New players - pick a knight if you aren't a boxer

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Time Burner 2, Feb 18, 2016.

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  1. shiftie Augur

    Where was all this outrage about the unfair molo game when mercs were introduced and warriors gained the pocket cleric and were able to retire their boxed accounts prior to dps mercs being added.

    Where was the warrior justice and game design imbalance protests when they benefited disproportionately compared to knights with the addition of cleric mercs?

    Oh what's that you say? There wasn't? That's what I thought.

    Yall don't care about balance. Just as long as you are the best at everything.
    Get over yourselves.
  2. Triconix Augur

    How is a warrior + healer merc an advantage over a knight + healer merc? I guess you can say we benefited more because we started with no self healing compared to knights with plenty of self healing power.

    I just don't get the point that you are trying to prove.

    DPS mercs allowed for knights to have an advantage in terms of dps and healing output. Warriors maintained a mitigation advantage but we are limited to only a healer merc if attempting to solo because we have no ways of self healing efficiently and/or effectively. Mercs disproportionately benefited knights compared to warriors.
  3. Triconix Augur


    You don't necessarily need spells do you any job. You have AAs and disciplines that are outside of the realm of spells. A vast majority of your mitigation abilities aren't spells.
  4. shiftie Augur

    Because at the time that mercs were introduced the healer merc was by far the best. Warriors at the time had superior mitigation and better dps while tanking. Both of which I might add are still true. Gaining all the time cleric buffs, Rez and heals when prior wars had no such ability. All of a sudden wars gained the ability to transform into a paladin for the cost of 14pp every 10 min.

    When this happened it was welcomed by wars. And perfectly balanced that pals relieved nothing in return.

    Fast forward and they add dps mercs and now it is suddenly unfair and not balanced.

    Let's go back to when mercs didn't exist.
  5. Kamea Augur

    Here's the problem with Shiftie.

    Yes, his 'average' post is better than the likes of Mistatk or Xanathol. But his bad posts are really bad.
  6. Fusker New Member

    He still makes warriors arguments look stupid :p
    shiftie and Nightops like this.
  7. Warpeace Augur

    Because only Warriors are allowed to have 100% potential at their fingertips.
    Xanathol likes this.
  8. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Fear not my friend, the laughs *shall* continue to flow like whine. As crappy as Xan's SK thread was, amidst a smattering of pointless tank dps derailments and "don't take err jerbs!" stupidity, it looks positively civil and well thought out in comparison to the midden-heap-tire-fire of this one.

    At this point I think most of us are hoping/betting they'll either tweak Knight DP down a little and/or throw warriors a new bone (that doesn't revert things back to their previously stupid state), but with the lul way ya'll react it'll be more fun if they don't.
  9. p2aa Augur

    Still true ? Are you playing the game lol ?
    Welcome in 2016 though.
    Knights got DP, which gives them the same mitigation than warriors.
    So while Paladins could yet solo trash mob at ease with a wiz merc, without DP.
    With DP they can do even greater.
    And they can keep themselves alive in group content, which allows them to swap to a DPS merc.
    Which is not possible for a warrior.
  10. Kamea Augur

    Considering the actual problems cited had more to do with Flash of Anger (which knights got), and NTTB, than DP.... Not to count some of the problems cited in this thread were people simply not following raid mechanics correctly meaning the problems were guild specific, not a class balance issue.
  11. Minato Augur

    damn 103 pages and counting...
  12. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    A 30% passive gap in mitigation was stupid for a variety of reasons and bad for the game overall. If you feel otherwise, not sure what to tell you. I'm glad they bridged the gap, but think they went too far.

    It's stupid as is now too, though, and this is coming from someone directly benefitting from the current imbalance.
  13. Flatchy Court Jester

    You have to admit it has been WAY moar civil in this forum than it ever would have over at EGN. Lot less meme's too which is sad.
  14. Ravengloome Augur

    Its a travesty really, These carebear forum policies are horrid.
  15. Time Burner 2 Augur

    I believe my OP is true but some do not. So I'll ask these guys:

    Under what case should a new tank roll a warrior today?

    Perhaps I'm missing something - I can't see what, but let's have it!
  16. Zarzac Augur

    useCase = said new tank wants to play a warrior
    Nightops likes this.
  17. Flatchy Court Jester

    Its all fantasy mate, if you want to be a warrior be a warrior. If you see yourself as a do gooder Pally make one of those. Personally I found Shadowknight troll to be the one that fit me best. He is my first toon and the one I still play some 14 years later, with taking no breaks or changing servers once. I have over 10 diff classes topped out with max AA and still would rather play SK than any of them. Play what you like. Some people may not want to be a class that casts. In a world of magic I cant see it, but hey then again some people like Nascar.

    One point I see warriors overlooking is the horrid exp penalty some of us took on, for choosing a hybrid. Expecially being a troll in the early days was not so great. For a class that is quick to tout class descriptions from forever ago, I would think you could see that. Maybe that is why we can mitigate AND cast. Not to mention all the extra AA we have to scrabble for to make it worthwhile. Yeah yeah todays game is diff and leveling isn't the struggle it was at one day. So today I may say pick a knight for the ease, hell I would have told you to do it anyway, warrior seems like the BORINGEST class in the game and Ive not taken one of those past 40.
    Nightops likes this.
  18. shiftie Augur

    Despite your fantasies there are parses to prove that warriors still mitigate better and still do the most passive dps. It might not be a lol 30% passive mitigation gap but parses still show warriors ahead in mitigation. I'm sorry that it isn't as much as you want but the facts are there.

    The devs will ultimately decide how much of a gap they want there to be. Your random made up numbers of what you think it should be mean nothing.
    Nightops likes this.
  19. shiftie Augur

    And here is the funny thing.

    Prior to stances the world of norrath exists exactly as it does now post stances.

    If one were to make a thread post knight stances. One should have made the thread pre knight stances. Because everything is now the same. Exactly the same. Warriors for and enjoyed stances for a bit and then knights got them. Pre and post results are the exact same gameplay. Where was this post before stances? It didn't exist. Where was this post when wars had 30% passive advantage? It didn't exist. It only exists now because wars are mad Knights got stances.
  20. Ravengloome Augur

    Think you onto something, I bet P2AA just outgrew his hp regen augs...
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