State of raiding in 2023

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by tsiawdroi, May 25, 2023.

  1. Swiss Augur

    They spawn in waves of 6 roughly every 10% on star. The main issue I've seen is when they just lag out and the first 3-6 sets don't move from spawn then suddenly all come at once.
    The plan has been either AE and hit some defensives when they finally do crash into raid or just hold dps until the zone catches up.
    The lag has been better lately and when they come in a steady stream it's fairly easy to keep them dead without much issue.
  2. FYAD Augur

    I get that RNG sucks, but you *DO* have the vendor to supplement those slots that are seldom seen. So even with 1 shield in 5 months, all of your tanks should have bought the shield with currency as soon as they had enough. I don't like the system either, but it's not the end of the world. My strategy has been to try and bid on the slots that are more common than others, and thus, cost less dkp. I'm saving all my currency until I know which slots are going to be hardest to get and then will purchase the last of what I need sometime closer to the end of summer.
    alanus likes this.
  3. Flatchy Court Jester

    At least you guys have a way to get those items. (raid coin) The groupers just gotta suck it.
    alanus, Metanis and Velisaris_MS like this.
  4. Tolzol Augur

    Yea i don’t understand why the group vender is solely t5 augs and a bag every year, it would be better for it to have more items available.
    Fenthen, alanus, Ozon and 1 other person like this.
  5. Flatchy Court Jester

    Especially this expansion , I do not have a hope in hell of seeing that Jangle aug because that mob is permacamped.
  6. Windance Augur

    Most of the items can drop from multiple named mobs. Might check allakazam and see if the item you want can drop elsewhere. Firefall pass has a few named that drop augs. 4 armed guy at the south and the rock lobster guy in the tunnels.

    Back to the original discussion point. If they continue to use the individual slot items for raid and group next expansion, I'd like to see the group coin vender offer the group items. I'd also like to see normal quests lines add coin as well.
  7. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Im almost 100% sure it drops from any firefall or shadeweaver named. Just really rare.
  8. Cloud the Third Augur

    We are stuck in this same old expansion loop... how about next expansion has nothing but static zone raid bosses? Bring back the guilds fighting each other to kill the raid boss as soon as it spawns... who remembers trying to be the first guild to reach a named after it spawned. Stop the cycle where you get to pick the time to raid and let people have to login at 5am to get the named after it spawns!

    We need more conflicts for guilds, not all this nice stuff.
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Ways to quickly kill the game? Open world raiding was removed because it hurt the game as players left because they could not get raid content that other guilds locked own.
    Fenthen, Kaenneth, Ozon and 5 others like this.
  10. Cicelee Augur

    And yet you complain about people maximizing luck and turning in named rot loot for tribute. You are OK with open world raid named and having one guild lock out 2-7 other guilds and all the conflict that creates... but you draw a line at tribute and luck.

    Fenthen, Kaenneth, Emilari and 7 others like this.
  11. Cadira Augur

    I wish I could like this 10 times
  12. Windance Augur

    I hope he was just being ironic and forgot to add the emoji's for it.
  13. Marton Augur

    I assume you are kidding.

    Nobody on live is interested in this.
  14. Qimble Augur

    Assuming you kill every raid, every lockout how long from t1 raid release does it take to get a single item from the vendors? Unless I'm misremembering won't you have killed t3 by the time you can do that? Will I use the vendor to supplement and flesh out the slots that drops aren't filling? Sure, absolutely. But I struggle to express just how unrelentingly anti-fun this loot system is. They replaced "drops are meaningless because BiS gear is crafted with universal ores that are guaranteed drop" with "drops are meaningless because you probably aren't gonna get them so just plan to raid vendor everything, by the time you save the currency to buy the gear the raids are all on farm status anyways".
  15. Tucoh Augur

    Hey would you look at that. Nice move, DPG!

    "- New "Superior Standards" are available as an option for guild banners. These standards will only function in instances of zones within expansions that have been released for at least six months. These banners offer enhanced buffs to have an "easy" option for raids. We will evaluate these buffs and see if they need further adjusting. These will also function on progression servers with a one-month delay (except Vaniki)."

    I hope this buff is profound, they increase the difficulty of raids similarly and anyone who made the mistake of agreeing with me on having difficult raids nerfed during summer posts their complaints about the raids being too hard without the banner.
    kizant likes this.
  16. FYAD Augur

    I hope the reward is increased if you opt to not use the superior standard.
  17. Szilent Augur

    the reward is "you get to get loot at all for the 5 months until Superior Standard unlocks"
  18. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    The problem is the loot tables have been identical for a half decade now. The same ranges drop in T1 every year, etc.
    Copy + Paste = laziness.
  19. Zokk-FV New Member

    I know it's an unpopular opinion, but the OP is correct. The NOS raids are ridiculously easy and boring, even in an average raiding guild that doesn't min/max. I actually quit the game a few months ago, but was a very hardcore raider for 10+ years including NOS, and we would have people miss MULTIPLE emotes on just about every event and it didnt even matter. Some events we would literally hit fail mechanics, or mechanics that I guess were supposed to have major consequences, and it didn't even matter. The raids were so mind-numbingly easy/boring in NOS I swear half our raid force was AFK on a lot the events, and you guessed it, it didn't even matter. My guild was somewhere in the 15-20 range I would guess ranking server wide, so we weren't a top-end guild by end means.

    I salute the dedicated raiders that have stuck it out even though the raiding aspect of the game is beyond recognition at this point.
  20. DaciksBB Augur

    Need another Mearatas or PoWar