September Patch Preview

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Aristo, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. Smokn Augur

    And it's been that way since day one. Like the devs said PULLING IS A ART FORM THAT WAS AND WILL ALWAYS BE A MONKS DOMAIN
  2. Smokn Augur

    Dre this guy has no clue about class ability or rolls don't bother trying to correct him he just a cry baby wanting to cry right now
  3. Dre. Altoholic

    Spell history does not support this position.
  4. Addikeys Elder

    My fade ability is now useLESS with regard to all red mobs--regardless of skill. I could care less about pulling. Fade is only about aggro. That is, and was, the intention. If players creatively use fade to pull, that is a skill. You tinkering with that skill and those mechanics, needlessly, is asinine. Moreover, don't talk about aggro management when you have failed to fix pet aggro. Jumbled aggro on a raid due to your failure to fix that issue has at least been mitigated by a quick fade. I guess you'll be hard at work fixing that before you institute this debacle....

    What is your real purpose here?
  5. Anastasis Elder

    My guess. While they are working on the new expansion, they realize the fade and fling abilities will trivialized the contents in this new expansion. Well, they need to do something, so changing the player abilities will be the easiest route. Same reason behind the nerf of the xp before TDS came out, it is an attempt to slow down the player, attempt to hold on the subscriptions.

    Otherwise, why out of the blue, this close to a new expansion, spend time to change some player abilities without much discussion, and almost no one complaining about them?
    Shimmerleaf likes this.
  6. FixShamanPlease Elder

    1-Why? Takes a few sec to cast them all every 35, 40mn...
    2-I dont know how the fade change will be exactly in game but I hope you are not going to destroy the only non-repetitive and best part of it.
    3-See my name.
  7. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    Actually, monk FD pulling was considered an exploit, just like druid kiting was. So no, it was not 'always has been the monks domain, get over it'. It was considered cheating, but was so widespread that it became incorporated, just like many other things in the game.

    The clickie change actually makes me rather happy. It'll free up some hotkey slots, and be one less thing I have to watch, and one less thing I'll have to do after rez.

    Now, I'm going to preface my opinions on the fling and fade changes by mentioning that I'm a raiding rogue. I don't fling anything. I don't group with people very often, when I do, it's my druid boyfriend. He doesn't fling anything either. Generally.

    For myself, how the fling and fade changes the group game doesn't affect me at all. I generally don't hunt red cons, and again, I don't fling. My escape will still work, given my preferred hunting grounds. However, is this fling change also going to apply to the knockback roots of rangers, druids, and shamans?

    I *AM* very concerned about how it's going to impact the raid game.

    We use monks and SK's flings to position mobs that are being pains, and use the bard clumping thing to stack adds in one location for ease of killing. Most adds are not blue cons, and none of the raid bosses are. How do you intend to repair the damage your change will cause to this use? Eliminate push, or make the dps go get a knockback proc from Plane of Time? ^.~

    Fades are used on raids quite often as well. Nearly every class uses them when their aggro gets too high, or when they need to drop ramps, or when they need to use Rest or Breather. According to your post, that won't work anymore. No more dropping ramps, no more fading to get endurance back, no more fading to lower aggro. Either make it so the fade works, but doesn't invis you, or make raid zones exempt from the changes. You're going to screw a LOT of raids up with these changes, without some kind of replacement.
  8. Brohg Augur

    This in particular concerns me. A mystery on/off switch between 95% chance of working and 0% chance feels helllla punishing.
  9. Rcalielie Elder

    My main concern is the immunity of CC tools with some of the mobs when trying to split them. I could personally care less about nerfing these abilities, but at least make it that these mobs aren't so immuned to everything like lull, pacify, root, snare, etc.
    Ishtass, Mayfaire and Sancus like this.
  10. Purrilia New Member

    Should apply a +2 cap to fd too, for fun and annoying monks sake
    Aneuren likes this.
  11. Cidran Augur

    Yeah, great reasoning. Keep screwing the dirty casuals! We don't want you here, go spend your casual money anywhere else.
  12. Aurmoon Augur

    My understanding of Fade is that it was implemented because it screwed up aggro on raids and other group content when the bard's songs would hit the puller or another member of the group. Remember the days of turning off songs during pulls to prevent trains?

    As for original pulling classes, I believe the developers of EQ once stated that they never intended for there to be "camps" and "pullers" but instead just dungeon crawls. Of course this all changed once the game was launched and people started playing that way.
  13. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    Doom! EQ will be die from this change. No doubt servers will sunset day after the patch goes live.
  14. Wizdons Augur

    So where was the poll saying that the player base said pulling is too easy?

    I really do not understand the need to make pulling changes all of a sudden..

    If you do this then you need to adjust all NPC to be easier… Back before when you could have 3-4 mobs in camp not mezed and live for a good amount of time. Having more than 1 or 2 mobs in the group game can be a death sentence most of the time for group geared players.

    You need to get rid of all of the NPC immune to Mez/Run speed/pacify.. The reason we had pulling tools like we have today is because of NPCs like that.

    And changing bard fade is epically dumb.. it’s been that way for 10+ years… why the frack change it now? I can see changing all those other new fade abilities that have been added to nearly every single other class but jacking with the original fade for bards is just shenanigans.
  15. maverick Elder

    Just checking how this will effect myself... I am an SK, and I split grouped up mobs with Hate's Attraction and Death's Effigy. This pulls the intended target onto my exact location and drops the aggro from the rest of the grouped up mobs, then I can stand up right away and engage the single mob with no adds.....With this change will I not be able to drop the aggro from the grouped up mobs because the one mob is on top of my head?
  16. Brudal Augur

    Will the same hold true for NPCs or will I still get summoned by grey cons?
  17. Naugrin Augur


    It shouldn't change as long as the mobs are under the level cap. So ofcourse this made pulling more meaningful /rolls eyes.

    When you stand up, you will not be invised though.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  18. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    If we are changing the fling/pushback can we have the BFG back ?

    And give NPCs the same restrictions you are adding to our summoning, if we cannot summon NPCs over our level to us, NPCs under our level should not be able to summon us.
  19. strongbus Augur

    the way i am reading this is the fade still works to lose agro. its the invis part that won't work if you are with in x distance of the mobs.

    Before with DE you can pull a mob and de the rest off and stand up long as you where not in their aggro/assist range and only get the one you want.

    With the changes with de you can do the same but not only do you gota be outside their aggro/assist range you gota be outside x range for them not to see though the invis de puts on you.
    Ishtass likes this.
  20. AnotherNerf? New Member

    I have to agree.... will be nearly impossible to get Fade off with the runspeed of 90% of these mobs
    Gyurika Godofwar and Perplexed like this.