RIP Agnarr

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Bobbybick, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    What a terrible idea, especially related to the lockout timers. We all know that on progression servers the open world targets respawn incredibly quickly, and the instanced raids have a long lockout. There's really only two ways for a raid-minded player to play on a TLP, that is being in a guild that tries to go for every open world target that they care about, or being in a guild that primarily raids on a schedule and logs on for their instances.

    The only way I could see people having an incentive to leave one TLP to another is if they made a significant reduction to the lockout on instanced raids. Why would someone want to leave Phinny or Agnarr for a 12 week expansion lockout?

    TLP's are 100% casual gaming at this stage. Let the casual people raid every night, if they want to. They should just embrace the everyday player base entirely, and make the instanced lockout timers on Coirnav refresh just as quickly as open world targets do on average, and have a significantly reduced time between expansions. 12 weeks is just too long.

  2. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Faster instances actually would have been nice for casuals. As it is... Corinav is an uninspired cash grab.

    Game is run by buffoons that are so out of touch.
  3. Raltar Augur

    lol. Pantheon.
  4. Greensealilly Journeyman

    I disagree that this will effect phinny more I think it will hit agnarr the most. I think people that wanted classic already left phinny when agnarr launched. For some reason this new server announcement actually has me contemplating leaving agnarr for phinny or possibly just looking for a new game entirely. Have no real interest in the super slow xp and the idea of agnarr's lock, while interesting at first, is not really that interesting to me anymore. Phinny is on content I've never done before and Agnarr will be forever locked in content i've done multiple times. Hmmm.
  5. Boze TLP complaint factory

    I'll acknowledge Pantheon once it actually exists, and not in some early-access alpha format.
  6. Nolrog Augur

    That was always going to be true of Agnarr. As much as people begged for a server locked in time, a server like that will have a finite life, because, as you note, you run out of things to do.
  7. Nolrog Augur

    That's the reason why this announcement puzzles me. I did some classic content on Ragefire, Lockjaw and then Phinigel, several times within the last few years. The reason why I never contemplated Agnarr is because I just did that content and didn't want to do it again.

    I thought Agnarr was poorly timed because of this fact as well. Now some people have done that content on Ragefire, Lockjaw, Phinigel and Agnarr. Are they really interested in doing it again so soon? And without any kind of twist or difference between them? I read someone else said (Rorce maybe?) that there have been so many ideas for different rulesets that going to the same thing again is a mistake. It's releasing a new TLP server for the sake of releasing a new TLP server, and doesn't really add to the variety of them.
  8. phattoni Augur

    most likely not since they have different exp rule sets, people would level on agnarr to 65 then transfer to the server, spending half the time leveling that the people who actually rolled on coirnav did.
  9. Darchias Augur

    That... might be why they're timing it right there. Let Corinav cook through classic and pick up the Agnarr dropoffs around Kunark.
    It's officially in Pre-Alpha now, where the people who paid for access doing their initial QA and bug-testing. It's what they signed up for, and if they want to pay to do what Visionary Realms should be paying people for, I'd say let them. It's another year, bare minimum, before it hits store shelves, but it might move into Closed Beta before 2019.
  10. Magic Augur

    +1 !
    Nothing new on this server, even no FV rules..

    WHY no FV loot rules??
  11. snailish Augur

    Honestly, people should just start a new thread:

    Hey, we love the Coirnov announcement. Please make it FV loot rules.

    Then get all your EQ friends to post in the thread: I like this, this would make me play there.

    Though some won't like me saying this, there is clear evidence that they listen at Daybreak. Give the Dev that wanted to make it FV loot some clear, positive ammunition.

    [I don't care, so not my thread to start]
  12. Rolento Augur

    I must admit, I have rolled on every TLP since they started them. This I must say does draw such little interest. I would 100% vote for an FV loot system. Change it up. DO SOMETHING different please! Make it interesting
  13. Barudin_Phinigel Augur

    Same. FV loot set would be cool.
  14. daffie999 Augur

    I'm trying to think of the "type" of person that is still on Agnarr that would leave. Anyone that does is most likely going to leave for ANY progression server or will just take a brief hiatus to make Krono.
  15. Cuxor New Member

    Swing and miss DBG.. I've probably said this every new TLP announcement, but I(think i really mean it) will not be playing on this recycled trash. I was really hoping/thinking you guys would roll out another event server. RIP EQ if this is the kind of effort your going to put forward.
  16. Rolento Augur

    I don't see the draw to leave Agnarr at all, Luclin is out, plenty of AA's to farm, new content to raid. So much more to do. Anyone with an established guild or character would be crazy to reroll again. Unless they just really enjoy the Classic/Kunark era.

    If it stays as it is, DBG really should release at least Kunark with classic and save the 3 months of time with such little to do in that era. Do I think the new server will be popular as is? Yes, but I just don't see how it could draw the Phinny and Agnarr crowds.

    Really hope DBG reads all these threads and decides to tweak the new server a bit between now and launch. Give us something new or interesting! I'm willing to reroll again for the 5th time if they can peak my interest.
  17. Risiko Augur

    This sums it up nicely because the truth of the matter is that Legacy of Ykesha and Lost Dungeons of Norrath are ok expansions, but nothing that the majority of people will stick around to play through to the end. Planes of Power will be the last big expansion for the general Agnarr player base. The population will dwindle off harsh after one month of Planes of Power.

    That being said, my brother and I had already been discussing the fact that there is a "perceived" end date for Agnarr (shortly after the release of Planes of Power). As such, we had gone back to Phinigel for a while to play our old characters there, but ultimately, the population had been hit too hard by the Agnarr server release AND we were a few expansions behind on our characters. So, we went back to Agnarr.

    We had planned to play on Agnarr until the end because honestly, there was nothing else worth playing.

    But... a new Phinigel server (aka Coirnav) means there is another option. So, we will be going there on day one.

    Now. If you think that this won't hit the population of Agnarr pretty hard, you're probably in for a big surprise. I doubt that we are the only two people on Agnarr that had been contemplating the inevitable end date of Agnarr, and looking for a way out.

    DBG gave us an option, and I bet many take that option.

    My only complaint is that they made the option so soon. Shadows of Luclin just came out about three weeks ago on Agnarr. Why wouldn't they wait until one month in to Planes of Power to announce the new Coirnav server? I would have liked to have completed Shadows of Luclin and Planes of Power content BEFORE going to a new server.

    It's really poor timing on DBG's part, but we all know why they did it when they did; money. Their a company, and they have to ensure they make the most money possible for their efforts.

    Shadows of Luclin opened, and they sold a boat load of mounts on the marketplace for $22.50 (after membership discount) each. You were NOT allowed to /claim mounts for which we all have hundreds available from the years of expansion purchases. That on top of the fact that sitting on a mount gives you major bonuses and the marketplace purchased mounts came with HP and Mana boosts that are way out of era. So, yeah. They sold a metric ton of mounts, and made a ton of money off of it.

    What was left for them to make money on? Majority of players are max level, so they don't buy as many experience potions. Those who wanted a big bag already purchased it on the server long ago. Mounts were already bought, and they are heirloom, so you only have to buy one per account.

    Therefore, they needed another avenue of potential income.... BAM! New server.

    Well played DBG.... Well played.
  18. Nicolos Journeyman

    I will not be leaving Agnarr for a longer exp rated server especially as soon as the whole reason I started on the server was to raid PoP (which will barely have launched). At the very least come up with a unique rule set (BLs and zerkers at launch of classic please!). I truly hope the raiding guilds will stick it out, selfishly, especially mine. However, if the server empties after the new server launches, I will simply cancel my account, catch up on WoW in anticipation for Vanillia, and never consider giving DB another nickel.
  19. Nuther Augur

    I'm pretty excited. I am selling out and moving to the new thing.

    I have some nice items White Dragon Scale Boots (need to fix my faction), White Dragon Scale Cloak, ODS, Choker of the Wretched, for sale. Send a mail in game to Naichureboy or post your name here.

    I'll be playing on this new server for free until the 20th Anniversary thing comes out.
  20. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Let's see I left phinny because of slow exp.

    New server is phinny 2.0, slow exp, same content, nothing interesting in the rule set.

    Easy choice to not make this move