The over-use of charming

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ultrazen, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. Thorondor Augur

    Yep. Charm and win. That's why Atabishi is 6 boxing chanters right? Easy no risk best DPS
  2. Green_Mage Augur

    That is pretty much the most popular way to do things isn't it?
  3. Thorondor Augur

    except its not. You dismiss all the downsides, the fact that its a drain on everyone in the group's mana, the fact that a soloing chanter is at such high risk charming that they're better off soloing with the swordpet. Anything and everything that is discussed that counters your narrowminded view is dismissed out of your obvious envy. Even Ckador, who dislikes me, and plays a necro far better than you ever will, stepped into the last discussion to tell how wrong you are (and how much it pisses him off that he has to agree with me on this), yet none of that matters, because you have firmly decided that something necros can do situationally, is overpowered for enchanters to have at all. Go yourself.
  4. Green_Mage Augur

    He was just mad he misread my post. Its obvious. He showed zero interest in the topic other than disliking me after he misread my post. Then he sided with you because you were the only one arguing with me. He didn't provide any rational other then "i dislike this guy and agree with his opponent!"
  5. Thorondor Augur

    Actually, it was more like:

    Okay. I agree with Throndor, despite the fact that he is, indeed, Throndor. I also don't main an Enchanter, and Necro is more powerful than Enchanter in classic, if you aren't bad at EverQuest."
  6. Green_Mage Augur

    Again, what does Necromancer being better than Enchanter in Classic (his assertion not mine btw) have anything to do with charm being overpowered? Its just a veiled insult because he know I was a Necro.
  7. Thorondor Augur

    No, it's because he's a TLP veteran who knows both classes inside and out. Was in TL then Citizen on fippy: top geared and performing necro throughout the progression arc, as was i on the chanter side of things. Even rolled a chanter to max level and raided with TMO before the velious-beta on p99 (you think charm is OP here? It's 16.666% better on p99) You, on the other hand, are a newbie scrub that doesn't even know what the he's talking about. You didn't even realize that charm pets are ALREADY 20% dps and hp nerfed, and that that is a nerf mechanic that scales to 40% as the expansion arc progresses, and even knowing this, is still on a tirade to see charm nerfed (speficially for enchanted until it was brought to your attention that necros have charm too) simply because better players are *drumroll* better than you at this game.
  8. Tevez Augur

    Bit off topic but if charmed pets have less hp could a necro or the group dot the hell out of something and then charm it. With the reduced hp wouldnt it die quicker and thenyou could break before it dies for xp?

    I know this wouldnt be efficient but it might be a viable solo technique for necro and druid
  9. Thorondor Augur

    Possibly, except there's a rng chance of a 20% hp restore on charm break and it costs more mana to charm something than it does to deal 20% dmg
  10. Thorondor Augur

    To bring it back to topic though. Enchanters are among the stronger classes in classic, but excelling at being an enchanters is considerably more demanding than the other classes that it shares this rank with. If they were so easy to just "charm and win" with, then the 6 boxers would be rolling 5 chanters deep, but they're not. They're rolling 4 mages because even a mage is decent. A chanter, on the other hand, is a buff bot and a waste of a group alot. Your flavor of the month envy is misdirected, because if the devs were to listen to these add suggestions, us skilled chanters would just roll necros and tell you to go find your own buffs because there's not much a chanter can do that can't be done with a necro
  11. Rhodz Augur

    Not this shite again...
    Went from charm being over expected in a group to charm being OP with the usual no-nothings showing up to chime in.
    Charm is already controlled, tried charming iskar in WW recently, hmm uncharmable message on two different types... don't remember that... yeah over-powered. It all works out trolls.
  12. MaxTheLion Augur

    I always see the same few names popping up sliding in remarks about how OP *insert here* is as an underhand way of requesting a nerf. The current dev team tends to listen to the cries more than they do the people who have stuck with EQ longer than they've worked there. You'll probably start to see more NPC's that can't be charmed but it's always inserted in a stealthy manner. Can't wait for the day when EQ dies because of people like Colorful Spellcaster up there.
  13. Phantom Ghost Augur

    Its the WoW way. They want every class to be equal. They cry nerf and buff non-stop... it really ruins a game. This isn't a pvp game we don't need this to be rock, paper scissors.
  14. Risiko Augur

    While I liked the fact that raid mobs took slightly more effort to down on Phinigel, I will point out that some of those dragon kills in Kunark took an insane amount of time to down.

    Some of the dragons in ToV were marathon fights, and I am not looking forward to doing them again on Agnarr because of it. In fact, I might just skip ToV raiding this time around on Agnarr because it just was not fun.
  15. Buddi Elder

    Agree with the starting thesis that people tend to want charmed pets for DPS even when the group cant find enough spawns to keep themselves busy XPing. The solution is for the enchanter to explain the concept to the group, and leave the group if they are too dense to understand it.

    As to whether or not enchanters are OP. If you think so, roll an enchanter and "cash in" on all of the great XP. But be prepared to not find a home in a raiding guild cause there are already too many of us, and typical raids dont need more than two of us. Main a cleric for raids, play an enchanter for group fun.

    Thorondor, save your breath my friend.
    Illusory likes this.
  16. Illusory Augur

    This is exactly what I said on Page 1 and it's really end of topic.

    These people have no idea what they're talking about. The majority of these charm threads are coming from Agnarr people in classic era at the most basic of camps.

    Please forum moderators, just lock these threads! Let them fall into the thread abyss where they belong!
    Pack likes this.
  17. Machentoo Augur

    As it should be. Original Vulak took an hour to kill in era, and no one could clear ntov in <6 hrs. Current version of Velious is still much faster than what it once was.
  18. Pack Journeyman

  19. Rhodz Augur

    That seems overly long.
    Once setup and if all went well NToV was a 3ish hour deal right about the time of SoL launch. Add less than an hour if a wipe occurred. But 6 hours? Nah, it was a good guild but not an exceptional one.
  20. Rhodz Augur

    See the point is one always run into uncharmable mobs at odd places I just did not remember those being that way. Nothing to protect, no named no real benefit to the game just random, nope can not do that here kind of thing.

    Every time a TLP launches in Classic(tm) we get this non-sense and every time something that cuts the legs out from under another class becomes The Cause De Jour. It is seemingly only by the narrowest of margins Monks seemed to escape their time in pit, mags not so lucky now Enc in the cross hairs, next likely Necro. IT-NEVER-ENDS
    WoW all over again and frankly why I wont play that game.

    Sheesh either stop launching in Classic(tm) or shut these things down.