Look to the sky! While the sky itself is not falling, parts of it may seem to be. Magus Burlshin, wh

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by pelore, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. pelore New Member

    does this mean there is a real quest to do like there was for last expansion if so does this guy give one?
  2. Shaolinwu New Member

    Petite Dark fear Shard linked in OOC in Ferrott not sure if these are it or not.
  3. Shaolinwu New Member

    handed in Petite Dark fear Shard x3 and got,
    "Your faction standing with Crystal Circle Builders got better.
    Magus Burlshin says 'Thank you very much! This will be very handy.'
  4. Derd Augur

    Shards drop in all zones but they are level based, turn in for faction boost to the guy mentioned. Easiest path is probably to kill in your appropriate level range and gather them that way. Some have mentioned killing themselves down to the level needed to turn in lower ones then using exp recovery .. rez's etc after turn ins and it's been suggested you could shroud possibly but i dont know if that works or not.
  5. pelore New Member

    are these coming of humanoid mobs only?
  6. Rainbowdash Augur

  7. pelore New Member

    thanks for the info rainbow helped out a lot :) lets get killing
  8. Rainbowdash Augur

    FYI, as of when I did it, you CAN shroud to hand in lower level shards. if 86+, since shrouds stop at 70, only way to hand in the "Petite Fear Shard" drops (req 71 rec 85) is to delevel. I went from 95 to 85 with ~100 deaths bind attacking a selyrah and handed in 7 to finish up my faction then hit Expediant recovery ;P

    Known level + shard names

    Tiny Pale Fear Shard (rec 15)
    Tiny Fear Shard (req 11 - rec 25)
    Tiny Dark Fear Shard (req 21 - rec 35)
    Meager Pale Fear Shard (req 31 - rec 45)
    Meager Fear Shard (req 41 - rec 55)
    Meager Dark Fear Shard (req 51 - rec 65)
    Petite Pale Fear Shard (req 61 - rec 75)
    Petite Fear Shard (req 71 - rec 85)
    Petite Dark Fear Shard (req 81 - rec 95)
    Small Fear Shard (req 91 - rec 100)

    All shards drop from any mob in EQ, indoor and out, seemingly, and the mob will drop any shard within it's level gap (so a level 81 mob will drop Petite Fear Shard and Petite Dark Fear Shard. a level 91 mob will drop Petite Dark Fear Shard and Small Fear Shard. etc etc)
  9. Xslia Elder

    Any thoughts to drop rate - we have had several people in different zones killing today and not one drop of any kind.
  10. Gragas Augur

    Drop rates are dismal, back to Borderlands 2 I guess.
  11. Rafather Augur

    Drop rates need a hotfix fast, not getting a single drop is horrible SoE.
  12. Sebbina Augur

    Rainbowdash is not always in lobby, i caught him at the Sarith/RT zone line, and i terrified him, it seems he thought i was one of the new monster halflings- maybe i am.
    Cakvala and Rainbowdash like this.
  13. Grummy_NB Augur

    terrible drop rates, must be of your level range.. bet the headshot crews will be selling loot rights for awsome plat. nice job, you made all the complaints about the feerot swarm killing even worse.
  14. Hatsee Augur

    They may be bad but the sk's pulling half the zones are much worse.
  15. Rainbowdash Augur

    That implies that headshotters even check corpses. None that I've ever seen do. Ever.
  16. Nural Toxxin New Member

    Funny how some people are saying they are rare,maybe at higher levels i guess,but my 68 Beast has about 16 of the petite pale shards on him just after a few hour's of AA'ing in PoF,and i believe 6-8 of the meager shards.
    If i only knew how to get to the turn in guy,i'd be set I guess lol.Nevere really been to any VoA zones since my return after a 9 year hiatus :)
  17. Rainbowdash Augur

    You're one lucky lucky lucky lucky man.

    PM me please, I need Ohio's lottery numbers. I need the cash to satisfy my insatiable need for illusions.
  18. Nural Toxxin New Member

    they are level based,maybe the higher level ones are rarer? I don't know,I just know i have 16 of the level 61-75 ones and 6 of 51-65 levels ones.
    Do they give the same amount of faction on turn ins?
  19. Rainbowdash Augur

    From what I could tell when i ran them on Test yes. However, as I said when I submitted it to EQresource, it's possible they changed it between when I did it and pushing it to Live. As Rainbow Dash is max ally atm testing hand ins does little good for her in terms of discovering changes, and I'm seeing no changes for Magus or this quest aside from Magus' new beard and robe so I'm guessing it's the same as when I did it (but don't quote me on that).

    If it is, it seems to be the same faction hit for any shard, the shard level req appears to just be to limit who can hand what shards in (moot given shrouding and, if desperate, deleveling, permits you to hand any shards in. Assuming that was not changed.....)
  20. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    Doubtful. Most people headshot for xp and stopping to loot corpses would just screw that up. Most people will not be bothering with that route.