Selos on Composer's Greaves unaffected by AA / mods?

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Xanathol, May 6, 2020.

  1. Xanathol Augur

    Created a pair of ornate greaves for my bard on a TLP, noting that the effect was Selo's Accelerating Chorus but to my surprise, the buff results in a velocity of only 49. By comparison, the resulting velocity from the song itself with no instrument mob (but AAs) on my 65 bard is 61. Looked up on Alla's and it seems this was nerfed around 2017?

    Was this intentional? If not, can it be unnerfed? If so, any explanation as to why? The click is rather useless in its current state.
  2. svann Augur

    I think clickies never benefit from song focus.
  3. Chopin.Xegony Augur

    That is accurate
  4. Xanathol Augur

    I seem to recall way back when that they did, or at least from AAs? The threads on Alla's seems to indicate as much as well.
  5. Nniki Augur

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