My awesomeness is keeping me from getting 1.5

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by mewkus, Mar 4, 2020.

  1. mewkus Augur

    I have a level 104 ranger that's only just now getting around to getting her Epic 1.5. The problem that I'm having is that there are four mobs that I need to capture. This involves using special weapons that will proc and despawn the mob when it's a low health (around 25%) and put their captured essence item on your cursor.

    The problem that I'm having is that I either trigger my Banestrike for 12,000 points of damage or I Furious Kick for 9,700 points of damage. I've turned off my autoskill kick, but I am still Furious Kicking. I've disabled all my buffs and damage shield, but I'm still killing the mobs too quickly and am unable to capture them.

    Has anyone else had a similar problem and found a workaround? Or does anyone have any advice on what I can do?
  2. Szilent Augur

    the Kicking is based on Riposte. Try using some low level spell to drop mobs to your low hp without meleeing them?
  3. shiftie Augur

    You could also try shrouding down, or using the spell carve whistle to give you a low level pet to do the dirty work
    Veteran_BetaTester likes this.
  4. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Equip net/lasso + a shield before you aggro the mob. Aggro it, then buff yourself with a low level damage shield, turn your back to the mob while it hits you and slowly loses hp on your damage shield. Can spam sit so it actually hits you. When mob is under 20% health, click off damage shield and just wait there with your back turned until it works.

    From Xyroff-cazic March 6 2019
    mewkus and Szilent like this.
  5. Liin Edud (Tunare) Augur

    I had similar problems on my berserker trying to do the prequest 1.5.

    I killed him by accident a good 4 -5 times before I figured out everything I'd forgotten.

    • Took off all my gear
    • Took off all buffs
    • Didn't use anything but hand to hand.
    • No mash key. (Forgot about songs that were giving me a chance for extra slash attacks even without a weapon equipped)
    • Deliberately used my banestrike on other trash around and then as it was getting close to going off again I found another trash to attack until it went off on them.
    • Never faced him so I wouldn't accidentally riposte
    Good luck
    mewkus likes this.
  6. mewkus Augur

    That did it. Thanks for the info. I was thinking I had to hit it to proc the weapon.
    Veteran_BetaTester likes this.