Legends of Norrath Ending

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sobmre, Jun 17, 2016.

  1. Kahlev Al-Calen Augur

    Because that worked so well in the past, right? So the next games will be an Overwatch clone and... "Everquest Try" (a cookie if you get the reference)

    That at least would tell us that they are keeping their malnourished cash cows alive to fund their vaporware, but it doesn't make the situation any better. What i would like to see is "we are refocusing our resources and increasing the developer staff of XYZW games", not "we are scrapping our same amount of butter over yet even more bread" (another cookie here).
    Caell likes this.
  2. Nolrog Augur

    You have to redeem them in LoN, because once it shuts down, there will not be a way to do that. But you can leave them in your Everquest /claim window and get them at your leisure. That's how I understand it at least.
    Rivitt likes this.
  3. Qbert Gallifreyan

    I sure hope they fixed the claim window problem. I remember running into a cap on items more than once, not long after the claim window came out. I couldn't see a whole crapton of items that should have been visible in the claim window.

    Their answer to my petition at that time was to claim some and refresh to see the hidden items . . . that is not feasible when being forced to claim hundreds of items on top of the already bloated claim window and not providing a keyring for all of the item types (illusions/mounts done, but what about nimbus/familiar/ornament/potion/painting/etc. cards?).
  4. --Voodoo-- Augur

    lol, if you have so much crap built up on your LoN account that you can't possibly claim it all in two months, you should probably be thanking DB. Obviously the prospect of losing that stuff is the only thing giving it any value to you.

    Kidding (mostly). Of course, a game shutting down sucks for anyone that still enjoys it. But painting keyring? Really?
  5. Qbert Gallifreyan

    I don't really expect keyrings for all the types, merely highlighting that it is just moving all of the data from one of their servers to another, to just sit there and clog up a claim window for no discernable reason. I just want to make sure since they are forcing that, that the system will actually hold it.

    I log into LoN about once a month and trade items so it's not sitting there with no movement necessary, but some of the items that I have 10+ copies of, sure, I can't even give those away after this since they are no trade once they are in EQ.
  6. Caell Augur

    I'm just spitballing here, but if they would do something simple like oh I don't know ADVERTISE and get their games back on the shelves and put some effort into making it look like they haven't given up on all their titles maybe just maybe they would make some money. Crazy talk, I know, I know.
  7. Caell Augur

    He's referring to how they removed LoN from being launchable from inside EQ, not that it ever worked right for me. Crashed every time I tried.

    My guess is they knew this decision was coming and wanted to cut some "cruft."
  8. itsjustme111 New Member

    This is the reason I despise digital goods. When a company decides its not profitable for them anymore they just shut it down and anything you spent poofs into nothing. At least if Wizard discontinued Magic the Gathering right this moment you would still be able to buy used cards, you would still have whatever you paid for, and you could still play the game.

    I feel the same way about all this freemium facebook/cellphone games. People spend hundreds of dollars on these games and after a few months maybe a few years they shut down leaving you with squat. Sure I might have paid $50 for my original NES games but at least I still have them and can still play them.

    If you want to really see some people angry at Daybreak go on Steam and look at the comments for Landmark. At the way Daybreak is going I have no desire to subscribe to any of their games and I sure as heck wouldn't take their year long subscriptions. I guarantee you if you go all access for a year and 2 months later they decide to shut down whatever game you play you won't get a refund. They will throw the TOS in your face and tell you how you can play other games with your subscription.
    Rivitt and Hiladdar like this.
  9. Khat_Nip Meow

    Would you have been happier if EverQuest were a board game?
    RPoo, MrMajestykx and EnchFWO like this.
  10. EnchFWO Augur

    Hmm... no more potentially free loot cards but they will all be available in the marketplace via their random prize packs. Gee... I wonder why they are closing it :rolleyes:

    Obviously they had to find a way to pay the new (old) dev's salary. Buy MOAR prize packs in the market! Maybe we'll get another one then!
  11. wingz-83 Augur

    Is there a way to mass claim unclaimed items? It's taking forever one by one and windows pop up randomly sometimes after I click on them..
  12. Iila Augur

    The lag is how you know its working.
    Vdidar likes this.
  13. Tnexus Journeyman

    I'm frankly more shocked they didn't hold a pack sale a week before announcing this.

    And now I need to offload 1500 loots. Thanks, DBG!

    The old dev (and only dev) is now working on Hex TCG. Crieger was an awesome guy, I'm glad he's got on another great project.
    Oxgoad and Rivitt like this.
  14. Tsolaes Elder

    Suggestion #1: Can a private party run the LoN game server, like those EQ servers?

    Suggestion #2 Is it possible to release a single player offline version? So we can still use our cards and complete the scenarios, maybe try for some achievements? I'm halfway through beating all the scenarios on hard and certainly can't get them done in two months.
    Oxgoad likes this.
  15. Gorehammer Lorekeeper

    My question for DB is: If you have no one working on LoN, not even for maintenance, then what is it costing you to keep LoN running? The electricity bill of running one server minus the packs people buy? I'm failing to see how LoN is holding DB back in any regard.

    As for #2, I asked for this several years ago, an "offline mode" so you could play the game with no connection to the server. With that I also suggested a sort of "sparring mode" where you could manually set up game situations to test card combos and the like. This would help you discover things you like, things you don't like, and help find bugs that could be reported and fixed.

    Other than the excuse of laziness in programming, there is no reason why, since it's inception, LoN has not been given Offline Mode/Single Player functionality, and now is as good a time as any, but they will not. Rude.
    Oxgoad and Caell like this.
  16. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    I agree with this. If we no longer get 5 free booster packs a month (1500 DBC) we should at least get 1 of the Legend of the ... free a month (1000 DBC). Quit being a cheap company and offer players what they were previously entitled too!!
  17. Zamiam Augur

    we are not entitled to anything.. why is it that this generation feels like they are entitled to something.. it is a digital game .. once they close the doors on EQ (which i hope isnt for few more years) but it will happen the character(s) that you've spent tens of thousands of dollars on over the last 18+ years will be gone anything you've spent in the marketplace will be gone you wont be able to load up the game and see your toons anylonger.. thats what Digital means.. thats why EQ will be the last online game i'll ever play and spend money on .. unless they make an online game with an offline option so you can play offline as well as online if you choose.. I never got into the LoN game that much ya when it first came out i bought few hundred bucks worth of packs but thats it ..
  18. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    Reread what I said... PREVIOUSLY Entitled to... Yes we originally never even got 5 free packs a month, but it was an entitlement they gave us for being a paying customer which has been in effect for quite some time and now they are taking it away, along with a game that I actually play on a pretty regular basis, not just claim packs and loot.


    And I love how just because I brought up entitlement you instantly jump to This Generation lol
  19. Zamiam Augur

    the meaning of Entitlement "the fact of having a right to something " which im sure if i wanted too i could search thru the TOS and find a line that clearly states that DB owns the rights to all digital software and that we own squat .. whether it was previously entitled or not we were not really Entitled to anything..
  20. Sofia831 New Member

    I myself don't care about the 5 free loot packs they give . What I do care about is I spent a lot on these cards to get loots I wanted and to give some to friends that needed. and I have so much still and was trying to trade for stuff I knew people wanted /tears now I am be stuck with loots I already have , Wish there was a way to make them into prize cards , But I guess it will just be a loss /sad face /shake fingers @ DBG you guys just got to keep hurting and hurting us people why? why? Why? we spend a lot money with your game can you guys at least be honest ,.C'mon DB people there's a lot of us people that enjoys to play your game daily and puts a lot of money in it . So please stop giving us free stuff then after we spend so much money on the stuff pull it out all from under us just cause the free deal don't suit you guys no more Take back the free pack once a month and let us keep the Lon some of us do play the cards ya know.anyways Peace to you people and hope our game don't get any worst first you guys pull the market place goodies on Wednesday we use to get now this. Lova ya guys and gals but yall just aint right
    Caell likes this.