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shelving the enchanter

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by tseuqreve, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. p8aa Elder

    The few chanters that whine to get other classes nerfed in order to seek a kind of revenge are very pathetic.
    Grow some balls and adapt, or leave the game if it's not fun anymore for you.
  2. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Hey now my new main is a halfling ranger now :) got tired of the wizard. its amazing though when someone gets nerfed they all cry and wanna quit. By now think people would be used to be nerf by now.

  3. Fian Augur

    I am late to the party but this post is so wrong. Going to highlight the parts that are wrong.
  4. Fian Augur

    Also, wanted to respond to the tank threads. First enchanters aren't asking for tanks to be nerfed, we are asking for enchanters to be left alone. But when we get nerfed, it does beg the question about why other classes seem to be getting more of a pass.

    Anyway, as for utility, the argument is that utility isn't needed in the group game any more. In the past, to be in a dungeon you either needed a puller (monk/bard) to control how many come to the group, or a mezzer (bard/enc) to provide cc in camp. Tanks would easily get overwhelmed on pulls if more than 1 came to camp. Personally I think that was too extreme, but when tanks can handle 3 at a time, then you really don't need a puller or cc any more, as you rarely get more than 3 in a pull unless you are trying to get more. So should tanks be nerfed? To be honest, it would break the raid game at this point. Good luck doing Lcenium raid when tanks can't handle 3 at a time. So current state of game is cc/pulling isn't that important for most group content. So enchanters main role in both group and raid is dps these days. As such, we are upset about the dps nerf.
  5. p8aa Elder

    Have you checked before saying false things ?
    In the last year, warriors received a 60 % mitigation nerf on their 2 tanking stances, a 73 % hate nerf on some AE aggro tools and a 30 % DPS nerf on their DPS stance.
    Sounds like warriors got a free pass ?
  6. Fian Augur

    Granted I haven't played my warrior since RoS came out, but this is news to me. Last I heard dual wield warrior was still viable. I know 2h stance was nerfed.
  7. Findictive Augur

    Your numbers might not be "false" but your heavy implication that warriors got nerfed-batted is. Mitigation nerf didn't do squat, agro nerf didn't matter and DPS is still absurdly unbalanced.

    Nerfing the mitigation on Shield and Duel stances accomplished next to nothing. You can tank most of the new raids with a 2hander as a warrior, all it requires is some decent healers and knowing how to disc. Lost maybe 10-15k DPS when they nerfed 2handed proficiency, AUTO ATTACK by itself is normally around 100k, throw a bard, BL or Shaman in the mix and now you're running 175-250k on auto attack which requires ZERO skill or effort. AOE agro nerf just removed the ability to go afk and retain any an all mobs on you forever. AOE agro for warriors is still fine and relatively easy to do, all it requires is not being lazy.

    So yeah, warriors did basically get a "free pass" in comparison to other nerfs going around. Enchanters needed to be balanced down a little, I think they got hit a little too hard but I'm sure it'll even out once they inevitably reinstate some of the power they took.