Nerfs before new expansions

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by flash000, Sep 24, 2015.

  1. Zaviere Augur

    So much angst! :rolleyes:
  2. Vetplayer Elder

    Like I have mentioned before.. and I agree with the OP.
  3. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    Yeah, nonconstructive. Pretty much what the response I was replying to was. Again, rehashing the same arguments that boil down to "I want to burn 100% of the time" and "have full functionality right after death" are non-starters. The "do you even play the game" was also cute. I am a ranger. I know more about hate management and dealing with rez effect than most. Pile on top of that my guild isn't some DPS machine and does events 3 or 4 times longer than most. I probably know more about resource management than 90% of the people whining about it in this thread.

    Again, good grief.
  4. Insanekitty Lorekeeper

    I dunno last i checked your magelo you were stuck in Cotf tier 1 pretty much. How much experience do you have in the current expansion tier raiding. Have you even done anything in arx or do u even play other than group. I have full Endgame gear , come back to me when u catch up an expansion because clearly you dont know what you're talking about , and taking 1 word out of a post is comical at best. Im sure you're too young to understand the meaning of context.


    IK was here
  5. Coronay Augur

    Heh. Whats the problem, when you die u have no endurance? boo-hoo, play better! And don't be such a jerk on the forums about your lack of skill.
  6. Insanekitty Lorekeeper

    so you're telling me that i need to tank better? your main is a warrior afterall. maybe i need a defensive ability that gives me 35 percent dmg reduction 100 percent uptime. gotcha. BTW how are your hybrids doing with respect to tanking arx 5 with full tier gear. Are you saying noone dies on your raid? im hesitant to believe that one.

    Thanks for coming out with the play better method , try a melee class that doesnt tank and come back to me.

    I should reply with .. why dont u tank arx 1 by yourself with no healer , and if you die i should just say tank better.

    Ik was here
    Motherlee likes this.
  7. Coronay Augur

    Riiiiight great analogies.

    edit: when you die, hit breather. thats ur endurance regen ability. don't like it? tough.
  8. Insanekitty Lorekeeper

    Apologies im just treating you with the same nonsensical response that you gave in return.

    constructive as a troll, although i welcome a retort that has some merit.

    IK was here
  9. Zarakii Augur

    this kind of attitude helps nobody walk a mile in a zerks shoes before spouting things you obviously have no clue about
    Motherlee likes this.
  10. Coronay Augur

    I have a zerker I play only level 101 though. I know theyre hurting they have like the worst defensives in the game.
  11. Motherlee Augur

    They're not going to keep the game alive just for self-centered, egotistical trolls like you. How many accounts do you pay for anyway?
  12. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    Yeah, how could I forget? You have to be endgame to know anything about raiding. I bow to your superior wisdom on raiding. But consider this while you are playing up there in the clouds. While you have probably already burned the mob down, collected your loot, and moved on to better things I am still sitting there about 1/4 into an event throwing everything and the kitchen sink at it begging for mod rods, paragons, and blowing Lost Secrets every chance I get. My tanks are probably more likely to die than yours which means I have a finger hovering over Cover Tracks, Weaponshield, and Planar Overdose while the rest play my keyboard like an insane piano. And to top everything off this entire time I am climbing the hate meter ensuring that when things go south as it inevitably will I will more than likely be the second or third guy, hell more often than not the first, to receive the attention of the mob.

    All that means that I probably have a bit more experience than you do managing resources, hate, and dealing with rez effects. So excuse me if I am not overly impressed with your arguments about not being able to fade hate and gain endurance on demand and not being 100% ready to go after rez.
  13. Insanekitty Lorekeeper

    Im pretty sure fade and beam kiting dont fit in the same category , the reference to god mode is sound but the reference to what i am saying is completely different. You are comparing apples to Carrots.

    Now if you were to refer to Shakerpaging and Beamkiting then i could agree with you that a nerf would be required. I do recall farming POP with my zerker pulling all of fire and using my ole tulwar.

    Fade on the other hand is an entirely different issue , and it affects zerkers more than most classes. After a death i can regain after casting aura etc 20 percent possibly of end with breather, we used to beable to use fade every 6 mins meaning .. once to twice depending on the event to use breather again to gain a bit more since 1 disc is pretty much 20 percent endurance while using normal combat abilities. Death is the only recourse now to using the ability breather. Can you say the same?

    can you get out of combat to use the ability if you need to? without fade. What im saying is breather should be useful while even in combat and it would solve the whole issue. I wouldn't even mind a dmg penalty as well guess what we are not doing any dmg anyhow.

    IK was here
  14. Zarakii Augur

    trust me ranger play vs zerk play are worlds apart... you seem to like arguing on these forums regardless tho so im going to just ignore your post from here on out maybe someday you'll see the other persons view point but im not going to hold my breath
    Tarvas likes this.
  15. Insanekitty Lorekeeper

    I wonder if Silv is out there , I am normally the first after a tank to die , Hybrid tanks are speed bumps and im just a blade of grass in front of a lawnmower. Ripo doesnt work since the bosses strikethrough it in arx , Cotf yes its a joke its ez . minus the changes they made to AH raid on the imps with respect to the damage shield. i pretty much just sit that part out. I can take a reasonable amount of dmg in Cotf t2 t1 , Arx is an entirely different animal, if i could take you there and you could understand that 180k hp 13300 ac is meaningless and being 1 rounded is common place. you may see things slightly different. This also is forgetting all the ae ramp in that zone ontop of aoe spell dmg effects etc, healers have to work hard.

    Im not saying you dont know anything im saying you dont have the experience to make an informed decision regarding a change that impacts the game at its current tier.

    If you remember old raid days with push we used to surround the mob with melee to keep positioning because the boss would be pushed through a wall and reset. Now we just stick it in a corner and burn , but the mobs have considerable ac hp, and ae ramp thats so high its crazy , i throw a volley on an imp in AH and i lose 60 percent of my hp .. something is wrong there. I am a 2h only class no off hand dmg here.

    IK was here
  16. Risiko Augur

    It's like watching two jocks chest bump while flexing their muscles. Put your egos away and get back to the original discussion. Sheesh
    Motherlee and Zaviere like this.
  17. Poydras Augur

    God mode? It's just a utility ability, essentially just the ability to avoid or flee from a fight. Some god. And the people who play different classes than you--let's be honest here--are going to be smarter about the effects of nerfs on their characters than you are. For that matter it seems pretty clear that players are generally smarter about their classes than daybreak is. So maybe you might consider what they say with a bit more humility, rather than dismissively presuming it's just unskilled whiners whining about not being able to exploit something anymore.
    Motherlee and Insanekitty like this.