Pal'lomen raid achivement question

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kiras, Apr 3, 2024.

  1. Kiras Augur

    How exactly does the interrupt thing work for Margator in the raid version of Pal'lomen? Trying to do it with precision, not brute force kill it before the speed maxes out.

    In the group version, when you see "Margator's battle chant speeds up and he begins to move faster than ever.", you use a stun to interrupt it. The same thing doesn't work in the raid.

    In the raid, I've seen "The shockwave from Darga's hammer hits Margator, but he is able to compensate at this speed." Tried placing them at different ranges from each other but am yet to nail down what the correct range is. Last time we had them about 250 apart from each other and got no emote at all about the shockwave hitting. That's around where the secondary and tertiary (presumptively) shockwaves seem to overlap in the expanding Darga AE rings. I'm thinking of trying a bit further apart next time, but I'm not sure if I'm just missing something here or if this is just broken like Plucked.
    Windance and Knifen like this.
  2. Ozon Augur

    It's not broken or at least wasn't a couple weeks ago. We just killed him first, I think you have about 90 seconds before you fail.
    Fenthen likes this.
  3. Galvanize Lorekeeper

    Supposedly its out at the Tertiary wave (Yellowish zone?) according to an early raid writeup, but how the shockwaves register is really janky. The achieve itself is doable by burning Margator first like Ozon said, but unclear if the hammer shockwaves are debuffing the mobs like they were supposed to
  4. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    Fenthen and Windance like this.
  5. Knifen Augur

    I think what they are saying is that while you can bypass the mechanic for the ach if you kill Mag first and fast enough, but that wasn't the designed way to slow him down. But a checkmark is a checkmark, I'm always for people finding alternate/faster/better ways to get things done when original design is booboo.
    Syylke_EMarr likes this.
  6. Drakang Augur

    From the group mission you can stop him from speeding up by hitting him with a snare when you see the emote "Margator's battle chant speeds up and he begins to move faster than ever." This implies that in the raid you can hit Margator with a large number of snares to stop the speed up like it takes multiple stuns to make Kar drop his shield. However even with a large focus on getting numerous snares cast on that emote we have been unable to stop the speed up. Not sure if the number of snares needed is excessively large or if that is not working.