave you alone...if you try moving in on us and we start losing even a few mobs on the perimeter of the area we are killing in...expect confrontation. I always give a warning before we engage with someone...if they choose to think their is bigger...then you get what is coming to you. Even if we lose the battle...you can bet you will have started a war that will last until we forget who you are.

    So keep on telling us how EoE doesn't deserve their reputation.
  17. bodes Augur

    Their reputation is so well known, yet new players still get tricked into joining through pure general chat recruiting spam. A constant stream of new players tricked into joining, given no loot, no help with keys, no help with XP, and no decent treatment. Just strung along with empty promises until they realize they've been duped and get replaced by more new players starting the cycle again.
  18. MabbuPhinny Augur

    I can confirm this. I have been duped by EoE.

    I was promised a Bacon if I joined. I have no Bacon still.
  19. Rcbauer Augur

    Ikkik sold his monk and had lots of droppable loot. Did he sell his little warrior too with the SoD?
  20. Hamshire Augur

    Quit being picky, you got Night Bacon, its better.