<Teek> <Democracy Manifest> EU Semi Casual raid guild

Discussion in 'TLP Guild Recruitment' started by HicksSelos, Jan 26, 2024.

  1. Twizle Lorekeeper

  2. HicksSelos Elder


    We are organised for launch, have our sign ups well populated and static groups formed - but doesnt mean were not semi casual :) We have plenty folks still looking for extra people for their statics, and will have many more come launch.

    We have well written guides and extremely experienced and helpful guild members to help the less experience with obtaining things like VP keys etc.

    But understand, we have no interested in raiding outside of our scheduled raid times or competiing with anyone else, have a 0 RA requirements for bidding on items and aim to be quite a fun guild to be involved with. Obviously in raids we expect people paying attention and playing their class to a decent level - but i dont know any guilds out there that wouldnt expect that :)
  3. HicksSelos Elder

    Cleric epic made easier, lets gooooo!
  4. Tachyon Augur

  5. HicksSelos Elder

    Homegrown teek guild here - wont be moving to no overflow server!
  6. Twizle Lorekeeper

    best guild on teek
  7. Frolov New Member

    Join us in the queue on day one!