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Fixed Internally Nothing in shared banks

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Palloma, May 21, 2020.

  1. niente Developer

    If you are still missing shared bank platinum and/or items please send me a PM.
  2. Zack New Member

    Account number one.

    It is over two weeks now since the server merge. Both my accounts missing the shared bank items. I have been charged for two weeks of playing time.
    I /petioned afer two weeks and still have not recived two of my shared bank items. I was told to post here from a Link from a GM had sent me. I did everything that I was told. Check over flow, check first log in player, Check the parcel. And there is no items and bags.
    Both my Gold accounts Did get there shared plat. 100k on one and 50k on the other one. I keep that much in my shared all the times.
    I will post with this account and my other main account here so GM can see both of my accounts. Both are my main player's I play that are Gold accounts.

    I have four other Silver accounts and they all have recived there items and plat. in there shared bank accounts.
    All the silver accounts. The bags and items were put directly in each of there account shared banks. On one player I did use over flow to claim One item only.

    I have been playing for over 20 year's

    Please check in to my two accounts and I hope you see what is wrong and fix it.
    Thank you
  3. Zackerytwo New Member

    Account number Two

    It is over two weeks now since the server merge. Both my accounts missing the shared bank items. I have been charged for two weeks of playing time.
    I /petioned afer two weeks and still have not recived two of my shared bank items. I was told to post here from a Link from a GM had sent me. I did everything that I was told. Check over flow, check first log in player, Check the parcel. And there is no items and bags.
    Both my Gold accounts Did get there shared plat. 100k on one and 50k on the other one. I keep that much in my shared all the times.
    I will post with this account and my other main account here so GM can see both of my accounts. Both are my main player's I play that are Gold accounts.

    I have four other Silver accounts and they all have recived there items and plat. in there shared bank accounts.
    All the silver accounts. The bags and items were put directly in each of there account shared banks. On one player I did use over flow to claim One item only.

    I have been playing for over 20 year's

    Please check in to my two accounts and I hope you see what is wrong and fix it.
    Thank you
  4. Tauriehl Journeyman

    i also am missing all the missing items from my guild bank i put in over 187 items then the re roll happened and lost it all. and the plat from my shared bank.
  5. Mardox_Of_FV New Member

  6. stallons319 New Member

    Still waiting on my stuff for this account. I know I am missing 2 lvl 95 raid fist weapons from RoF that i traded to this account from one of my other accounts from my st that I deleted to make room for others from merger. I even said in the ticket I put in there are only 3 from the lvl 95 raids. Look guys if you cant find our stuff i believe there should be some comp here.I mean we didnt do the merger you guys did. People have 1000's of dollars invested in this game.I dont kow just how many years exactly I have been playing but I started on dial up for this game.
  7. stallons319 New Member

    Love to send you a personal message but never had to do anything like this before
  8. Zack New Member

    How much longer do I have to wait for my two accounts to get there share account bags and items back ? It has been over SIX WEEKS since the SERVER MERGE. I /petioned and that did not help me. I tryed to /PM you. I am not sure if you got my message or not. I let my one account turn to silver and the other account will turn to silver in a few days. I see no reason to pay for my accounts with out there share bank accounts.

    Please Help me

    Thank You
  9. niente Developer

    If you post or send me a PM with your guild name, and your character's name (and which server you're on) I can look into it for you.

    Please post or PM me your character's name and server name (assuming FV), and I can look into it for you.

  10. Kroknik1 New Member

    Just wanted to say thank you to the staff that worked on successfully recovering my platinum stash and shared bank stash. I know it is a long haul for everyone else but sincerely, thank you so very much.
  11. Zack New Member

    Thank You Very Much Niente. I received BOTH players shared bank accounts tonight from the /overflow. Thank You again.
  12. aora New Member

    Sent you a PM Niente , been weeks now trying to get my shared bank back. Please help when you

    Thank you,
  13. Shadowbrook New Member

    on x account im still missing my shared bank from server merge on 3 accounts still all from server merge they are x y and z can you try an get all there item back please it happened brekt to fv server.
  14. Zarbyland New Member

    I still haven't picked up my bags which was in the bank shared
    I would also like my bags because there were objects that vale more than a million pp also
    Kind regards
    Blackmachette FV
  15. Deeny New Member

    I don't know if this is related or not, as I don't have anything "missing" per se. But, my shared bank is definitely fubar. I can share items in the shared bank slots, but my plat does NOT share. I have a mule and a main, and they only keep their own money in the shared money, they can't actually transfer it. They can stash it in the money, but neither character can see/retrieve what the other has stashed there. Makes having a baz mule somewhat tedious.... I can trade items to the mule and sell them, but can't retrieve the money with my main. So, having to swap characters to buy things is an unexpected, even if somewhat manageable, step.
  16. Deeny New Member

    Also worth noting is that both characters are on FV and both are native to the server; neither were merged.

  17. thoian New Member

    have checked my shared bank the first character on my account the overflow but like many all my plat in my shared bank is nowhere to be found not nice when all you plat is lost in the shared bank azurac paladin tunare server
  18. Gokusan Journeyman

    Hi there,
    Well every since this merge I lost all my bags in my shared bank and its been like this for more than 2 months everyday since then ive tried /itemoverflow and nothing there either. I kept petitioning over and over and they kept putting as solved now how can it be solved if I still don't have all my bags in shared bank still. It was the merger with FV - Breket.

    Thank you
    Gokusan (Firiona Vie Server )

    Also I have another account that's silver and its missing its shared bank bags too ill let you know the info on that account as well
  19. Ulna New Member

    Ulnabone (FV)

    Still missing items from the shared bank during the FV/Brekt merger. after a few petitions that have been marked solved, I was led here to make a post. I have checked item overflow multiple times over the last few months. At this point, I don't even remember all of what was lost, or how much plat, but I am for sure still missing a 40 slot Sebilisian Satchel I got off of a named in Sathirs Tomb.
  20. Invalid Name New Member

    Still missing items and plat from the screw up .... Zarask of Brekt now unhappily FV