New player...not sure if eq is still playable?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by MundoBot, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. MundoBot New Member

    Hello! I played a month or so of EQ1 during RoK, but I remember almost nothing about it. I saw it recently, and thought, Why not?

    Is EQ1 still playable?

    Are there any active guilds?(This is important-If I can find a guild, that's the server I'd join)

    Um....What should I know? Where should I start to learn this stuff?
  2. Yther Augur describes the different accounts and has a FAQ linked on that page for more detailed info. It's what I would read before even starting.

    What else you might need depends on whether you're a jump right in type person or not. If you are, just doing the tutorial will teach you about the UI and other mechanisms in the game, and the basics of how they work. There are lots of guides to read if you would rather be informed before starting, and some things are probably good to know, especially, if you've not played much of mmorpg game. But alot of that can be put off until at least entering and learning some in the tutorial. Knowing the major differences in play styles and character / class abilities is probably the most important at least to finding a class you'll like to start with.

    I don't worry about finding the perfect class to start with, as you can be surprised what you like and don't like after playing them, rather than going purely by descriptions.

    Guilds you can check out in the guild forums on this site, and in-game with /lfguild command for each server you log into. Guilds may come and go, or you may stick with one, as you grow, and your goals change. Finding a supportive one to start out with is helpful if you like to group and want to experience that part of the game (the major part in my opinion, but some people feel differently).

    Returning player after 9+ years HELP! Is a good thread to start with. It has lots of links to guides and other useful sites, as well as basic advice.

    Hope this helps some,

    Yther Ore.
  3. MundoBot New Member

    Ok, cool. I guess I would want a leveling guild, if those exist.... Everything I'm reading pretty much says I should zoom up to at least 65 in a day or two....

    Also- Are the progression servers worth getting Gold? Or have they gone to being outmoded?
  4. Yther Augur

    Progressions aren't very limited any more, as they have defiant gear and mercs will probably be soon, if not already. Flippy is pretty dense, but the other one is pretty empty. So it's mostly if you think you'll be into it or not. I liked it back when they first started, but it's grown past any of my missed time (pre-PoP I didn't get to play alot).

    Most, if not all servers have at least one newbie friendly leveling guild. Asking in /general is also a good way to get invites.

    Day or two, depends on playstyle. Alot of newer players take a week or two to get there, as they have a long learning curve, and there is just so much stuff you can see and do, even at lower levels.

    Hopefully, someone with more experience with progression servers will respond.

    Yther Ore.
  5. MundoBot New Member

    OK, is there a good server in particular I should make my character on?
  6. MundoBot New Member

    Also, if I go gold for a month, do I get silver for free after that?
  7. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    I recommend Vox. It has the largest low-level population. If you get to the high-level game and want a larger-population server, it's worth paying to server transfer at that point.

    Use the link in my signature below to get a bunch of great stuff to /claim when you log in.
  8. Dandin Augur

    All servers have their perks. Zek is PVP. But in my personal opinion. Bristlebane has good helpful folks, most of which are willing to lend a hand and give some helpful tips

    Yes you do. However Silver membership has it's limitations. With silver you cannot wear certain gear. Most augments and you can only reach a level of 95 with 1000AA.

    I suggest you read the class descriptions of each class and decide what kind of role you want to play in the world of Norrath.

    Whatever server or class you choose, your bound to meet some friends!
  9. MundoBot New Member

    Well, I tanked (well) in WoW, EQ2, FFXI, FFXIV, so I'll probably be some kind of tank. I figure silver is enough to see if I'm actually interested in it. Currently, I have subs to wow, FFXIV and eq2, so I'm having an interesting time finding a game to be interested by.

    @Qest- Sorry, I already logged in. :(
  10. Dandin Augur

    qests link it still works.

    A tank class is still viable. but as a silver player, you are going to be limited as what you can do as a tank on the high end. just something to think about.

    just so you know. if you play on the test server. you get gold for free. and all expansions.
  11. Lenowill Augur

    Though I will add, you can get pretty far through the amount of content in the game, even as a tank, without really needing to care much about prestige (Gold-subscriber-only) items.

    What I would actually recommend doing is buying Silver membership right away (once you get a feel for whether you want to give the game at least $5 worth of a try), and then waiting until your level is in the early 70s (at the least) before experimenting with going Gold for a month.

    I say this because being a Gold subscriber gives you access to Journeyman (higher-tier) mercenary allies, and having access to them means a lot more at 70+ than it does below that point. As a silver player you can get Apprentice V (V as in, "Roman Numeral 5") mercenaries, which are plenty sufficient for the first 70 levels on most classes. Around level 70 is also when you'll probably start to find yourself caring more about optimizing your armor with +AC augments, most of the best of which are prestige items and will require you to be a gold subscriber in order to use them.

    That said, playing a tank on a Silver account may be rough, but it can still be done if you're in a party that can provide you adequate support. Depending on how social of a player you are (and how many friends you might or might not get into the game with you), this could also be a consideration for whether (and how consistently) you'll want to stay Gold.

    Paladins and Shadow Knights both have good solo or "molo" (solo with a merc) farming options that will let you build up AA experience pretty fast even in your 70s. I wouldn't recommend a Warrior unless you are a very particular type of player for whom the class is designed (people who like having a bunch of really powerful situational tanking and DPS cooldowns that are gone for a loooong time afterward once you deploy them, and who don't mind the class feeling really basic/dull for the first 50 levels until they get to the point where those cool tools start to become available - also people who love optimizing equipment and hunting for all the cool clickies and utility proc weapons to round out their ability set, which Warriors do get quite a few of).
  12. Bandages Elder

    For the first 95 levels or so it's very hard to find any groups simply because not many people are in that content, or power level through it, so either pick a class that levels quickly solo or buy a power level imo. Once you get to level 96, however, you can start the new 96-100 content since that's still the most recent level ranges if you purchased the expansion. It isn't too hard to find people to group in this content as well. I recommend starting on firiona vie simply because you can go through those levels mentioned much easier. The availability of gear that can be cheaply purchased from the bazaar makes it much less painful, as well as the Exp bonus that exists to speed you through the levels. If you just want to skip a few levels buy some kronos and sell them in the bazaar. There's tons of people who power level you to the desired level for platinum coins.
  13. MundoBot New Member

    Hmmm- No matter what I do, I can't get that link to work- It says I am not eligible. I've been playing through the tutorial, Now I just need to find a guild for my baby character. The LF guild slashcommand doesn't let me tell anyone...
  14. Borek-VS Augur

    You have to claim the friend rewards before logging in to the game, unfortunately. Either before the first time, or after your account has been inactive for at least six months.
  15. Dandin Augur

    Ahh. Thank you Borek. That's a restriction I was unaware of.
  16. Borek-VS Augur

    It's a tricky one. Most people won't hear of the friend deal until they are in game, in which case it is too late. It would make more sense if there was, say, a one week moratorium (or longer, I can't see that it would hurt anyone). As it stands, this deal only helps genuine "friends", as opposed to being a thing that helps all newcomers, and I can't think of a good reason to be that restrictive.
  17. Brulia Elder

    I have been back for a little over a month and have really enjoyed Fippy. Groups were scarce between 1 - 35 then were picked up nicely. There are a couple family / casual guilds that would fit your bill too.

    Best of luck.

    PS - I picked Fippy to see more of the older content since I had missed it being gone many many moons.
  18. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    First, I want to reiterate that you need to be on Vox Server. The low level population is exponentially larger there than any other server. The Defiant gear that drops there (or the gear you get by making a new account using the link in my signature if you decide to make a new, free account) is more than sufficient so you don't need gear from the Firiona Vie Server.

    Second, don't buy power leveling unless you have good friends you're trying to join up with. You'll end up a woefully inexperienced high-level character who is likely shunned for not knowing how to play well.

    Third, while Shadowknight is currently the most powerful pick of the three tank classes, by the time you get to max level, that could be turned on its ear, so pick what appeals to you regardless of current power. Also, don't worry about needing prestige augs and a bazillion AAs and thus needing Gold membership. By the time you get to the point of needing it, you'll know if the game is worth it and will presumably gladly pay for Gold membership for a great game. Since you play EQ2, you should look into an All-Access pass. Krono work for that as well.

    The command is /LFGUILD and if no guilds are there, or if none suit you, try another server.
  19. MundoBot New Member

    I'm confused why Vox would have low levels- I figured maybe the Progression servers would have some lower players, but I thought the older servers would be..... well, that everyone still playing would be at max level... Why would Vox have more that other servers? Or is this just something you've noticed, ie. from playing on Vox and another server?
  20. Lenowill Augur

    Vox is the newest "normal" server, and due to its current status as a "preferred server" and due to frequent recommendations on the forums, it has become the unofficial new and returning player server (as well as a haven for people just looking to make a fresh start by rolling a new alt).

    Most servers are indeed very "top-heavy" on population, and Vox has quite a bit of high level population too - it just has more of a spread through the lower levels to complement that.