Looking for Ores in all the wrong places

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Toukan, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. Derka Power Ranger

    So what are your plans after you get all your ores? Run the missions for currency to buy type 5s? Who gets your ore rots from mission chests at that point?
    I understand the frustration that people who hit the ground running for expansion launches reap the benefits of bugs but this happens every year. Only change this year is you don't technically have to do any missions at all to gear out in T3 group gear AND type 5s. It's almost as if the devs listened to the people that complained about ToV taking away their ability to grind stuff out by killing mobs.
  2. Tappin Augur

    It’s not a bug or design flaw - it’s intentional. Not everyone rocks raid gear, and doing CoV missions with ToV group gear is rough. That’s why people get mad.
    Kase likes this.
  3. Derka Power Ranger

    The initial high drop rate of ores was unintentional. Yeah the AEs can suck, the fancy drawn out achievements so far have required two different healers for us(shaman usually a must + cleric)

    I am willing to bet we will see another tuning pass on missions and then in 3 months chests will contain x2 ores.
  4. Tappin Augur

    It was intentional - it was a gear reset.
  5. cbxvbcfgh Journeyman

    a reduction of drop chance form 4% to 1% does not equate to a 25% drop rate from original because you have a 1 percent chance every single time regardless of whether you killed 99 before it. One in a hundred is not always the same as a 1% chance

    ... and yes i do believe it is the same as chase loot iirc. So basically ya were given 2 months to get them. Now its back in the hands of the boxxers. You will pay for multiple accounts or ya can pay for the krono to pay those who do.