What classes do you think today are underpowered?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fian, May 25, 2023.

  1. Tolzol Augur

    Ssdar, Ozon, Emilari and 3 others like this.
  2. kizant Augur

    I think you're confusing me with someone else.
    FawnTemplar likes this.
  3. tsiawdroi TittyGOAT


    It almost makes me think secretly he wants to main change to sk :p
    Skuz likes this.
  4. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Make parlay unresistable, and I'd be happy.
  5. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    I don't think druids are "underpowered" but sustained dps is not something I can do because my mana runs out. I've tried a bunch of suggestions from others but the result is the same.
    FawnTemplar and Skuz like this.
  6. Warpeace Augur

    This also works for Zerkers and feeling they should be doing more damage, but remember you Zerkers all doing more DPS in NoS than ever before.
    Barraind likes this.
  7. Highwizard Augur

    Someone said, I cannot remember who that dps balance between the classes will likely look like this; Some classes will get bigger bumps in power on new expansions until someday there looks like some kind of balance.
  8. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    How is it possible this thread becomes about paladins? LOL
    Allayna and kizant like this.
  9. Maedhros High King

    What I'd like is to arrive at a place where people can speak honestly about class imbalance.
    If I polled 10,000 honest EQ players, which class is more powerful, paladin or SK?
    9,900 of them would say SK.
    I have no interest in playing a SK whatsoever. They have been allowed to get way the heck out of hand and if calling for nerfs is not allowed, then the only course of action is to ask for boosts to paladins.

    Healing light is a small chance to proc a small group heal while casting a stun and certainly no tank would ever trade a chance for a small chunk of agro to proc as compared with having the control to initiate a direct response via an agro spell or aa such as you get with a crush.
    If mobs of any value on raids were stunnable, I would load stuns all the time.
    Skuz and alanus like this.
  10. Wulfhere Augur

    It's a sign of weakness. :D
  11. Fian Augur

    Well, I did start this thread and listed both wiz and paladin as 2 classes that I thought needed help.
    Maedhros likes this.
  12. Fian Augur

    Personally, I think this is a good trade off for a priest class. Short term awesome dps, at the expense of your mana bar. It gives you the option of soloing, but you would be much better off in a group where you can do what you do best - healing.

    If a druid did not run out of mana dpsing, then they would be a full dps class on raids, plus able to do the healer role too. That wouldn't be balanced.
    alanus and Warpeace like this.
  13. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Well, when I'm in a group with a cleric...no, I'm not the best at healing there.
    Most of the time during raids, I'm healing. Sustained dps is quite different during raids. There are a great many things during a raid that boost mana that are not there during groups.

    Plus the sustained there is usually only about 30 minutes or less, as raid mobs begin to have the enrage timer kick in. Almost every raid is a DPS check where if you can't finish within that time things go south quickly.

    So, I'd say for me your quote is about 180 degrees off.

    Also, soloing is boring and takes forever. Druids also are not a good soloing class at the high levels. If you want to solo at high levels, make a necro.
  14. kizant Augur

    And just to be clear. In line with mage/necro dps makes sense but boosting everyone to the mage/necro level probably doesn't. It would trivialize the already too easy raids and group content. That's why I've been fine with Wizard DPS (now that we've gotten some needed upgrades this year). Next I'd like to see everyone converge around what we're doing rather than simply making everyone overpowered.
  15. FawnTemplar Augur

    I know, exactly zero druids that solo. Killing one mob would take nearly all, if not all of our mana. Also, healing is not even close to what a druid does best nowadays. Druid heals are slow and don't heal for a whole lot. Currently, DPS is what druids do best. That's the reality and frankly, considering that we've been begging for help in the healing department for years and not got it, it seems like that's reality that the devs want/are invested in. So when we ask for mana help, it is because DPS seems to be what the devs want us doing.

    "If a druid did not run out of mana dpsing, then they would be a full dps class on raids, plus able to do the healer role too. That wouldn't be balanced." You mean like Shaman?
    Allayna, Silvena and Cadira like this.
  16. Sprooce Lorekeeper

    I agree ^, druids on raids are a DPS class, it's what we do best. We can't splash heal, other than one AA every few minutes, the clerics and shaman are the main healers keeping a raid up, and druids do damage.. a lot of it.. while keeping their DPS group alive with their heals.

    I wouldn't say we're underpowered at the moment either, mana recovery is our Achilles heel but overall I think druids are in a good spot, very powerful class.
    Allayna likes this.
  17. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    While it seems that people who know druids say we should dps on raids, that's only an option for me a small part of the time. We've got our clerics in the tank groups and that leaves the other six or so groups each needing a healer, which means shaman (melee groups) and druids (caster groups).

    Plus, besides keeping my group alive, I help heal the main assist, the tanks, and when needed, the mezzers.

    Perhaps these raiders have 12 clerics per raid or something, we don't.
  18. kizant Augur

    Just have your shaman and paladins splash a lot and your druids won't have to heal.
    Skuz, Szilent and FawnTemplar like this.
  19. tsiawdroi TittyGOAT

    By the time lunarush actually casts, your group is probably already fully healed up from squall/splashes. When the group takes massive amount of damage, then you have the aa and spell version to heal the group quickly. As stated above, with enough shaman/paladin splashing; you could keep the group fully healed from the 2h proc if you were casting more detrimental spells to actually proc it. Instead of single target healing the tanks; heal them by keeping blessing of ro on cd and remote nuke. Seems real silly to have a druid single target healing off of etw unless your raid has like 1 shaman and 2 clerics.
    Skuz and Sprooce like this.
  20. tsiawdroi TittyGOAT

    With healing mods on from spire/grp armor; I routinely see healing light crit for well over 200k. I guess we just differ on play style for paladin and what spells to use. With that said, I have no issue holding aggro with 1 crush, 2 stuns, parlay, and valiant for spells while utilizing divine call and fod on cd. I also have ecliptic loaded but is used more so for the insta group heal than for aggro (I do think this is a spell that should generate a lot more aggro then it currently does, when you consider the 1 min cooldown and compared to the aggro generated from the sk ecliptic.)

    Consider scenario where everyone in your group is actively tanking something. You don't see the merit in casting a stun to help build some aggro and potentially proc a heal for the entire group.Same scenario but you are tanking as well, casting multiple stuns and fod to proc a group a heal while generating aggro. I just find it odd because you mention passive healing as a huge issue but one of the tools available you are adverse to using, Again, there is no one way to play a paladin and to each their own.
    Allayna and Wulfhere like this.