Server Transfers broken again?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Drusi, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. ffistz New Member

    Possible to get a dev response? I would rather get the transfer than ask for a refund... But if there not going to communicate to the thread or petitions what choice do we have?
  2. Krawk New Member

    6 days and still nothing. Email after email sent and nothing. This is the kind of crap i retiring from EQ for. Asked for refund and i get no response. Thanks Daybreak and peace out EQ. #BringBackSOE
  3. Ootax Augur

    You can always do a charge back on your credit card. Not sure what they do to your account when that happens but I'd imagine if they started getting multiple charge backs they'll respond pretty quick, because not only do they lose the money paid but there is usually a fee charged for every charge back too. But again they may suspend or ban your account. No big deal if you are definitely done with the game though.

    BUT before you do that though, I just tried the free server transfer from Trak and it worked so maybe they got it fixed or maybe you just have to try a few times!!!
  4. Morlucius Elder

    dont go for charge back they suspend your accounts, they just did it to me. funny how we get punished for there mistakes
  5. Krawk New Member

    Lol i finally got response blaming me for everything. Just because i chose to wait. And still a week later the response i do get is them pointing the finger at me. Great customer service! Blame the customer, cause that works...
  6. Krawk New Member

    I was doing a account to account transfer. So i had to contact them. Sadly. And look where that got me lol
  7. Yimin Augur

    Got a token today and wont let me transfer , looks like its been an issue for awhile :(

  8. Forgarbog New Member

    Ok, so 8 petitions in haven't heard a response since patch day. You guys have closed 6 of my tickets and kept two open with no response, I have yet to receive one of these "emails." Being a software engineer myself and having coding complications, i've been here and I sympathize, but an easy fix such as a server transfer and to keep your customer base up in the air like this is pretty lame. I know it doesn't take more than a day's shift to sift through this coding. I also know that you guys are pushing away your customer base that is in fact dying and has been for a long time. And as a company that doesn't advertise their products to the public, you're influx of people coming in is weak at best. Take care of the customers that stay loyal regardless of a couple extra hours you may have to put in at the office. I promise you, it'll only open up for profits and spreading your games title amongst their friends if you do so. I also play on other platforms such as Overwatch and have had to put in a petition. Literally 20 minutes later an email in my mail box, saying the gm is making his way over from WoW to overwatch to help me. Such as the customer service was back in the early days of everquest. My issue which was through their store was fixed and even rewarded extra credit for the mistake within the hour. The fact that I have yet to hear a response, have to sift through a forum's post to find a solution, and that with the amount of programmers your company retains you still have not found the solution tells me that your customers best interest is no longer there and i'm curious how long it has been gone. Fix your product, take care of your customers, expand upon your business, or I promise that you will be a long forgotten memory that the generations will only remember upon verant/ sony days, and your company will be forever plagued with the title of the killer's of Everquest. The choice is in your hands, your actions and response time will determine the fate of your company.
  9. Thanatos New Member

    Soooo here we go again?? Are server transfers a problem again? I have tried and tried to transfer and nothing. It keeps saying my name is available, but it wont transfer. I have tried to create different names (as similar as possible I'm f'ing sick of DayBroke forcing me to change names to get this accomplished!). AND NOTHING WORKS! Fix this BS already. EVERY month you have issues with something that's seemingly easy to maintain. C'mon already and put my monthly payment to use (5 F'ing all access accounts)!
  10. Vaylissa New Member

    Yes - it seems they broke transfers again. I can't either and i'm trying. Really need to move too, friends waiting! :(
  11. Thanatos New Member

    Thankfully my transfer just worked. Hopefully it works better when I'm $$ ready to transfer my last 2.