Suggestion for talking familiars!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jonny Panic, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. Jonny Panic Augur

    SOE should consider making familiars that talk able to interact with each other...

    Give us the full Furby effect!
  2. Axxius Augur

    Pop a jester. And get the Book of Bad Poetry. See how long you can take that entertainment. ;)

    If you played Diablo 3, how long did it take before you silenced your followers? The novelty wears off pretty fast. And then it becomes nothing but annoying spam.

    Should SOE spend time and effort making a novelty feature that players will get tired of real fast? Dunno, maybe if it's a Marketplace item and they get some SC for it. Then again, dealing with the complains from annoyed players asking for a way to block the spam created by other players' pets... As if the confetti nimbus, the squeaking rat illusion, the gnomish alarm clock, etc. was not enough...
  3. Jonny Panic Augur

    An ex GF of mine had a classic Furby. She got me a Gizmo Furby (modeled after the diminutive hero of Gremlins and Gremlins 2) for Xmas the year after we met.

    They were hilarious! We'd fiddle with them for hours, and leave them just hanging out while we watched TV or did housework all the time.

    And your response still doesn't address what I'm suggesting... you just propose two NPCs who randomly say stuff. I'm suggesting such entities be made able to interact with and respond to one another. What would the Jester have to say about one of the Book's poems? I bet it'd be fun!
  4. LoonyToony Elder

    No offense intended. That said eq was made in the 1990's. The coding for that type of interaction would be a huge dev sink I would think.