Regarding the emergency downtime

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Nennius, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Something is definitely still broken, I was wondering yesterday why I had 1000 Mana Batteries in my TS depot I didn't remember buying... now I have 1800.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  2. Velisaris_MS Augur

    They did a hotfix that *supposedly* fixed the duping issue, but beyond that...nothing.

    This is a holiday week in the US. If people think they were going to do a MAJOR rollback across the board, likely generating a gazillion customer service tickets, at the start of a long holiday weekend, you're delusional.

    Now, next week, it may be a different story. They may be willing to do the work to rollback the worst offenders, but not during a holiday week for sure.
    Nennius likes this.
  3. Prismo 9 9 9

    It's hilarious that in the community of a game that could legally drink alcohol if it was a person that the biggest insult is calling people children.
    "This person said something I don't agree with! This must be a child!"
    My point was exaggerated but I am not going to justify your post with an explanation. Maybe if you can actually talk instead resorting to personal attacks simply because I said something you don't agree with, THEN we can have a conversation like adults.
  4. FranktheBank Augur

    The dupe that happened during Kunark is currently not available, since it requires a certain set offsets (which is fixed very easily with any patch that makes 'eyes' not work - but again, they did nothing when they were warned). The people that were behind that one arent really people who play the game, they just wanted to make a quick ~$10k.

    One day we have to hope that when we say "hey, this is probably exploitable" the company listens. There was a 6 month warning about the Marcia issue. 6 day warning for the current depot issue.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  5. Keuarwe New Member

    And the "cheeeeese" has it. But rather than being honest, they will grovel for what reason nobody knows why. Just a little breadcrumb of truth and honesty about what the real outcome will be...would be truly enlightening.
  6. Kydat Hello.

    Imagine, in CURRENT_YEAR, a middle-aged manchild arguing with a minor on a 25 year old elf simulator lmao
  7. Samwen New Member

    Awwwww, Nenni! Ya gotta make the hat.
  8. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I was very young. Nowadays I would. My brother and I had to settle for the fake fur hats they sold at Disneyland.
  9. Flatchy Court Jester

    Wow I cannot believe I missed this one. Clog the guild hall toilet a few dozen times and suddenly you are blamed for everything, HARUMPH!
    Rijacki and Nennius like this.
  10. Nennius Curmudgeon

    A few?
    Rijacki likes this.