Ranger Epic 1.5 "capture" mobs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Phiyre, Mar 6, 2019.

  1. Phiyre Augur

    I am to the stage of epic 1.5 (figure the 2.0 is a decent clickie) where I have made my butterfly net and lasso. Issue is, I am 102 and can't seem to tap these things w/o killing them. Clearing trash w/ the lasso/net I see it attempt to "proc" on the wrong stuff. Sadly, I can't fight the stuff I need long enough to get it to capture.a twitching swordfish, a leprous ** etc.
    Anyone have suggestions? I will try to nuke it down but it appears I need the weapon to proc.
    No damage shield etc. No good off hand weapon equipped (shield is though). Keep killing these guys and w/ a 2 hour respawn, it's a mild pita.
  2. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Equip net/lasso + a shield before you aggro the mob. Aggro it, then buff yourself with a low level damage shield, turn your back to the mob while it hits you and slowly loses hp on your damage shield. Can spam sit so it actually hits you. When mob is under 20% health, click off damage shield and just wait there with your back turned until it works.
    Phiyre likes this.
  3. Phiyre Augur

    Would nuking it down to below 20% work the same or should it be a ds? I will definitely try that though.
  4. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Yes that works too. Basically as long as it's under 20% and beating on you while you have the proper lasso/net equipped, it will eventually work. Just avoid ripostes and never turn on auto attack; it doesn't really proc through melee.
  5. Phiyre Augur

    Worked great.. Thanks again :)