Mischief/Thornblade Random Loot

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by MischiefMalt, Dec 23, 2021.

  1. Gnothappening Augur

    I don't 72 man anything. I hit some small targets with friends. Yard trash dropping quarm loot actually helps me gear up, but it doesn't make it sensible.

    More of this 72 man BS when the actual raid guilds are splitting everything and doing 2 or more DZs with the leanest crew they can field in each one. If they zerg anything it is open world, just to make sure they can get the kill over other people.
  2. Gnothappening Augur

    I always thought the 70 stretch was brutal because it lasted 4 expansions.
  3. Machen New Member

    If there was plenty of enjoyable content, it would be great.

    OoW hasn't aged well with all the dps and mitigation improvements. Anguish used to be a fun zone, not so much now. If they reverted the difficulty, Anguish would be good again.

    DoDH is still good.

    DoN has nothing. PoR has content but it is mostly awful.

    So out of four expansions and close to a year at level 70, we get two months with good content.
  4. Gnothappening Augur

    I think we are overpowered in general. I do enjoy monster missions though.
  5. Machen New Member

    Massively. I've been saying this since Ragefire launched.
  6. Gnothappening Augur

    That would be a nice TLP, where everyone's dps was cut in half or something out of the gate. Do like a hidden AA that reduced all damage by whatever percent.
  7. ExecutionDbl9 Druid / Shadow Knight / Necromancer

    Not dead when I play. I see activity in gen chat, been able to find groups for leveling. Seems anything but dead to me.
  8. Triv New Member

    There is so much loot I don't understand why people cry about everything. One DZ Grummus dropped 4 God tier PoTime drops the next DZ Bertoxx dropped utter garbage thats the point of randomness. If PoTime is only PoTime then everyone will log in once a week collect loot and logout. As it stands, people are killing everything and its pretty cool actually.
    Elite_raider likes this.
  9. Triconix Augur

    If by dead you mean a dozen+ guilds still doing all raids, many of which split raiding, and multiple picks in just about every meaningful zone possible during prime hours, sure, it's dead as can be.

    The only thing dead around here is AngryKing's terrible takes.
    So you admit that all you care about is the loot, regardless of how truly enjoyable the content is. Because let's be serious, having "raid" targets melt in seconds with any reasonable force is not fun.
  10. Triconix Augur

    I mean, that's like your opinion. Back in the day, I loved DON content. I enjoyed the group missions and the raids while being in a top 10 guild at the time. Some of POR was enjoyable, but the progression was confusing and nonsensical to me.

    DoDh is fantastic.

    OOW is still enjoyable although now I see is another victim of power creep, much like POP. Two of my previously top 5 expansions are just shells of themselves. I'm honestly not sure how people can just reroll classic-POP when it's just so easy and borderline boring now. I guess people gotta get that krono to pay for rent.
    CoA, Tacvi, Vish, Yarlir, Rikkukin, Kessdona, MPG trials, Circle of Drakes splits. If you're an OW hunter you can do T`Shara, King, Queen. You can sprinkle in some easier GOD raids for BIC pieces, mod items that are more rare (fero, cleave, etc), clicky farming in PoTime, etc.

    There's a ton to do that my guild used to do back in the day. The only thing making content boring is the people making the content boring by not mixing it up.

    DoN was originally released in Feb of 2005. It was beaten by most top guilds in March/April. The 4 months of just DON farming is the same stretch as the entirety of OOW/DoN on TLPs. I don't remember any complaining about being bored with the 10+ months of farming we had. We raided everything. Limiting yourself to just COA, Vish, Yarlir, and MPG is a problem with your guild's leadership.
  11. AngryKing Elder

    I feel like i'm in bizarro world that you and others complain about having too much content. I actually don't even know what you are arguing anymore as I never once said I didn't enjoy the content. I enjoy progression(levels, loot, access) you know....the whole point of mmorpgs :confused:? If they can provide meaningful progression with all of the usually wasted content I'm all for it.

    Mob difficulty is what you make it, if you bring numbers to run over and melt your targets then that's your prerogative and style of play. I'm not here to shame your zergy raid splits and strategies.
  12. Machen New Member

    We got all the Tacvi items we needed in tacvi. Same with BiC pieces. Every main who wanted to finish has it. Every main has their tacvi weapon. No reason to go back to GoD. There are a few armor upgrades but by the time we are done farming anguish for five months those pieces will be irrelevant so no need when 90% of the loot would go to alts.

    Circle of Drakes, people will do on their own. No need to organize 12 man content as a guild.

    King and Queen are not instanced, so no, we can't do them. If they are up when we raid, we do. That's been twice in seven weeks so far.

    Rikkukin and Kessdona will not offer upgrades to our raid force by the time DoN launches. People can offnight those for alts. We'll do them once to say we did.

    MPG trials... We are doing them, and they are awful. With the power creep, it takes longer to move from trial to trial than it does to actually do them, except for the timed ones where we are standing around for 20 minutes doing nothing. With the mess of pickzones in MPG, just getting to each trial with our full raid force is a nightmare, even using all the tricks. It is by far our least popular raid night.
    PatCleric likes this.
  13. Triconix Augur

    This sounds primarily like a Rizlona problem when everyone and their mother is most likely using ISB and EmQ2 and multi boxing or botting raids so there is more gear per main as half the force is boxed alts. I guess huge zerg guilds can be included in there as well. Cause and effect.

    Under normal circumstances, not every one in a regular sized guild (60-70 mains only) is fully equiped like you are describing after only 3.3 months of GOD and 1ish month of OOW so far. There are still people getting awarded tongues, BIC pieces, etc in my guild to this day.

    The only items that are sort of going to alts right now in Tacvi is leather and the occasional silk.

    I literally said I was in a more casual guild that doesn't split or zerg. Do you lack reading comprehension?

    Again, you only enjoy the content because it's now "worthwhile" in your eyes aka it offers better loot. However, loot isn't the end all be all of raiding. I don't remember the last year in all my years raiding when my primary concern was loot. I can say with almost certainty that in the last 6-10 years of raiding that I'm bottom 10% of total dkp spent. I haven't even bothered fully gearing myself the last few expansions, even with currency. Too much effort to go to the vendor and make the item. No thanks. I just want good content.

    Just because random loot exists, content like Grummus, Bertox, Saryrn, TT, etc. isn't any better because power creep trivialized these encounters so much that it would require a 2 group raid force to find any semblance of difficulty in them. And by that time, two group raiding is the antithesis of EQ raiding, historically speaking.
  14. Machen New Member

    We had the same problem on Phinigel, and were not a huge zerg guild. 70 mains is plenty enough to split tacvi and get everyone what they need in relatively short order.

    We did get fairly lucky on weapon drops on Rizlona, but the fact remains, we have no reason to go back to tacvi on mains or even most of our raid alts. If we did, and people would use the gear, the lack of content would be less of a problem right now.
  15. Triconix Augur

    Again, there's your problem. If people are concerned with lack of content, why are you split raiding and shortening the content even more? Your problems are self imposed. If you're more old school, one raid force, one raid schedule, one instance, no splits. Problem is officially solved.

    This isn't a content problem. This is people wanting instant gratification and all the gear so they take advantage of power creep to split raids to spread more gear around at a quicker pace. You're circumventing design and intent because of overall game changes to character power.

    Maybe that's the new norm. I'm not sure. But I want no part of it. I decided to play on a TLP with a group of friends on live because the lack of yearly content available and to re-do all the raids I did back when I was a kid in era again. Why would I want to just split raid things multiple times and grow bored with this content as well? The whole point of playing on a TLP is to avoid boredom. Why would I take actions to ensure that the thing I'm trying to avoid occurs?

    People around here always want to proclaim the "nostaglia" aspect of why they play on a TLP rotation. What the hell is so nostaglic about split raiding content ad nauseum? Nothing. It was rarely, if ever done.
  16. AngryKing Elder

    So lets get this straight. You and your guild doesn't split content and instead run it with a full force. That full force causes the content to be trivialized and deemed "not good content" because it gets steamrolled? As I said previously, difficulty is what you make it and you take the path of least resistance. That's your choice, which in a game like this, everyone is entitled to.

    And of course that content is worthwhile because it actually offers true character progression. Content requires a relevant carrot to entice people to run it. Like, what are you even talking about here this is rpg101? Do you read the things you type out? No one wants to go kill useless content for the hell of it and P1 Time is no more engaging or considered higher quality content than a Grummus.

    You are more than welcome to have the opinion that 12-24 man raids shouldn't be a thing because "that's not my EQ!". My opinion differs on that @ this stage of EQ and thankfully Ngreth's does as well in terms of this ruleset. Daybreak offers 20 other servers where the loot is held by the exact mobs we know and expect, while keeping the Grummuss of the world alive, untouched, and forgotten.
  17. Machen New Member

    We mostly split raid because if we didn't, we wouldn't have enough content to fill 3 nights a week of raiding. As it is, we just barely do. We had three full nights with the content through Luclin. Once we hit pop, we had one night of elementals, one night of time, and nothing else to do on the third night. So, we added a 2nd night of time. Still doing that in oow now, with 2 nights of anguish and one night of mpg trials. We'll probably have to drop mpg trials soon as the gear isn't going to be going to mains much longer. As it is, anguish takes less than 90 minutes. We could realistically fit anguish + mpg trials on one night if we wanted. But we don't want to raid just once a week.

    I expect at DoDH we will go back to raiding content with one raid force once a week, and have enough content to keep us busy again for three nights. We don't expect to split raid further once we get to the point where there is enough content to keep us busy again.
  18. Triconix Augur

    I think you're failing to comprehend that the design intent of these raids was never to split content to try and make it "more difficult." It sucks that it's trivialized compared to what it used to be due to power creep, but I'm not going to start split raiding because old content no longer matches character power levels.

    However, there's nothing hard about the encounters, regardless of numbers. They are simple tank & spank encounters. Small or large numbers of people won't make basic mechanic events more enjoyable and you're not going to start seeing more mechanics until past LDON. You're still going to be doing the same thing you would do with 20 people as you would with a full raid. The only difference is the fight is just artificially longer because of less people and less overall dps.

    Difficulty doesn't come in the form of artifical, out-of-game means. It comes from in-game design. However, it's your choice to believe that taking 20 people to kill Grummus is somehow more difficult than taking 40-50 people. I'd argue that time to finish =/= difficulty.

    I don't know what your ramblings after that even mean. It's just nonsense. The foundation of character progression, historically across all MMOs, is completing raids in a linear fashion of increasing difficulty to acquire loot that is better than previous raids. Your idea of destroying easy, boring content to acquire loot normally found in higher tiers isn't character progression. Does it open the door for more content? Sure, but it doesn't mean that content is any more enjoyable. Not enjoyable content isn't worthwhile to raid, regardless of the loot it provides, in my opinion. And this is where you and I have very different beliefs. You feel the content now is worthwhile and fun because it offers good loot. I couldn't care any less about getting said loot if the raids it takes to acquire the loot is dull and unenjoyable.
  19. AngryKing Elder

    All fine and dandy that that's your view on all of this. Thankfully for the people that actually play on and enjoy the server it's nothing like what you think it should be.;)
  20. Triconix Augur

    Love how you quoted two words that had nothing to do with your reply. Thats when you know you're on the wrong side of the discussion.