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shelving the enchanter

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by tseuqreve, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. tseuqreve New Member

    Chanters cant dps, cant tank.

    Better off just using a bard if you need to mez.

    Garbage class at this point.
  2. I-WANT-IT-NOW Augur

  3. Siddar Augur

    You're in for a surprise if you think bard can mezz as well as enchanters.
    moogs and feeltheburn like this.
  4. Riou EQResource

    Enchanters aren't a DPS or Tank class...
    Andarriel, Axxius, Maedhros and 3 others like this.
  5. ptah Augur

    As someone that play both bard and chanter at 110. I will offer my 2 cents.
    Chanter post nerf is still ok on single target.. mid level dps, nice adps, hands down best cc class.
    Bard. player type to most out the them is different.. understand everything bards do.. don't show up to godly bard can and cant.. everything is indirect, best at avoid the need for CC.. mid level CC if you be more passive, you make offer look better. Often its a thankless job. You cant really tank. dps, or do much on your own.. but if like to be glue guy.. people will like you if do them right.

    Niether of the 2 are lfg.. I load in and need say no. Pure CC.. chanter are a ton more simple and durations are nice. Bard are not bad.. just different.
  6. segap Augur

    Bards can do some decent dps now. If you have a real tank, cc is a rare need. Bards are more than sufficient for the occasional o-crap moment to mez some adds. In a melee heavy group, I'd take a bard any day over an enchanter with the current state of the classes. They're more than just a melody bot now.
  7. Redhead Journeyman

    Eh, time to roll a halfling ranger. You'll have huge, hairy feet and gate like a pro. :p
    Seriously sorry you got the nerf hit, it won't be forever.
  8. phattoni Augur

    chanters are not tanks, nor are they dps, they are utility.

    why people complain when a class is brought inline with what it actually is, is beyond me.
    Cicelee and feeltheburn like this.
  9. segap Augur

    Enchanters have been tanking in one way or another for 18 years. I'd agree they have not traditionally been a dps class, but the direction the dev team took them the past couple years sure made it seem like that was the new vision. It seemed like they were reducing utility and creative game play to make the game less complex and easier to design/balance by segmenting in to tanks, priests and dps with no other roles. Trying to read their minds is futile.
  10. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    This is the problem some people have - what they seemed differed from that what was apparently.

    This is the quintessence.
  11. Zhaunil_AB Augur

  12. complexication Kassina

    you sound mad.
  13. fortuneteller Augur

    Just because you think you know the balanced of your class, does not mean it cannot change, that it is static.

    If it was, EQ would be boring. People gotta adapt to the ever changing World.
  14. I-WANT-IT-NOW Augur

    Anyone who didn't see this coming was naive. You are still doing more damage with your dots now then relative to where you would have been before any dot changes. Its extremely funny to me that someone would quit or hang it up over this. You would have been doing maybe 15,000 damage spread out over 3 dots if they never touched your dots. Now you're at like 30,000 even after the 2nd round of changes from those 3 casts. With a silly recast timer which should go away and still might. Which leaves you better than you were yet people are claiming this is killing the class or their 18 years of play style. LOL
  15. Thraine Augur

    i think it has more to do with the pattern DB has been showing, which is something like this ...

    1) release expac, sell players power
    2) nerf the power away
    3) release expac, re-sell power ..

    this has been going on, in a very blatant way, for years and i think some people have had enough.
    Maedhros likes this.
  16. Tyreel Augur

    I would not go as far as to switch for a bard. Chanters still have much better CC but everything else is designed around not needing us. Content is being made for Tank, DPS, ,Heals. So many others have Utility to handle crowd control well enough and plenty of Tanking/DPS/Healing.

    You claim it leaves us better than we were before. The problem most of us have is repeated nerfs to multiple chanter abilities for over a year now. I and others thought the class was in a good place before/during RoS beta had we known these nerfs would keep up we would have been much more vocal over other various issues. We voiced repeatedly that mind storm line needed adjustment before and during beta. They gave us nearly endless mana with the dot, which we told them was broken balance wise, used that to nerf everything else due to us having endless mana and good dps. Now the dps and the mana is gone as well.

    If melee got a disc that provided 100k endurance every 5 min, then had all their discs nerfed not on endurance cost but power wise since they are able to use them constantly with no trade off. Then after a year + of nerfs had the disc that provided the mana nerfed ... do you see the point? It is not ending 19 years of play style it is just taking a huge steaming dump on us when our usefulness is already low in raids and groups.

    TLDR: What is happening with nerfs now feels like classic bait and switch tactics. Mock me and try to belittle my opinion if you want but it stands as is.
  17. Tyreel Augur

    What might be lost in all this is Mind Storm line had mana return issues before the dot revamp it became highlighted because of it so it is not just the dot revamp that we are upset about.
  18. I-WANT-IT-NOW Augur

    No damage spell should be free to cast. So there is nothing to complain about. Other classes have spells that return mana over time and do zero damage and they had recast restrictions and returned a fraction of mana compared to what your dot did. Fixing that isn't a gripe and it was naive if you thought it was going to stay tuned as it was.
  19. Cadira Augur

    You lost what, 25% of your dps? Dps that was on par with or above most actual dps classes? Get over it and move on to real issues.

    Plus, a good enchanter is probably the best puller class in the game. Nothing like dropping 6 mobs in the camp and mezzing them likes it's nothing. Mezzing and blurring to get passed choke points in game. Great buffs, still good dps, trades kill necessities, etc.

    Do we need more group/raid events where cc from enchanter is necessary? Absolutely but that's a whole nother issue.

    Quit being dramatic/butt hurt, enchanters are doing just fine.
  20. Cicelee Augur

    I will say that while enchanters trivialize the group game, one of the biggest issues out there is that tanks do not need an enchanter. And because tanks can handle pulls of 4-6+ mobs with impunity and ease, crowd control is no longer necessary. Unless you have a non traditional group where crowd control is important, an enchanter now feels left out and not as valued if s/he is with a tank.

    I do feel developers need to look at how many mobs a tank can tank at once. When that part of gameplay is addressed, then crowd control and pulling all of a sudden becomes much more paramount to group success. As many have mentioned in multiple threads, there is no such thing as "pulling" and "crowd control" when your group has a solid, strong tank in it. As such it reduces the role of a monk/bard/enchanter to just DPS within a group setting, with the occasional ADPS that those classes can do. And when you look at those three classes DPS compared to others, tanks tend to favor the "others" because they can do more DPS in a min/max situation.

    I hope that next expansion tanks will be able to handle 2-3 mobs, but more will require pulling and/or crowd control to get it to 2-3. This would make classes like enchanters feel more valued in the group game...
    Yimin and moogs like this.