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Warrior DPS Burn

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Braveheart, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. Repthor Augur

    DD the diffrence here is they bring many warriros to their raid and we bring 3(on avrage) so we are allways tanking rather then takeing up dps spots from other classes whos dps matters. everybody here is right its importent to know how to burn. its also importent to know your place and know what matters and what dosent , theres a time and place for everything. if u can get away with pouring on some "dps" without risking the raid go for it . just make sure that when your up u dont the raid by beeing mid cooldowns or mid transition or not paying attention or beeing in the wrong place at the wrong time or not soporting your other fellow tanks with short term buffs
  2. Kamea Augur

    Some guilds are warrior heavy, some are knight heavy; Triton is a knight heavy guild.... I would imagine your total tank numbers don't differ more from other guilds as much as you'd imagine. We have 4-5 knights total in arx, with 3-4 of them being viable tanks.

    My point was never solely about warriors, it was about tanks and utility classes in general. The trade off to DPS or not DPS is higher with knights than warriors in reality, they have to change to 2H and effect global cool down -- anyone who says DPSing as a warrior messes up timers clearly doesn't play the class (offensive disc aside, which has become largely superfluous anyways.) You could even argue that knight utility effects tankability - Why would you want paladins healing people when gdc could be down when adds spawn?
  3. Repthor Augur

    My point was never solely about warriors,

    Thread name
    Warrior DPS Burn

    i was bringing up the diffrence based on warriors in guild very spesificly as this is about warrior burning

    as for avrange tanks count in Triton in raids is 9 we bring on avrage 3 tanks of eatch type
  4. Pwnography Augur

    Flint's write-up is solid. It is apparent that he likely knows more about War dps theory than I do. I would take his post to the bank. For once, I really have nothing to add.

    Have they fixed the stacking conflicts that prevented the Feralxxx line to land on a target, or be completely overwritten, then Gut Punch is used? I know that some guilds prohibit its use (right or wrong) due to that issue. I'm hoping that perhaps it was fixed in the last year and I magically missed it in the patch notes.
  5. Kamea Augur

    There are berserker and rogue discs that are better than feral(x) line, and stack with gut punch. I'm not educated on the usage of these abilities, so I genuinely don't know if the rogue/zerker discs are practical enough to replace shaman feral(x.)
  6. Brohg Augur

  7. Riou EQResource

  8. Brohg Augur

    The passive increase will continue to scale up, yes. And yes, Fellstrike will stack with the new passive increase.

    The compensatory nerf to Fellstrike, though, will remain steady. Fellstrike will be a 50% damage increase, down from 100%. (the min hit increase won't be altered, it appears).

    This significantly changes its value relative to warriors' Mightystrike Discipline that shares its timer, and is not nerfed at all.
  9. Makavien Augur

    You are highly mistaken on how much of a difference 2 hander or these awesome burns (which they are) from Fllint make a difference he would only ever be 5 k dps ahead of me and I never use 2 hander and I never use offensive discipline. The players you are bashing are great warriors within this thread. Never in I don't know about 6 months seen Fllint further above me in the dps parses then 5 k. And yes it was when we both used glyph and 7th I just used my regular weapon set up instead. Allen was the same way switching to 2 hander and trying everything to burn but only being 5 k above a warrior burning with a sword and a shield.

    And I did study the parses pretty hard to see if it was worth me going out of my way to work in to my playstyle switching to a 2 hander and stuff to up my dps but 5 k difference is not really worth it in my opinion.
  10. Coronay Augur

    You only get 5k more dps when you put your 2hander on???? Yikes.
  11. Makavien Augur

    Not me I don't put it on in the real game compared to other warriors that do use 2 handers i do about 5 k less dps then them with just sword and board burning. You only see a drastic difference if you parse on dummies or single short burns instead of looking at the entire fight .

    And did you even read the post ? Because, from what you just said it sounds like you skimmed the post and missed everything that I wrote ?
  12. sojero One hit wonder

    Mak go do a parse on test(or live, but i want some wars to post test parses) right now with 2h tanking a HA or whatever you do for fun, then do the same with S&B and then we will see what the diff is, @h with prof will do around 2x what S&B does all the time. So if you are only doing 5k with S&B sure it will do 10k, ie only 5k more, but then, I would have to say you need to look at why you are only doing 5k.
  13. Makavien Augur

    There was never any mention of only doing 5 k lol I sustain roughly 17 - 20 k with sword and board in group content without burning with bard only . And I dont ever use 2 hand so its not something I do for fun I pull more mobs instead .