Raid Chests 0 loots

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by ScreentimeInfinity, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. uberkingkong Augur

    Yes but you missed.

    Don't make life easier for raiders, their lives are already too easy.
    Last expansion their boxes even had raid gear. Full highest tier raid geared.
  2. Knifen Augur

    Didnt miss it, I ignored it. The post is specifically about not getting any ore loot in a raid chest.
    Fenthen and Toukan like this.
  3. CdeezNotes Augur

    It absolutely is the fault of the developer for creating bad itemization that leads to the issue you listed. You just played yourself.
    Velisaris_MS likes this.
  4. uberkingkong Augur

    Yeah because raids are very quick. It is deserving of chance of not getting any ore loot.

    You basically removing my counter argument to discussion, from not wanting to discuss counter to you.

    EQ turning into/ already in easymode, participation trophy game.
    Raids all of them, 10-20 mins long, and whining about no ore drops.

    2 raids 10-20 min long don't deserve 1 ore drop minimum.
    I remember last expansion, boxes even had full raid gear.

    T1, you don't deserve 1 ore drop minimum. Be thankful you getting ore drops.
  5. Cicelee Augur

    But it isn't bad itemization. Just cause you think it is doesn't mean it isn't. Just like just because I think it is good doesn't mean it is good.

    It is neither good nor bad. It is what it is. And as a player you deal with it. I went 25+ spawn rotations before a named spawned for me in Pal Lomen. You don't see me creating threads about how awful the RNG is? I have killed at least ten owlbears, no augment yet. I am not crying to the heavens that life is terrible and I don't have the aug?

    This game is based around RNG. Sometimes you get 2 T2 items in a chest. Sometimes you get nonee. The fact that you, or your guild, ignores the spells and T1 items and currency is all on you and/or your guild. The devs have made it insanely easier to get gear- currency, vendor to buy gear, increased drop rates in the future, etc.

    You want to know a slap in the face for time spent? Before currency, we had 5 warriors in the guild I was in, all 95% or higher RA. Did the entire expansion of raids, only 2 warrior swords dropped. The loot system is fine nowadays- you have control and choices with still some element of RNG.
  6. CdeezNotes Augur

    I can list a half dozen reasons why the itemization is objectively bad from a half drunken stupor. This is one of the lesser egregious ones.
  7. ScreentimeInfinity Lorekeeper

    The future holds the promise of double and even quadruple loots.
    0x2=0 0x4=0 0=Bad.
  8. Cicelee Augur

    But again, that is your opinion. You think this loot system is bad. Cool. I think it is fine. Cool. Guess what? Dev's don't care what you and I think. I am not in charge of speaking on behalf of the community. Neither are you.

    You have voiced your displeasure. Congratulations. Yet you continue to bombard and reply and speak somewhat nastily to others that disagree with you. You tell someone it is like talking to a brick wall. If that isn't the perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black while referring to your posts, I don't know what is.

    Sorry that sometimes you get chests with no T2 loot. Our first T2 raid today we got 3 cloaks to drop. I guess my guild should jump on this thread about the atrocity of 3 cloaks in a chest, am I right?

    The loot system is better than in previous expansions. With this loot system I was able to gear 3 toons while sometimes seeing chests with no T2 items in it. That is a fact. And I know quite a few also in my position. Players that are fine with how the loot system is. I also know players who take your side, and don't like the loot system how it is. If you are that unhappy, quit EQ until they change their loot system to fit your desires. Otherwise, again...

    Deal with it.
  9. CdeezNotes Augur

    I just said I can give you objective reasons (objectiveness isn't an opinion).
    And that's not the point of the thread nor does it have anything to do with the conversation.
    That's...your opinion. A person who cannot give a reply that relates to the conversation, and repeatedly does it after being told it has belonging in the discussion, is in fact a brick wall.
    I'm in your guild. How does anecdotal evidence help anything? It doesn't. It's just your continued deflections. And I'm sure the guild was so excited to see that, huh?
    Pointless statement. Murder is technically better than genocide, neither are good.
    Still oblivious to the actual discussion. Brilliant.
  10. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    Genocide is better than murder if it's in Rivervale, and both are good if they're dropping enough loot and xp
  11. Conq Augur

    Opening day of T2 raids. 3 chests. 1 Ore. T1 raids, 2 chests, 1 Ore. Thanks.
    Fenthen likes this.
  12. Pickter New Member

  13. Pickter New Member

    Looks similar to what we had can’t forget the 1000 ornament drops.
  14. Nennius Curmudgeon

    And you forgot abouit the opportunities to use halfling corpses for fuel and for pet food. No waste allowed.
  15. Toukan Augur

    Hurray T2's are out. We beat one of them. Zero valiants.
  16. Drakang Augur

    We beat all 3 and got none.
  17. Cimbaeth Elder

    Our first month of these raids and we only got 1 tradeskill raid drop that wasn't a cloak or a neck (LOL) - a bracer. Considering that everyone in our guild only wants the tradeskill drops, that was essentially 1 month of raiding for 1 loot. Yesterday, we got 2 tradeskill drops from 3 chests- a chest and a head piece. Much better. Although last weekend was pretty funny when a chest had 3 nontradeskill cloaks. Worst chest ever considering everyone has the evolving cloaks and evolving necks.
  18. FYAD Augur

    At this point, I just raid for currency and fully expect to purchase all but maybe 1 or 2 slots from the vendor. I'll go all-in on a weapon essence if it ever drops, but other than that, I'm just hoarding currency to spend sometime late summer.
    Straahdx likes this.
  19. Bilderov Augur

    When they create highly sought after items, such as the evolving cloaks and necks, do they not realise that it basically kills loot for that slot for the majority of players?
    Barraind likes this.
  20. Barraind Grumpy Old Bastage

    They streamlined tradeskills because god forbid someone actually make tradable gear with tradeskills. How else could they ensure you keep farming stuff long after it drops nothing else you'd ever use, but it can drop the random BiS component for a container youve had sitting around for 8 months, so gogo keep doing it!

    Do you raid? Please enjoy not skipping t1 raids once you've had t3 on farm for months. Do you not raid? Please enjoy farming the 1-2 named in each zone that has a 1/8 chance to drop an item that has a 1/7 chance to be the thing you need.

    The concept of ore as it exists right now is the worst thing they have ever done for loot, and its not even a little close.
    Velisaris_MS likes this.