Tank Aggro since TDS Release

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Stickietoes, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Brohg Augur

    Alright, then. You hold tight to those uncontroversial opinions and argue with all the… no one… who said tanks should ignore agro.
    Dibab likes this.
  2. Ravengloome Augur

    Stop using force of ardency... and use Glorious nuke instead.

    on a per cast basis it gives the same aggro as Force of Ardency at almost half the recast. (30s on Force, 18s on Glorious)

    Force of http://spells.eqresource.com/spells.php?id=43376

    Brilliant vindication http://spells.eqresource.com/spells.php?id=43415

    1 base damage = 1 hate

    IIRC the Type 3 irae's count towards base damage when hate is factored: so actually on a per cast basis (post tag obviously): Brilliant Vindication wins hands down.

    Brilliant Vindication also procs Chronomage tonics: http://spells.eqresource.com/spells.php?id=38923
    ^ 4750 base damage, no hate override. Figure I think last time i parsed about a 15% chance to proc, and a 15%ish chance to twinproc. You just cannot beat mana free hate/damage.

    And if your really hard up for aggro:

    Valiant Deflection is still our single most powerful Aggro tool (outside of Force of Disruption): weighing in at 9448 hate per cast. (7494 hate on the cast + 1954 hate mod attached to the heal component) < No override tho so don't tag with this.

    (Our 2nd highest hate tool as a point of reference: Force of the Darkened Sea is 9110 hate for RK3)
  3. Maedhros High King

    I use both Raven.
    My typical cast order is:
    1. Force of the Darkened Seas
    2. Ardent Force
    3. Force of Ardency - LOVE the long stun and HOT reflect, especially with the type 3
    4. Valiant Deflection
    5. Brilliant Vindication
    6. Admonish

    Cast Valiant Deflection everytime its up.
    Cast Brilliant Vind everytime its up, then use the twincast with either Admonish or Valiant Def - whichever is not greyed out.
    This set up works great at minimizing dmg taken, and healing myself, but still seems to lose agro a bit if I'm grouped with a heavy dps class.
  4. Dibab Augur

    i never have and never will use glorious. I use 2 stun, Ardent Force and Force of Ardency, along with crush, impose for honor, valiant deflection, and devout Audacity. Also never have used DP because nowhere in the AA does it day it adds hate, but rather Force of Disruption, which, you guessed it. says it adds hate and it really does work.

    Look up the spell data for DP it actually says it reduces hate. So if you are using DP over Force of Disruption you are wrong and there is your agro issue or part of it.
  5. gnomeboss Augur

    paladins are OP!
  6. Ravengloome Augur

    And no it doesnt reduce hate, look closer.

    base hate is 3500
    decrease hate is 1750

    ...3500 - 1750 is still more then 0 or a negative number. < Also it used to work differently

    It used to have a -30% hate modifier

    Except that it was broken.

    SO it was base damage = hate, at that time it was 16k base damage, (16k hate), and Force of Disruption was 12k base hate...

    This was changed to how it is now, no more then 3 months ago... So we lost our best aggro tool.

    Theres Disruptive Persecution's history for you.

    And yes From Underfoot through to a couple months ago, it was far far better aggro generation then Force of Disruption. Surprise!
  7. Dibab Augur

    if its so much better than why are those using it having issues and i having none? wow funny how that works isnt it? guess ill keep using my inferior AA and keeping agro more than most
  8. Ravengloome Augur

    Did you not see the part where I said it got changed?

    And refer to my post on page #1. Where i said

    IE: I had a hard time holding aggro with 1 crush glorious and 2 undead nukes
  9. Seldom Augur

    Any raid paladin that claims they have never and will never use glorious line is simply a mediocre player at best. I haven't noticed any recent aggro issues on my 105 warrior, paladin or shadow. Though I'm sure the fact I keep voice up the vast majority of the time on whichever I'm tanking with contributes to making it incredibly easy.
    Ravengloome likes this.
  10. svann Augur

    Ive always had to manage my agro, but it seems like lately I have to work much harder to not steal agro from the tank. Using both my agro reducer spells, all my aas, and sometimes still having to stop dps because all agro reducers are on cooldown. Thats not right.

    edit: thats group game. no problems in raids.
  11. Dibab Augur

    actually i stated i have never and will never use it as a regular part of my AGRO rotation because there are better uses for my mana than this mediocre spell. If not using that makes me such a mediocre player than explain to me why most of this board that DOES use that spell is having agro issues where the "mediocre" player does not?
  12. Ravengloome Augur

    Yeh voice is OP as all get out for aggro generation. On raids if i am voiced I can hold aggro all day long with my DPS set up (god help me if i start burning and forget to click it off though).

    Of course if you can get your rogue team to Deceit your tanks... thats even better!

    Just quoting that because LOL.

    If all you do is aggro and aren't worried about dpsing or healing, why are you playing a paladin and not a warrior?
    Stickietoes and Maedhros like this.
  13. Stickietoes Augur

  14. Turayalon Lorekeeper

    Wow you must be a really bad Paladin lol.... I couldn't imagine not using DP or Glorious talk about 1 dimensional.
  15. Mintalie Augur

    This should be the official slogan of TeDiouS. Logging in now feels like a chore.
  16. Dibab Augur

    better than most on this thread apparently so ridicule all you like but i can keep agro in any situation and maintain it while this thread is dedicated to those that cant..hmmmm yea im garbage you are right.. go back to you family guild
  17. Ravengloome Augur

    Please teach me how to play.
  18. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Admitting you need help is the first step in the road to redemption, sir unicorn!
  19. Ravengloome Augur

    And ill learn from a true master!
  20. Edwin New Member

    Tanks should definitely care about their dps. Agro is not the end all be all measure of ones ability to tank, whether you have 1 point of agro or 1,000,000 points over the person in the #2 spot you are still the one taking damage. This attitude of tanks dps doesn't matter is what has resulted in tanks doing 10% of a dpsers dps.

    As a tank your job is to:
    1. Take damage, as long as you are able to survive long enough for the next heal to land you are doing this part.
    2. Maintain agro, like I mentioned above, as long as the mob stays facing you it does not matter how far above the next person in line you are.
    3. Deal damage, your dps contributes to the groups total dps. Once you can accomplish #1 and #2, this is really the only stick you can use to measure yourself against other tanks.
    Ravengloome likes this.