Thank you. Rogue pickpocket message is a welcome change

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zrender, Apr 21, 2022.

  1. Zrender Augur

    Thank you for this change. Patch note: "Added messaging when a rogue uses the pick pocketing skill"

    This is a great change FOR rogues. Biggest issue for me getting groups in the first few expansions on last rogue main was the paranoia (justified) that rogues would steal gems etc from mobs which is a big issue for people in new server economies. That is now fixed. You will know if they are picking. Please shout this fix from the rooftops! :)

    Now please reduce the time taken by the apply poison skill to make classic poisons a bit useful. Either instant or say 2s start to .5s at max skill level 50. Poisons are pretty much useless now, this change would give expensive classic poisons some situational utility. Edit: was thinking 1-3s but I think that's too long still.

    Edit: To some of the responses, yeah I know this is a nerf but it does have a positive side regarding getting groups. Hopefully us poor rogues will get something in exchange for the nerf. I'm just trying to do some diplomatic lobbying here. Not to be confused with lobbing which is what we do with our OP boulders (pic below) lol :)
  2. EEpromm Lorekeeper

    Good change. Good suggestion.
  3. Zendien New Member

    I thought pickpocket was changed to use its own loot table some while ago? ... so it was basically extra loot rather than just grabbing from the mobs normal inventory. Or did a rogue just make this up so he could steal all my gems?! :)
  4. Trox2010 Augur

    Yeahhhh it's all....ummm.... seperate loot tables, so its....ummmm...not like we are taking from anything you could possibly loot. You can completely trust us rogues; I mean even paladins come to us for lessons in piety, so we would never lie to you.
    Zrender and Zendien like this.
  5. Zrender Augur

    Lol, yeah I was stealing your gems. It's been basically "proven" that the loot table is the same by picking things like giants over and over again til they 100% of the time just drop a few copper and no gems. Of course some people were convinced that it was a separate loot table. Probably by one of us sneaky rogues ;-) No more worries about picking, if they're picking you'll know it. Now you just need to watch out for the master looters sneakily stealing everything. Had this happen, they were giving themselves all the gems and when caught said "I need them, I have jewelcrafting". Ugh.
  6. Purelogic Lorekeeper

    Except for the fact that we cant do the Ikkinz 4 raids and progress in GoD expan
  7. Barder-mangler Augur

    Oldie but slightly relevant goodie. At least now we know when they are stealing.
    Zrender likes this.
  8. Dega Elder

    ya it is not like rogs need pickpocket for the epic or for one of the EF ldon raid or the god raid but ya glad you are happy.... and honestly a rog doesnt really get anything out of pickpocketing it is just a pita mechanic.....
  9. Zrender Augur

    This is about the change to pickpocketing where people see a message when pickpocketing. I know for a fact this will be a great change for rogues in early expansions.

    I mean I feel your pain but doubt complaining here would be a good option. If there's an issue with the worn items picking that effects a quest then you should bug report it. Guessing it'll be fixed quickly.
  10. Arclyte Augur

    this is just a roundabout way for DPG to make money on name changes for "roleplaying" rogues
    Fhiele likes this.
  11. Haak Augur

    I don't see why this should change a single thing for all you Rogues out there. Here's how I see it:

    Rangers, Druids, and to a lesser extent Bards can click the track key to increase the chance they beat other players to a desired mob, and thus win the loot. There's little to no outrage over this, as it's a generally accepted benefit to those classes having that skill.

    Rogues can also click a single key that may directly lead to them beating out others to some loot.

    In either case, a single click provides the opportunity to increase gains for the individual over their peers. So I encourage all the Rogues out there to click that pick pocket key without shame, message be damned, because it's a part of your kit. For everyone else, don't be mad at the Rogue for hitting the button - be mad at the Verant team from '99 for including it.
    Genoane likes this.
  12. Zrender Augur

    On paper that sounds good but realistically, at max pickpocket, I can kinda understand what the angst was about. I was picking gems from like every 2 or 3 mobs in the hole which I know from not picking there was probably about 70% or more of the gems and that's not even considering rogues would pick half the plat off the mob before it died :cool: . Other part time rogues or rogue mains knew that and so didn't want rogues in groups. That goes away with this change, assuming the group cares. Next rogue I will not pickpocket in groups (I'm in, muhuhahaha) just use it for other activities :)
    I'm just glad it will no longer be assumed I'm picking. I mean I was but, ya know, I mean if I say I'm not now they know I'm not lol
  13. Risiko Augur

    LOL this is such a bummer for rogues. Anybody that thinks us rogues were not pickpocketing in groups is sadly mistaken. It was a class-specific ability, and most everybody used it. Considering how poorly rogues perform up until like PoP, this makes one of the least played classes in the game just that much more undesirable to choose to play.
    Fhiele and Aeonblade like this.
  14. Aeonblade Very Hungry Vah Shir

    We are gonna go from 7 Rogue mains on TLP's to 3. Honestly nothing is really affected, because they won't get groups anyway.
    Fhiele and Risiko like this.
  15. Risiko Augur

    LOL so true. I mained rogue on Mischief because it's always been one of my favorite classes. I was well aware that I would be poor dps for a long time and nobody would want me in their groups, but I just have always loved the EQ rogue.

    I remember the first big rogue dagger drop on Mischief and somebody linked it in the rogue chat channel for something like 9 krono. I laughed and commented that all five of us on the server will have one for free within a week. I was right.

    Rogue and Paladin are the two least played classes in the game, and I think they deserve the special little things that they have for putting up with playing such an undesirable class. Taking away the secrecy of pick pocket isn't a big thing over all, but it just feels like a degradation of the role play nature of the class.
    Aeonblade likes this.
  16. Zrender Augur

    That's why it needs to be replaced with the apply poison change I suggested. They take something they should give something back. The pickpocket change is a net positive regardless of what other people here are saying because practically every group would have someone in it that knew what was up with pickpocket and didn't want rogues because of it. That's was especially true in classic when everyone is poor.
  17. Runes Augur

    Problem is still that you still have Rogues stealing from NPC that others are tanking and fighting- Take HGs for example, rogues would just wait until an HG was aggroed by someone else and then go and PP plat and move on to the next.
  18. Arclyte Augur

    I am ok with stealing from hill giant farmers
    Genoane likes this.
  19. Haak Augur

    I think you deserved every one of those gems too. Rogues are the close to, if not the worst solo class. You take a few gems from the group setting sure, and then everyone splits and you get to sit there wondering what to do with yourself while everyone else puts their unique kits to work making some bank elsewhere. Besides, if you're ever feeling guilty for some weird reason, you can always split the goodies back between the group at the end.
  20. Zrender Augur

    Yeah, man. It would be great if there wasn't always that one person that knows what rogues can do with pickpocket and would either prevent a group from inviting a rogue or be annoying during group. Saw it all the time playing alts, I'm sure some of you have too. This nerf, while yes is a nerf is probably helpful in getting groups. Yeah rogues are terrible solo though, no disagreement there.