Now that a GM and her guild (TL) have forced a vote for Kunark after only 1 month, will you stay?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Laeinye, Jun 13, 2015.

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  1. Barton The Mischievous

    She said the players so I would not hold out hope for an only level 50 vote it is likely to be much much lower.

    How do you know I'm lying maybe, I'm just wishy washy and change my mind a hundred time before I decide on stuff and no I'm not in TL and no I don't think TL is the devil, I think it is like any other big hardcore guild. It has it's good and it's bad. I did not join TL or try because I don't have the time to commit to a hardcore guild right now.
  2. lanny New Member

    All you people so desperate for kunark - why not just go play on any of the other live servers where kunark is readily available? Why the need to rush this one to be at the same point? You can do the exact same things on the other servers.
  3. Gregolo Augur

    Ask this question when you start to feel the weight of classic for 6 months.

    AKA - Level up.
  4. RadarX Augur

    This one has gone just about as far as it needs to. Please use an existing thread to discuss voting.
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