What class/race would you play on Agnarr?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Mokai, Apr 28, 2017.

  1. Machentoo Augur

    Maybe 10% of all EQ players have actually played every class. Maybe 1% of all players can actually play them all well. The number drops to about 0.01% when you have 5 or more expansions to play through, with multiple class defining abilities added throughout, nerfs and modifications to those abilities that have to be taken into account, and 100+ gameplay changes that have to be factored in. I call shenanigans.
  2. Razzle Augur

    Wizard, Sol ro, H-elf one of my favs.
    Galleyan likes this.
  3. Galleyan Augur

    +1 for Wiz.

    Can typically AFK if need be, just burn and sit down to med.
    Good DPS, most groups will be happy to have you.
    If you need to get a rep, DPS is gonna be the easiest slot to fill 99% of the time.
  4. Phantom Ghost Augur

    Based on grouping on phnny... any class will work. Most people do not even announce they are going afk any more... and I am not talking a quick 20 sec afk. There are people who will be afk more than they are active.

    Some of these people cannot even make it to the group before going afk for 10 minutes.

    Go wizard. Burn all of your mana then afk. Do not go mage. You stand out if your pet sits still.
  5. Kiani Augur

    If you want unusual class / race / deity combinations, someone I knew on live once had an evil erudite cleric of Paineel. His goal was to be non-kos in all other starting cities. I'm not sure how far he made it.
  6. Rhodz Augur

    Well I would not know anything about those stats you are throwing around but a lot of people have played all the classes and any good player can play them all fairly well. That said some do not play them all up to a high standard due to losing interest, the class does not fit them.
    Outside of Absor I do not know anyone that knows everything about all of the classes and he may not.
    Mokai likes this.