Naggy... certainly not fixed.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Smokezz, Aug 28, 2013.

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  1. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    B to the e to the e double r to the u to the n

  2. Barbwarrior Augur

    So when is naggy gettin fixed?
  3. Uxtalzon Augur

    Is the Aspect of Earth supposed to have a crazy, oh I dunno, 5000% haste? Hit deflection and snagged aggro, and the moment he swung at me I riposted him 26 times. I was like SWEET RODCET NIF- and died due to the AE.

    Also are those Talismans the aspects drop working? Not asking for spoilers, but when you near the end and all hell breaks loose, you kind of want to know.

    Know what's fun? Dragging Nagafen throughout the instanced zone. Makes you wish he wasn't instanced... CHAOS! PURE UNFILTERED CHAOS!
  4. Rashod Lorekeeper

    They are indeed working. We were able to beat it last night after 4 trys. First try we got rolled by earth elemental (weren't exactly ready for him). Second try froze at 90ish%. Third try made it to the 5% and weren't exactly sure what to do with the tailismans (figured this out after a couple clicks messing around with them this go). Beat it the next. IMO actually a fun little concept and fun to have to "figure" out as the only spoilers we had to go on for once was that his hp locked at 80 60 40 20 and 5.

    Good luck, keep at it and you will get it. And I am completely confused as to what would make it freeze, but it seems random with only 1/4 attempts doing it to us and not even at a lock point like most of the other posts have pointed out.
  5. The Drood Elder

    Still no Imp on Cazic
  6. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    I think the key there is to make sure that everyone in the raid understands that if nothing is happening for 5 minutes bailout and come back in. Some people like to tough it out thinking there will be a reconnect, but it is just wasting precious time.
  7. Jaylin Augur

    Try not slowing the earth guy. No lassitude on tanks either. And make sure particles for auras are on.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  8. Grummy_NB Augur

    total freeze at 37% and again at 9%.
  9. Ronak Augur

    The earth guy attacks 30 to 60 times a second, without having any slow or de-buff of any kind on him, btw. It just means you deflection/fort and burn him, but I doubt it's intended for him to do this, anyway.
  10. Kurayami Augur

    For some reason unbeknownst to me he hit just normally against a monk with a 2hb when we took this down, at the 40 % and AT the 4 % mark. Same monk reports getting wasted instantly when using h2h. So it might be that you have to 2h tank this guy, or 2hb, unable to test at this time.
  11. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    You'd think they would have fixed it by now.
  12. Jaylin Augur

    And when he is slowed or even attempted you get the message about the spell not having the intended consequence. And he goes nuts. It doesn't have to land to haste him up. Unless he has multiple triggers. We tested it about 6 times and it was only when a form of slow was attempt3d
  13. Ronak Augur

    Right, we cast no slow of any kind on him, and no one had fatigue on. He spawned swinging 30 to 60 x a second last night.
  14. Grummy_NB Augur

    Yes the earth guys sucks, but we burned him and continued on. On our freezes the earth guy was long dead and looted. I am thinking that this has something to do with naggy and his popping to center every time he casts. If they want him in the center for his ae, just perma root him there. I believe him trying pop around and the script run ae's; check where he is and stuff, is causing the freakout of the script.

    Here is a test.. perma root him and see if the freezes go away.
  15. Uxtalzon Augur

    If you perma-root Nagafen, you risk having tanks leash-tanking (backing up constantly to avoid melee damage) which is lame. They'd have to add a mechanic that makes him go globbin' crazy with rage if a tank tries to back out of melee range while targeted.

    But thumbs up for the Aspect of Earth when he goes unmitigated. A corner full of casters and priests is a corner full of DEAD CASTERS AND PRIESTS! BWAHAHA! He just steamrolls them so fast.
  16. Hatsee Augur

    He hits something like 5k, and has about 1% accuracy.

    His damage comes from AE's, not from melee.
    Uxtalzon likes this.
  17. Ishtass Augur

    Getting randomly gfluxed over the back wall into the lava was pretty funny.
  18. Uxtalzon Augur

    Wow, let a cloth class go nuts and tank him for that amount then, nevermind my leash-tanking bit. lol
  19. krozman Augur

    Can anyone post their strat on how they avoid the crash. May as well pool our available data and use the crash as a failure mechanic at this point.
  20. Bigstomp Augur

    Tell everyone to avoid using any LON or marketplace clicky given in the past 6 months, and ... pray
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