Please rethink this new TLP Daybreak Team...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vicious EQ, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. back to eq New Member

    starting in classic his where daybreak(darkpaw) makes more money,new bags exp pots etc up to lvl 50,then lvl 60 so more exp pots, then new expansion exp pots for aa,most people can justify spending 50 to 100 $ once in a while not 300$ like you would with separate lvl 50,60 and then aa.
  2. Risiko Augur

    In fact, I will go one step further and tell you how to make this TLP season a success.

    1. Announce that this TLP season is the LAST one you will be doing because you are going to switch to EverQuest Reborn starting next year
    2. Begin work on next year's EQR content now
    3. Release EQR server on next EQ's anniversary

    Being the last TLP ever, it will bring in everyone for one more run.

    • Mischief server experience rate
    • Free Trade
    • Random Loot
    • Start in Classic
    • 1 month per expansion release
    • PoP/LoY/LDoN release together as a 1 month expansion
    • Lump all level 70 content expansions in to 1 month
    Jubilee likes this.
  3. a_librarian Augur

    They will continue to sell the same slop to the same people. Absolutely no reason to expect it will stop working.
  4. Court Elder

    I think some of you are extremely delusional about the amount of effort you think DPG will put into reformatting an equation that already works and is bringing them money. You want them to rewrite an new story arc for EQ for a TLP server? Yeah right.
  5. Triconix Augur

    EQ's had its higher sub during GoD/OOW. Saying there isn't a nostalgia factor for that era is unequivocally based on nothing other than hearsay or anecdote.

    After multiple years of rolling the same few eras, how much is nostalgia really a factor? I think it's just a lazy take of some who don't want to branch out and try new content. They are just in their comfort zone knowing literally everything about the abbreviated EQ they play. The game has changed so much and they are more than likely not even playing any of the same classes they played back in 2000. If they are experiencing any semblance of nostalgia, it's nostalgia of their first TLP.

    As opposed to grinding in the same zones and killing thousands of the same mobs? The very argument you have for raids can be used for grouping except it's a thousandfold worse. Time to kill "undead deformed frog in brown-walled pixelated dungeon" for the 8,952nd time.
    Digler and Skuz like this.
  6. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    The new TLP will focus on the new classic starting city achievements.

    At least that is my theory...
    Captain Video likes this.
  7. Court Elder

    I am very interested to see what that’s all about.
    Skuz likes this.
  8. Risiko Augur

    By the numbers their parent company posted publicly, EverQuest is one their top grossing products, and makes a TON of money. They aren't hurting for money. Why people keep thinking they are a bedroom operation is beyond me.

    After enough TLP seasons with lower ROI, they will have to make a decision on what to do to correct that trend. I think that the upgrade of EQ1 and EQ2 both to 64 bit clients and servers is an indication that they are not done with either of these products yet. They are investing in them which means they fully intend to further develop these IPs.

    If the TLP seasons continue to make them money, they will keep making them. If they show a downward trajectory year over year, they will pivot. Either way, I do not believe for even a second that they are putting EverQuest on autopilot and riding it out to sunset at this point. In the past, yes I did believe it. Their current parent company's financial reports along with the development studio's publicly stated initiatives points to a much better outcome for the IP for the foreseeable future.
    Jubilee likes this.
  9. Houndsy Journeyman

    Exactly. That's why I play EQ, despite the god-awful, dated graphics. The graphics is the reason I can't bring anyone new to the game. I would love a new EQ based on the principles of classic EQ (no gimmicks, no marketplace, none of the story line or theme park quest hub garbage like in modern games), but I would settle for a legit remaster like Blizzard did with Diablo 2. Same game, just beautify it.
    Jubilee likes this.
  10. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    There's only one server the people need.
  11. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Why wouldn't people buy bags and pots on a God start though? Or you're saying by dragging out the need for Xp pots they get more money vs going hard to 65 + AA from day 1?
  12. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

  13. Pappasalt Augur

    Sadly over half the community couldn't run it probably lol.
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Another server idea to add to the list that would be dead on launch?
  15. Shaere New Member

    Dude is throwing shade at everyone and anyone, seems it's all about him. You didn't hear the Agnarr server up in arms about mischief, and hey maybe you'll want to transfer there Vicious EQ but then you'll have to argue this point with this server...

    Check out what he said here:

    He doesn't want new players to transfer there from a 5 yr old TLP server, and he doesn't want a new server which starts at could a LDON locked server transfer and start at GoD? Should he be allowed to transfer if a server does come into being because he has had months and months to hoard loot?

    Dude needs to relax.
  16. Shaere New Member

    I think in their year-plan included something about the unreal engine.

    but seriously, there is only so much they can, models are definitely changed once you leave the old world, and more so each expansion, think of it is a journey through the progression of Everquest itself, from classic models to Luclin models and all the new shapes and types as they go forward!
  17. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    The idea of "TLP Expansions" has been floated multiple times & it's just an insane idea when you consider how freaking small the actual Live expansions are for the past few years, EQ has been dishing out a single expansion or less worth of zones & quests split in two and spread over 2 years, not the fault of the dev team who have just been working with the people they were allowed to have.

    EQ needs to be focusing on making the Live Expansion content a much larger & more involved experience with a far greater amount of content than we have been getting served up before it even begins to think about adding "New TLP Content"

    As far as that "new content" goes an entire TLP expansion makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, but an added "bolted on" story could be something they do, something like adding one new zone per year - maybe using zones shown on maps that has not yet made it into the game, and having some new quests in that zone which introduce a few new factions and a new conflict to get involved with - TLP recyclers would then get a steadily growing set of new places to bore themselves stupid in year on year gaining a new "episode" per TLP.

    That content would also be available to live players who felt like rolling a new alt to experience it with.
    Jubilee likes this.
  18. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    What TLP expansion?
  19. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.


    I mean, this is either an expansion for TLP servers or an entirely new game he is suggesting.
  20. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    Oh he's definitely suggesting a new game.
    Jubilee likes this.