Mischief/Thornblade Random Loot

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by MischiefMalt, Dec 23, 2021.

  1. Hdizzle Augur

    This ^

    Anyone who's spent any amount of time on a wow TLP server will feel very at home on Mischief / Thorn.
  2. EQEnzo New Member

    Thank you for telling me that you don't think I should play here, despite really enjoying the loot system pre-PoP. If I'd told you that this server wasn't for YOU during luclin, would that have been a helpful response to your hypothetical criticism of the recent changes to end-game loot distribution?
    Gnothappening likes this.
  3. Kahna Augur

    I liked Luclin, I think it could have been a little looser, but it wasn't the worst. Got a little boring knowing exactly what to kill to get what we wanted but it was tolerable. PoP is just a better layout. I feel like they are getting the hang of the right level of random as they go through the expansions. There were always going to be mistakes, there was always going to be some trial and error and changes. Knew that going into it.

    And, to be fair, if they did continue with the far more restrictive layout of loot tiers this wouldn't be the right server for me, and I would move on. I have moved on from a number of servers when they were no longer the right fit for me. I tried out Rizlona, didn't like it for a number of reasons and I moved on. I didn't try to get Rizlona changed into something less than what it was just so I would like playing there.
  4. EQEnzo New Member

    You're entitled to your own opinion, and you shouldn't expect people telling you to quit the server for expressing it. When luclin launched, there were multiple threads saying that the loot was done perfectly, even if you personally didn't love it. You're going WAY overboard in pushing your personal agenda here- how many times in how many threads have you said the exact same thing?

    Honestly, the people benefiting most from the current loot buckets are the krono farmers. In pok this afternoon one player was auctioning gear that will equate to $3000+ US dollars after he sells the krono, and that's because the bis loot is so abundant and so easy to access without traditional full raids. When you consistently and fervently push this agenda, I know that I'm not alone in questioning your motives.
  5. Kahna Augur

    lol. I have the same stack of Krono I earned in the EQ2 TLE 5 years ago. After I accumulated a decent amount I realized there was no point to it because I spent it so rarely. I am sitting on 50 krono and about 300k plat. I also have an entire selling toon's inventory worth of stuff I haven't bothered to sell, to include half a dragon's hoard, because I care that little about money in this game. Only thing I spend it on is a few spells I wasn't lucky enough to get and tradeskill supplies. I don't need to have Krono to accomplish my goals in EQ. As for selling it in real life. You think if I am too lazy to set up a trader in EQ I am setting one up IRL? This isn't about krono, it is about enjoying the game.

    As for telling people to leave the server, know that I'm not saying it vindictively, I'm just being honest. Not every server needs to cater to every person. Going niche is the best way for them to move forward with these TLPs and keep them fresh. Which means that some folks are going to leave servers because those servers aren't their cup of tea. Perhaps they should continue to release regular servers along side special servers, though I doubt a regular server could have competed with Mischief. I truly hope that the next server they roll out is something that caters to all the people who aren't happy with how they rolled out this one. I do want the game to be successful and to continue into the future.
  6. Punchu Augur

    I love Kahna's take that PoP loot was thought about at all and not just slapped together by level spreadsheet in 5 minutes because everyone was put on the Live expansion.
  7. AngryKing Elder

    Breadline loot that's so ridiculously easy and plentiful but still worth $3000+ Something isnt adding up chief.
  8. Gnothappening Augur

    Hey now, breadline is my phrase :p
    AngryKing likes this.
  9. Machen New Member

    Sort of. AoC's show that the content as it currently is, isn't hard. But it was once, before all the power creep. If there had been aoc's in original pop, a whole lot less guilds would have finished potime in era than we see today. Even if there were AoC's ten years ago during Fippy/Vulak. We saw a pretty stark difference once we hit instanced content on Fippy in terms of guild completion %, compared to what we see today. Guilds DID struggle with the content, even with unrestricted access. When DPS is orders of magnitude higher, tanks are able to mitigate far better, and add in unprecedented levels of gear due to the above making content easy and quick for most guilds to put on farm mode... The game isn't remotely what it once was in terms of difficulty.
  10. Kahna Augur

    I feel like splitting it up the way other folks wanted it Time in one bucket, elementals in another, then everything else, would have taken far less time than the tiers they did decide on. That spreadsheet probably took at least 15 minutes.
  11. FranktheBank Augur

    Ngreth literally admitted he didn't have as much time to put into PoP tiering. Which is why so many triggered mob errors happened.

    It's pretty funny that people keep saying nonsense like "The only people who want tables changed are RMTers/Boxers". Mobs like Grummus/Vhakiz/etc are WAY easier for boxers to take advantage of. People advocating for changes just want Time to actual be worth the time investment.
    Gnothappening likes this.