Too much to ask for?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Muji, May 21, 2015.

  1. porky Augur

    I found a use for the ice dot/snare... When you are boxing to many toons and you need the mobs snared while also cold debuffed so that your cold aura can land... I know, I know, it takes a scientifically improbable situation to create this dot-snares ability to be better than using AA and anything else. Also, I know like 2 people who box a druid alt, and in both cases its an old girlfriend/wifes toon. Maybe the dev who created it boxes a full group with a druid alt??? LOL no devs play druids.
  2. Iila Augur

    Fixed. We can't be picky about them playing specific classes when most of them have never gained a level worth of exp over 90.

    Also, I think you lose more damage casting crappy dot and landing all aura procs vs casting a roar and having auras resisted.
    Silv likes this.
  3. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Oh well that bites... if they follow previous patters the first half of this campaign wont really have much for anyone. Maybe some spells but gear will be a repeat of the past tiers in tds no doubt.... oh well.
  4. porky Augur

    It was just the one time i could think of that i loaded up that spell, i dont use any program to box, just alt tab. using social hotkeys to keep one toon busy while i cycle through the others. And yeah it was all said as a joke anyway.
    Iila likes this.