Regarding the emergency downtime

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Nennius, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. Scila Augur

    It's a fine line in banning. If you accept plat for an item at a fair price for that item, where does the ban line stop? If that's the case, almost everyone who runs a trader has the possibility of being banned to some random person going around buying items with dup'd plat. There does need to be a reasonable brain behind what happens.
    Rijacki likes this.
  2. Herf Augur

    Decalany likes this.
  3. FranktheBank Augur

    Notice how you skipped the very first line.
  4. Samwen New Member

    Which also upsets me! Greatly! Well, a little, anyway.

    It's hard to stay mad at raccoons. They are so cute.
    Cadira likes this.
  5. Nennius Curmudgeon

    If you'd ever been attacked by one you might feel differently. Anyway, the stew was pretty good. No hat though.:)
    Samwen likes this.
  6. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    And this is why they hand out the plat/krono to randoms, to obscure their own mules and make roll backs a lot more of a customer support issue.
    Rouan, Fenthen and FranktheBank like this.
  7. FranktheBank Augur

    Correct. Same thing as the mischief frostcrypt AA issue. If people didnt leak it and get a huge amount of people to do it, then they would have potentially actioned a small amount of accts. Instead there were hundreds of people going to FC.
    The people handing out millions of plat to randoms know that the more people effected, the less of a chance of anything happening.

    The company could start acting like they care by doing a rollback and setting a standard, but doubt it.
    Rouan likes this.
  8. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Holy derail Batman! BTW. Isn't there a special place for the TLP kiddies to babble?
    Andarriel and Fenthen like this.
  9. Vanda Journeyman

    I prefer they do what Vanguard did. Announce to the eq world player name and alts on the account to the players via systemwide message. Perhaps create a wall of shame too ont he forums and PoK.
    Fenthen likes this.
  10. Prismo 9 9 9

    This has to be someone who was duping. Why would someone be so vehemently against a rollback that has caused an economic disaster if they weren't one of the people who duped?

    I personally don't care if they rollback, but a permanent ban for people who exploited it sounds pretty sick. However, I know in my heart of hearts that they will do nothing like they always do and we'll be stuck here trying to pick up the pieces. Oh well, from what I've heard the dupe that people have been exploiting on Mischief for over a year is still there, but only exploitable under the right circumstances in the right expansions. And some of the most notable people in our community have access to it and purposefully protect it like a secret vault instead of reporting it and fixing the game.

    So, from my understanding this community loves a completely broken economy with exploits that benefit the worst of us. I wouldn't be surprised if they just legitimately hate the game at this point but they're profiting real life dollars with these exploits because of KR trading so they'll keep flooding the game with plat and buying out all the items just to destroy them because they'd actually love to see the game finally die. *puts on his tinfoil hat*
    BaoDur likes this.
  11. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

  12. Velisaris_MS Augur

    The duping bug affected all servers, not just TLP.
    Nennius, Rijacki and BaoDur like this.
  13. Prismo 9 9 9

    How is this a derail? You made a thread about the emergency downtime and we're discussing the sole reason for the downtime? Absolute weirdo hates TLP players so much he disregards the fact that this affected live servers as well. The only reason you THINK it's only TLP players affected is because that's 90% of the community so maybe the LIVE "kiddies" should get their own special place since they're the minority.

    There you can make posts about the emergency downtime and have everyone respond with funny little inside quips while ignoring the relevant glaring issues.
    Atomos and Ravanta Suffer like this.
  14. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    I was away from Oakwynd and EQ for a week or so. Due to whatever dumb bug introduced in last patch, apparently items in the depot duplicated/increased to 9999 etc. so lots had 9999 blue diamonds, diamonds and what not - vendored for lot of PP, bought up everything in bazaar, krono went from 60 K to 2 Million (now 700 K or so) deepwater ink went from 10 PP to 500 pp each now (sold by the best and amazing players in EQ who truebox 10+ chars 24x7 in Siren's Grotto).

    People were handing out million or more PP to random people in Nexus, few ingame friends told me they got handed 3 Krono etc.

    A guildie now said it is still happening (the depot stuff randomly duplicating and increasing in count) - just max stack count is lower now (I do not have tradeskill depot so cant check).

    This is NOT an oakwynd problem - the kronos bought due to this are applicable across all DPG games (this is for Nennius and co, so they can think it through)

    Oakwynd economy does not exist. There are the random peabrains who say in chat to ignore baz and just exp and wear items found on mobs killed (they are those 11 solo-self-found oddity players in any MMO I suppose).

    Now if DPG could do an announcement on the issue, steps taken etc (transparency) it would go a long way.

    The deafening silence, along with people saying a Dev said in Discord there would be no rollbacks just makes it worse.

    While for most of us who have been playing EQ forever, we are familiar with this ostrich syndrome, in this day and ago - a forum post/announcement (for a mess made by devs, not some player "hack") is not too much to ask. Instead, the usual forum post deletions are in full swing heh.

    GL with the upcoming expansion - if internal testing is of the same quality as done for oakwynd (none, the legacy exp doesnt apply to AA exp, and known for 2+ weeks now, no ETA, no update, nothing, from Devs) - do save your money for something else.
    Cidran likes this.
  15. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Another reason i hate TLP's!
    Fenthen, Eaedyilye and Nennius like this.
  16. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Because they didn't want to be rolled back, potentially up to a week.

    The fact that you think the ONLY way you'd feel that way would be if you were a duping offender, doesn't pass the logic stink test.

    Enjoy your hunting, leave the thinking to the adults, please.
    Fenthen likes this.
  17. Micker99 Augur

    So did they do anything? I haven't been on FV yet, but yesterday everything being sold seemed normal prices, before the servers went down. Someone said people from Mischief duped ToL raid currency and sent it to FV? I don't think that would affect anything, but let people buy cheap raid gear from soon to be two expansions back, not really a game breaker lol.
  18. Herf Augur

    This is clearly a mistek on the devs part; they recently assigned gender to all items, but they forgot to account for mixed gender in the Tradeskill Depot. So if you put male and female items in there of course they're going to have offspring. Devs have not yet released the Silvery Mask of Gender Determination so as of now it's impossible to tell.
  19. Nennius Curmudgeon

    It was a joke.
    Rijacki likes this.
  20. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Quite true. A joke that fell flat. Life goes on.