new expansion regular edition sux

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Leifen, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. Leifen Augur

    Hi all
    I realize this is a business and the point is to make money but come on now. They give the regular edition buyers 2 items then you pay $50 more and you get 9? Where is the incentive to even buy the darn thing? I love this game, so much so that my wife hates it but it just seems like unless you are willing to spend a lot of money DBG really doesn't even care if you like anything at all.
    More and more it seems like those that cannot afford to pay the higher price are getting shunned even if they've been playing this game for years now.
  2. Vlorg Augur

    cosmetic stuff? mercenary skin? illusion keyring ? that's the source of your complains?

    or the mount that may or may not be quested during TBM, and who give few hundred more HP over the current best mount? ( totally gamebreaking... not...)

    MMOs are one of the cheapest form of entertainment. If you don't believe me go see a movie with your wife and buy popcorn for 2.
  3. Silv Augur

    I buy popcorn for two and don't even go with anyone! j/k... going to the movies is too expensive.

    ps. If you're smart you'll find one of those unlimited refill buckets in the trash and then just make your way back to the counter. Works every time!
    Gyurika Godofwar and Leeanni like this.
  4. Kiillz Augur

    AGAIN as some have prior posted and lamented including myself, where is it said there had to be ANYTHING included in said edition???did you NOT play this game at a time when ALL you got for your money was the expansion and nothing further?? and price for that was about on par with what it is now WITH some included items? The fluff is to try to attract new or former players per say, and nothing nowhere is it implied there HAS to something included. Its a bonus nothing more and if folks wanna burn more money to get all the extras on top of that more power to them. and higher price? idk expansions in past have never been like 10bucks or something silly cheap and if anyone can find a video game nowadays for PC less then 60bucks, gonna be a long find so really 30bucks aint imo a real hardship.

    Shrug if something included is necessary for a player to buy the regular edition to continue playing the game, then maybe EQ is not for them anymore.
    Crystilla likes this.
  5. Axxius Augur

    Have you even SEEN the new expansion yet?

    Incentive to buy it? I don't know about you, but the trinkets included with the order are so low on my list of things to care about... How about.. I dunno... CONTENT? :eek:
  6. Silv Augur

    Wait... you mean to tell me that this expansion has content and not just claim rewards?!
  7. Kiillz Augur

    pay for expansion for further content, what a concept.
    Geroblue likes this.
  8. Zarakii Augur

    wow i thought i was the only cheap bastard out there
  9. Silv Augur

    No way! Screw paying 8$+ for popcorn. And you better believe I used to get another free refill on the way out so I could eat it while reading these forums.
  10. Kiillz Augur

    im cheap too but hey gotta keep playin :p
    Silv likes this.
  11. Maurasi Journeyman

    Old news. See: EverQuest Widows (if it still exists).

    Oh, like pretty much every other business? Your bank doesn't love you as much as they love people with millions on deposit (in various forms). Or do you think that mortgage mess affected everyone equally? Most businesses give their best customers preferential treatment and 'best customer' is often defined by how much you "put out".

    This same argument was brought up eons ago when the game raised its subscription cost from 9.89 a month to 14.99 a month (and especially when Legends/Stormhammer was announced). No one is shunning the people who don't buy the premium pack. But I think expecting some additional benefit now for a decision you made years ago, is the very definition of an entitlement complex. So you've been shopping with Amazon for years now. Does that entitle you to the add-on items they attached to the purchase of the top of the line Kindle Fire? Buy the base model for $49 if that's what your budget allows. You can do the same things the person who buys the $300 HD 10 can do, just without all the additional bells and whistles.
    Mintalie and Kiillz like this.
  12. Garramac Journeyman

    careful guys i made criticism of daybreak and this expansion and the last patch i wasn't rude or anything but they censored it and removed my post as its a russian company that owns this game now we all know Russia does not believe in free speech so careful what you post hehehe
  13. Silv Augur

    Well if this thread wasn't already on it's way to getting locked it's sure headed in that direction now~!
  14. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    In fairness to the OP, one could argue that the Illusion Key Ring feature should not be limited to just 10 slots on Standard edition. A bit ridiculous to have to spend another $50 for additional slots (unless they put it ala cart on Marketplace). These features used to come in whole with the purchase along with other goodies. Granted inflation and FTP model economics have been covered in entire threads.
  15. Derd Augur

    I'm positive you'll be able to buy more illusion slots in marketplace. How much they'll be would be a complete guess, but 10 for $10 to $20 wouldn't seem out of line to me anyway. And your also getting other items so its not 50 dollars for just the key ring slots, no matter how you look at it.
  16. Silv Augur

    If anything... Enchanters get shafted given they can turn in 90% of illusion items for a spell version. Keyring beyond 10 slots = more or less useless. But you don't see all of us up in arms! :p

    ps. I'm sure we'll see them in the marketplace after launch just like the mount keyring. They would never miss an opportunity for people to throw moar cash at them.
  17. Casidia Augur

    Leave Leifen alone, gdamn shills.
  18. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I think regular edition should have gotten one 40 slot bag for preordering and the other two editions get 2 bags each. But that is just me.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Randragon like this.
  19. Leifen Augur

    :) Thanks Cas!! My only complaint is the gate clicky really add that to the regular like it had been for quite a few expansions and I would be fine, not like I am expecting what hadn't already been given. Quite the contrary I am expecting what had been included for a number of years.
    Yinla likes this.
  20. frankie78227 Augur

    I think the bag should be 1 per character not 1 per account on the upgraded packs. They should of tossed in 1 bag only for preordering the basic version. Asking players to take a "leap of faith" with little reward is a bit much for this company after they butchered the TLP release.