No One Wants To Play On Live Servers

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Jayjayjay, Dec 5, 2023.

  1. Jayjayjay Lorekeeper

    "No One Wants To Play On Live Servers"

    We all know that Majority of PPL coming back to TLPs are those who like old EQ (earlier expansions). And Sadly, TLP is the only option for them to play old EQ.

    They do know that Live servers still exist and are free to play, but they do not play on them, simply because they do not like modern EQ. (modern EQ is totally different game)

    It's just nothing else but forcing TLPers to quit at a certain expansion.
    Montag likes this.
  2. Brickhaus Augur

    Agnarr exists.

    You're welcome.
    Alarya, Herf, Aziuno and 4 others like this.
  3. Agrippa Augur

    Heh. I've been advocating that there are *some* players left that don't want a basically forced fast-as-all-hell leveling experience prior to the 51st level. Turns out that I was pretty far off the mark there.
    Rijacki likes this.
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Depends on ther person coming back, we have many on live who return if they have friends already there.

    If they want to start over the best place for them is TLP. But many want to see all the expansions so they need to go to live, but chose a TLP as their are lower level chars for them to level with.

    There are some on each and every TLP server who want to go to live every 3 - 5 years. Some stay on live some will restart.

    When Phinny got to live a lot of the players continued to play live rather than go back to a TLP.
    Rijacki likes this.
  5. Jayjayjay Lorekeeper

    - some? no. not even close. FEW(Compared with the start population) on TLPs go to live server.
    - If someone wants to play on a live, best way is just start on a live server. "Wasting 3-5 years to get used to a modern EQ" is ridiculous.
    - Play on TLP to do Lower level leveling? man, you can hit max level less than a week on a Live. + there are a tone of ppl offering FREE PL for new comers.
    - Do you even know how many ppl on Phinny went to a live? Are you insisting that 1 or 2 raid forces(more than half of them are boxes) are "a lot of"?
  6. Tuco Augur

    Something like WoW's Season of Discovery where the levels are capped to 20 for the first 2-3 months and additional content is released could work well. There just isn't enough budget for it.
    Nomeregard likes this.
  7. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Playing on Oakwynd from launch to mid-Oct (with the intent to play there for years), while also continuing to play on Live with friends on 1 day every other week, I discovered I really liked playing BOTH versions of the game and even learned new tricks helpful in both versions. When I left Oakwynd because the 'not a raid guild' I had joined at launch suddenly pivoted to become a full on raid guild (and my 1 day a week on another server with other friends was far too much for them to accept, no matter how many hours I was playing on Oak and helping others, et. al. Bleah, that's why I went out of my way to not join a raid guild), I returned to playing fully on Live again and have been enjoying it immensely. I don't game as many hours in the week, though, that I was feeling compelled to on Oakwynd and have started to return to doing the other things in my life, too, so it wasn't a bad switch on that front either.

    So.... not everyone is anti-Live. The self-centred-ness of TLPers is really astonishing.
    Dre., FranktheBank and Appren like this.
  8. FranktheBank Augur

    TLPers and an over-inflated measure of their worth, name a more iconic duo.
  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    We had 20+ players (not boxes, individuals) land on AB when Phinny got to live, they spread out over 3 or 4 guilds. Many of those players are still there and have not returned to TLPs. I assume US servers had far more than we did.

    When players return after 10 years they don't just want to see the first few expansions again, they want to see all that they have missed. The only way to do that is on TLPs. As far as I am aware there is no guilds on any live servers raiding content that old and very few groups at those levels either.

    Vaniki had players who had never raided past Gates of Discord who wanted see the expansions they have missed. There is more to EQ than the handful of early expansions.

    If no one wants to go to live, why are there still guilds raiding up to the merges? Players always quit when something new and shinny comes a long. Returning players find it easier to hop on the newest TLP. TLPs move on to the next expansion every 8-12 weeks so it is easy to get behind if you cannot play for a month or so. I dropped Vaniki in the summer as RL got in the way. I've not been back since because I will be so far behind. I'll take a look at the new TLP next year if it has a decent ruleset and no FTE.

    Just because you don't want to go to live, doesn't mean noone else does. Players will quit for a variety of reasons, but most will quit when a new TLP comes out. Does that mean TLP servers should only run for a year?

    If more than a year, which expansion would you stop them at?

    We already have Agnarr which stops at LDON. Maybe all TLP servers should stop there and feed into Agnarr .
    Zipe likes this.
  10. Montag Augur

    Wow only 20 people?
  11. Kutsuu Augur

    There are plenty of us who only pick up TLPs around TSS and play from there. Mischief's population going into UF right now is huge.
  12. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    21 that wanted to join our guild, plus others, but as I didn't know other numbers went with 20+ which is a little on the conservetive side. Not sure how many more moved over that went else where or who wanted to move to other servers once it had merged to Vox. 20 is more than I would expect to move to a euro server. There aren't a lot of Euro guilds on TLPs.
  13. CdeezNotes Augur

    Define modern EQ? Ive waited 3 years for Aradune to hit the best stretch of expansions. Early eq is horrible. Play past it and be enlightened. SoF - ROF is hands down the greatest stretch of this game.
    Graethos, Roxas MM, SteamFox and 3 others like this.
  14. FranktheBank Augur

    SoF - RoF will forever be my golden era of EQ. SO many zones, so many interesting and cool raids.
    SteamFox and Yinla like this.
  15. CdeezNotes Augur

    Lore, zone design, themes, quests, raids, content in general is jusy so vastly superior in these eras. There are so many rewarding things to do. Its not the same endless and mindless junk like classic - luclin.

    The game design is just objectively better. Get out of your fragile nostalgia bubbles and play a better era of EQ
    FranktheBank and Yinla like this.
  16. Windance Augur

    I would like to see your data.

    We've had 5x guild members who have been gone 5+ years start playing live in the last couple months. One come over from TLP.
    Rijacki likes this.
  17. Kydat Hello.

    Historically, TLP players quit whenever they have to play content that is more challenging than the chatroom simulator era of the game. Not saying modern EQ is doing anything groundbreaking but still.
    Rijacki likes this.
  18. FranktheBank Augur

    I would argue they quit when content gets boring. The two biggest attrition times are month 3-4 of PoP, when you have been doing Time for 2 months and have to do LDONs. Then the lvl 70 stretch, which is ~9 months of some of the worst content pacing imaginable.
    OoW was amazing in era (imo), but really, really boring on a TLP. Anguish clears are 1 hour or less. MPG raid trials are awful to navigate through. DoN adds one of the best fights (Vishimtar), but very, very little else outside of Yar Lir.
    5 months later you get to do DoDH, which is a very good expac, but again, its 5 months later, with no level increase. Your reward for sticking it out for DODH is PoR, one of, if not the worst expac in the history of the game. ALSO 2 of those expacs have zero AAs.
    Ravanta Suffer and ForumBoss like this.
  19. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    It would be very reasonable to allow Agnarr as a jump off point for those who want it. make a command like /betacopy that flags your character to get moved there on the next expansion launch day.
  20. Muramx Augur

    Not exactly true and very antidotal. As someone who raided what would be considered "hardcore" up to RoF and now casually play on live enough to keep my characters all at max level and group gear.

    The content doesn't start getting hard. But the time investment significantly increases along with how the game is played. A year into a TLP and it starts the flagging and the keying for everything and if you missed out on that RC or Xegony run then I guess you better hope you can get piggied in. While there are a couple drop offs, overall it gets worse. You need these 5 group missions and then these 6 solo ones to get into the first raid. People just want to log in, fire up and instance on raid day or camp an item and log off, not stress over having to put in 8 hours everyday, trying to do stuff they don't want to do just to play with friends. Live, it's basically mandatory to box a group to do anything, no one interacts with each other, except those cliques within guilds. You can't even just log in grab a merc and just malo stuff for exp, you have to do partisan tasks which require you to box because... I can't remember the last time I saw someone on LFG or in general LFG or LFM.
    Montag and FranktheBank like this.