There's a new sheriff in town.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Mire, Jun 4, 2020.

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  1. code-zero Augur

    The notion of camps was long gone early in the RF/LJ era when it was realized by DBG that game mechanics were set up for DPS race and trying to enforce anything else was futile
  2. Mire Journeyman

    Maybe that's part of the problem. Everyone prolly has a different idea of "toxic." This new EULA doesn't really describe whats inappropriate.
  3. Password1234 Augur

    Keep antisemitic dog whistles off of this video game forum, thank you.
  4. Name2 Augur

    Ya think? This is a completely subjective assessment based on probably one person's opinion. I can't wait to see how this one plays out, might even keep me checking these forums after pandemic ends.
    Orzulth likes this.
  5. Hinastorm86 Augur

    TiL saying "yikes" makes me a toxic ****. Lol.

    The thin skin is also pretty ironic.
  6. Name2 Augur

    The fact that you don't understand the irony just makes it juicier.
    sihpa and Zapford like this.
  7. Hinastorm86 Augur

    The fact that you're a trump supporter makes anything you type meaningless.
  8. Name2 Augur

    I've been feeling the Bern since 2016.
  9. Febb Augur

    Oh boy, keep that political crap off these forums.
    yepmetoo and Nennius like this.
  10. Loze Elder

    Sweet Christmas, how many games have you been banned/suspended from? I'm guessing half the number of forums...

    I've been banned from... zero, and I'm an A-hole with a capital A.
    Kittany likes this.
  11. Mire Journeyman

    Everyone, just calm down. Wyatt Earp is gonna need to go into the board meeting and explain how he's banned the whole server.
  12. MaestroM Augur

    Oh I got banned from a private Ultima Online server one time. It had a special ruleset where you could roll a human char with low stats, but could PvP, or a Elf/Orc/Other char with better stats but were not allowed to PvP.

    I rolled an orc and got banned for attacking someone. It was my fault. I was 15 maybe? Only game i've ever been banned from. I still remember it....
  13. Zapford Elder

    Yikes? Nah, but the "****" certainly make one wonder what "toxic" drivel you're spewing

    My skin Is very thick, just think it's funny that while claiming not to be toxic, the forum decided you were being toxic, and edited you post. You know ... Irony.
  14. Creedmonk Augur

  15. Sikkun Augur

    If you are at the point you are critiquing how your banning from different games is handled maybe it’s time to consider you might be the problem.
    Loze, Nennius and CatsPaws like this.
  16. Mire Journeyman

    I think you might be confused. You should read the thread again.
  17. Sikkun Augur

    I think not. Just not talking about you....
  18. Malachi Augur

    You haven't seen many gaming communities I take it.
  19. Laronk Augur

    Have you tried league of legends, even at its worst on TLP before AOCs and Pickzones it's had nothing on league.
  20. Dyzalot Augur

    Dang gen chat was discussing the Covid-19 lockdowns and such last night and I participated, giving my two cents on what i thought of the lockdowns, the WHO, CDC and China. Hope I'm not now suspended.
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