There's a new sheriff in town.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Mire, Jun 4, 2020.

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  1. Machen New Member

    GM's didn't actually run "GM" events, for the most part it was guides. There are still guides afaik, and as recently as a year or two ago they were still running events. Most of the events are pretty lame with lame rewards now though. Either way, it's not why the GM's were hired.
  2. Mire Journeyman

    yepmetoo, you aren't the official in charge, but I'm sure brown nosing will get you what you want... ingratiated with the man.
  3. dreamweaver Community Manager

    Okay. This thread is locked before it devolves any further into a political discussion, if you have an issue with your suspension your first step should be to seek clarification from CS.
    Loze and Arog like this.
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