RoF T2 group shields

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Conjurous_AB, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Conjurous_AB Elder

    According to eqresource site there are 4 T2 grp shields, u may think thats plenty but when u look at them some classes get very little choice.
    Of the 4, 2 are tank only, 1 is shammy / necro only and other is the savage wall (all all) random drop one everyone has. It means druid / cleric / mage / chanter and wizzie have only 1 choice. Maybe there is another shield but so far no one has found it.

    Anyone found anymore shields in T2 grp that aren't linked to eqresource yet?
  2. Nenton Augur

    There is always going to be a "best" item regardless of how many choices you get. Shield-Like Remains is that option for mana-based casters.

    The better question is why waste your time hunting items that will get replaced in a month when the real end gear comes out. It's not like the T2 gear is going to be required to beat the content because it's barely better than VoA T4 and they can't tune for minuscule increases like that.
  3. Silv Augur

    You have more options. The Dreadful Visage from T1 (SL drop or Calling Phantasm) is available to casters and priests. For the price of 5 AC (200 on T1, 205 on T2 shields) you get better heroics and mod3s. Stuff in T2 isn't always better.

    However, I agree the options are limited. There is only one pure caster 1h weapon in T2 and it's at an annoying camp. So it's not just shields.

    Hopefully it is expanded in the coming Tier (which we have no clue if/when will be) so either stick to VoA T4 or deal with it for now. Personally, I'm of the mentallity that a new Tier is not coming- so I don't agree with sitting around in VoA stuff if you want something to camp, etc. (I'm not saying there won't be a new Tier, I just don't act like it until it's solid)
  4. Kreacher Augur

    Customization with non-visible armor – All non-visible armor in Rain of Fear can be worn by all. You'll be able to customize your stats for every encounter.

    Guess pirate ships are coming back into the game.
  5. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Shields are Visible....
  6. Axxius Augur

    T3 coming in 30 days. This topic will be moot unless T3 group shields follow the same pattern.
  7. Falos Augur

    It's time for them to drastically up AC on group shields... seriously, Group gear has over twice the HEM / other stats of hard mode tower of discord loot but group shields still have 5-10 less AC than tower shields? lol wut? Group shield AC should maybe be equal to raid shields from 2 expansions ago MAYBE 3.. not THAT far back, Currently group shields have the same AC as level 80 raid shields that is laughable.
  8. Chandrok Augur

    It appears that several classes were unintentionally left off the Shield-Like Remains. This shield should be usabel by priests and casters. It will be changed next patch.
    UnnamedPlayer and Tarvas like this.
  9. boukk_sebilis Augur

    Is it?;) more like you re assuming.
    gcubed likes this.
  10. gcubed Augur

    Actually, all those portals that are in construction phase right now are just for some Anniversery events. After those are over, they will just disappear. /nod
  11. Axxius Augur

    Why don't we revisit this on Feb 26th? ;)
  12. Explicit Augur

    Unless you have some secret insider info where they'll murder your family if you reveal it, what is the point to even making posts like that? Until they announce a date, any kind of time frame is purely speculation
  13. Samtan Lorekeeper


    Just because the portals seem omgalmostfinished doesnt mean anything. They can be finished in a month and lead to no where. In the end, it comes down to when the devs say T3 is opened. Until then, its speculation. Besides, not even a word of Beta for T3 yet (assuming this next batch of content will be Beta tested)
  14. Kurayami Augur

  15. Axxius Augur

    You missed the point. The point is not the date, it's the fact that T3 *is* coming (if you missed all the posts about it, including zone names, use Search), and the T2 shield issue will be moot soon enough. When exactly - doesn't matter all that much.
  16. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    what does this mean???

    i found this laying on a trash mob any one on luclin want it?

    the shields for raid gear arent very promising either, but i guess thats cause "feb 26th is coming"... LAWL
  17. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I'm glad we beta tested.
  18. Ronak Augur

    While we're discussing group shields, can we please get a raid version of the group shield that has heal proc? Please?
    Loratex likes this.
  19. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    i agree with you... for once
  20. Kurayami Augur

    You'll notice that the savage wall only has 205 AC and weaker heroics than Umbrashield of Refracted Sorrow, which has 235 AC. Any tank would gladly trade 200ish HPs for 30 AC. Group gear always finds itself lacking on AC, especially shields.