Restored Puppet stacking issues

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Madforwdw, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Madforwdw Lorekeeper

    After finally obtaining my restored puppet familiar, and feeling a great sense of accomplishment, I find that it does not stack with the pally stance line of spells. This means that fighting anything relatively up to date means the familiar is useless to a pally, as stance is a pretty darn useful battle buff. I would like to ask if this is intended or just an oversight and it should indeed stack. I know other a couple other familiars that do not stack with stance, but the restored puppet is more than just a freebie or a bought item, it is the result of a very involved multi-task quest arc and something to be proud of (and I hope I never have to see those gardens in Resplendent Temple ever again!)
  2. smash Augur

    Would it not be possible to make 1 item in 3-8 different types of spell stacking, example 1 that can stack with wizard twincast, but not with paladin stance line or something like it ?
    Now I dont know how it works, but that how i would think could be possible.
  3. Madforwdw Lorekeeper

    Thankyou Elidroth, that is all we can ask. As it is now, it is virtually useless for any pally to have which, for such a quest, is a little disheartening.

    If this cannot be fixed, are there any pallies out there who have the Dragonscale Skystrider Scales (either from Hatching A Plan or bought) that can tell me if this stacks with Stance?
  4. Abazzagorath Augur

    You realize that instead of using a small hp familiar, you can just keep yourself buffed with the nearly 15,000 hp self buff and then use a different familiar (like spell reflect one) and that is a massively huge benefit/advantage over non-knights that require a druid/shaman to cast the wild growth line on them?
  5. Uxtalzon Augur

    Before hp buff: cute to just have, since very few players had one to show off. No use otherwise.

    After hp buff: doesn't stack with Stance line so you can't even show it off anymore. :( But she's so cute! QQ
    Ellyra likes this.
  6. The Hero of Halas New Member

    For fun, try and find a HoT or mana regen in every slot - and realize how confangled spells are.
  7. Madforwdw Lorekeeper

    Heh...I guess every thread needs at least one troll post.

    The restored puppet is a long and very involved quest arc and I worked darn hard to get it, why should I, or anyone else, be made to NOT use it because of a stacking issue?
  8. Tadenea Augur