serverwide universal chat Player not found on channel server

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Rondor, Jan 5, 2021.

  1. Rondor Augur

    Intermittent universal chat system issue seen after the December 2020 fixes for universal chat (uchat) channels on the special server-prefix called "serverwide":

    The EQ client's uchat system sometimes fails to join channels prefixed with the word "serverwide" such as serverwide.eqresource while at the same time successfully joining channels on the current world server and other world servers, such as povar.general .

    For example, trying to do /join serverwide.eqresource:eqresource sometimes succeeds, but sometimes results in the following error message:

    [Sun Dec 13 19:18:16 2020] Player Rondor not found on channel server
    [Sat Dec 19 22:45:32 2020] Player Rondor not found on channel server
    [Sat Dec 19 22:46:30 2020] Player Rondor not found on channel server
    [Sat Dec 19 22:51:13 2020] Player Rondor not found on channel server
    [Mon Dec 21 23:45:18 2020] Player Rondor not found on channel server
    [Tue Dec 22 22:46:01 2020] Player Rondor not found on channel server
    The time zone for the above log is UTC-5, EST5EDT. I was on character "Rondor" on server "povar" at the time.

    This also happens with the /autojoin command, not just when doing a manual /join command.
    If a serverwide channel is in the autojoin list, then other channels in the autojoin list successfully connect while the serverwide one fails with the "player not found on channel server" message.

    The problem goes away on its own and comes back on its own, so it is hard to reproduce exactly. See more logs of times and dates of this occurrence in the thread mentioned below.

    This thread is based on a sub-topic within the "chat channels, friends list still missing" thread.
    For more logs and details see post #166 (Last edited by Rondor, Dec 23, 2020) in that thread.
    FYAD, Nniki, Aanuvane and 3 others like this.
  2. Gidono

    I am unable to join my own serverwide.allakhazam channel on my mains account which is the owner of the channel. I've also noticed on the same account, if I /camp to character select and then quit out from there. When I log back in, it shows I have a character logged in already so I have to kick it. In dbg.txt it shows

    [Mon Jan 04 19:10:33 2021]00060:WorldAuthenticate. I got a message of type 0x652 (1618).
    [Mon Jan 04 19:10:33 2021]00061:WorldAuthenticate. Access granted.

    [Mon Jan 04 19:10:33 2021]00062:WorldAuthenticate. I got a message of type 0x2fda (12250).
    [Mon Jan 04 19:10:33 2021]00063:*** ERROR: WorldAuthenticate. ??? UNKNOWN MESSAGE

    The only way to get a clean quit is to /camp desktop
    Even then I still can't join the channel.

    It appears by the error message there is some type of auth issue that possible is causing problems with logging in users into the chat system for serverwides.
    Rondor and Barton like this.
  3. Rondor Augur

    I was able to join channel serverwide.allakhazam:allakhazam via player povar.Rondor . I noticed that of the 5 operators listed in this channel, two of them have inverted "playername.server" format instead of "servername.playername" format. In case it's somehow related to Gidono being unable to join the channel using an operator/owner account, I will include the info here:

    /join serverwide.allakhazam:allakhazam
    [Tue Jan 05 20:24:18 2021] * Rondor has entered channel Serverwide.allakhazam:6
    /list 6
    [Tue Jan 05 20:24:21 2021] Channel serverwide.allakhazam(1) members:
    [Tue Jan 05 20:24:21 2021]    Rondor
    ;oplist serverwide.allakhazam
    [Tue Jan 05 20:30:27 2021] Channel serverwide.allakhazam op-list: (Owner=Xegony.Vanrau)
    [Tue Jan 05 20:30:27 2021]    Findawenye.xegony, Vanrau.xegony, Xegony.Findawenye, Xegony.Gidono, Xegony.Vanrau
    Notice Findawenye.xegony and Vanrau.xegony in the oplist which looks like there's a server called Findawenye with a player called xegony, and similarly it looks like server Vanrau player xegony. Server and character should be inverted, and the corresponding correct server.character format operator names are listed later in the oplist.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.