Left this alone till now

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by jordune, Jan 31, 2019.

  1. took2summit11 Augur

    What about a limit to like 2 boxes? It seems there’s a fairly large spectrum of 30 mages and can only play 1 character. 2 boxes lets someone at least always get to be somewhat productive and they’d still try to fill the other 4 slots with warm bodies. I don’t have the means nor desire to go out and buy a second computer just so I can play 2 characters, but don’t think boxing 2 toons gets rid of the spirit of the game. I am currently subbed on 2 accounts and will be cancelling one of them if I can’t play both at once. It’s not a threat, just a fact. I will happily play 1 character if it’s a true box server, and will happily play both accounts if they allow 2-boxing. But I have no need to continue paying for 2 subscriptions if I can’t play them both at once anyways.
    Mashef likes this.
  2. jeskola pheerie

    A couple live servers are pretty high pop.. Bristlebane, FV. The sheer amount of group content and raid content with instances over the last 15+ years means a ton of instances on those servers. New TLP with AOC will only have raid instances, so the instance numbers don't really compare until LDON.
  3. Gremin Augur

    I thought this was a poem!
    klanderso likes this.
  4. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    They have zero way to enforce a limit on a boxing other than what they currently setup.

    Already played on a server that didn't have truebox, was a nightmare with so many 12 to 18 boxers it was just hilarious.

    This comes from someone who boxes 2 to 6 depending if I need to help level our most casual friends.
  5. Quill Augur

    Ya... but everything is instanced now. How exactly is it a nightmare in that scenario? Does the sight of such things cause you trouble sleeping?
  6. Tankz Lorekeeper

    Removing MOTM makes absolutely zero sense.. As Trevalon posted, you need to be reminded of the days before MOTM where these mobs were not a challenge at all, and it was absolutely zero fun when you did get to kill them.
    Trevalon likes this.
  7. Trevalon Augur

    Let me explain to you EXACTLY how it has had an effect on me in past servers. Because While I do raid in AOC's Everything else in EQ is outside of AOC's. This is the part you just want to gloss over, AOC's are a very SMALL portion of EQ's content.

    Me and a few friends do box 2-3 characters each (I am not against the small time boxer, I do it myself) and when were all together we can get together a solid 6 man group or so. I cannot count how many times we made plans to go to Plane of Hate to farm some gear with our 6 man crew only to have some 20 boxer LITERALLY sit on top of our camp spot and KS every mob we would pull. Why? Because KSing isn't against the rules anymore and he can.

    Do you know how many times I have been in Freti camp only to have some 12 boxer walk in and literally say: "Hey this is my camp now and you should just leave" and thats what you get to do cause you cannot beat them. I am super glad YOU have never had to deal with this kind of thing, because I suspect you are the boxer that does those things, but this stuff happens every single day when mass boxers are allowed.

    My group of friends never once got a decent camp on LJ cause we were always run off by mass boxers (hell I was in Faceless and I even had Faceless boxers run me out of camps! My own guildmates ran us out of camps), but Phinigel and Agnarr, we could get some camps cause there were very few of these people running around as opposed to hundreds.

    Mass boxing is a blight on EQ and I firmly believe all the people on this forum that want Truebox gone are the same mass boxers that want to step on everyone else cause it makes them feel powerful. They are also the same people that want MOTM gone so they can take their 18 boxes and kill all the raid mobs too. No, its bad for EQ.
    Xhartor, Tankz, snailish and 2 others like this.
  8. So Happy Augur

    @ Trev

    Exactly why LJ was my last TLP.
    Trevalon likes this.
  9. took2summit11 Augur

    I want truebox gone and I would only play 2 tops. I do 100% agree that there should be a reasonable limit to boxing and find it unfortunate that DBG has no way to enforce a 2-3 box limit rule. So I guess with that said, I’d rather there be truebox rules and I’m forced to play 1 instead of no truebox rule so I can play 2 but others would play 18+. But, if anyone at DBG is reading this and think there’s a feasible way to allow 2-3 boxing, I’d find it hard to believe that everyone who DOESN’T want to box 6+ would be opposed to this. Being able to play 2 characters at once just really opens the door in a big way for a lot of casual people (myself).
    Trevalon likes this.
  10. Trevalon Augur

    I am 100% behind this. If they could find a way to let people 2 box a single machine I would be ok with it. Would that make more big boxers? Yes, but it wouldn't open the floodgates to the HELL that was LJ/RF and every server before that. We have come a long way on TLP's since Sleeper/Combine (I imagine 90% of people on this forum never experienced that) and to suddenly have this group of people try to take us backwards is annoying at best. I respect people' opinions on a subject, but when an opinion is formed without experience to go along with it then someone needs to explain why things are the way things are.

    I do take solace in the fact that Prathun, Absor, and Ngreth all were around during those same days of hell and they know how cancerous those servers were and why we added Truebox, MOTM, and AOC's to TLPs in the first place and I have faith they will do the right thing and keep those things in the game.
    Tankz likes this.
  11. FIsh Lips Augur

    Definitely a problem on Fippy. Definitely not a problem on instanced servers.
  12. Trevalon Augur

    Yea, cause every instance server had true box, lol. Thanks for proving my point :)
    Tankz likes this.
  13. The Hated One Augur

    If they truebox'd all servers EQ would be on the list of dead games for DGB. Hate boxers all you want but EQ is still here because of boxers. Sure...there are bad apples. There are people that take things too far and do things we all despise. But there are more good than bad. If they keep moving the game to true-box you will need to find a new game pretty soon.
  14. Trevalon Augur

    and I have said time and again there does come a point on TLPs where it might be prudent to remove Truebox code, I have even said that I believe that expansion is DoN - I am not against that. I am against mass boxers literally turning the first 5 expansions into a mockery as they did on every server prior to Phinigel. I feel like you have been around for a while? Were you not here for LJ/RF? These forums were FULL of posts about the mass boxers on those servers and how it was ruining EQ. God the Tulkas posts alone! Do you not remember this or were you not even here?

    AoC's wasn't even the biggest complain prior to Phinigel, it was boxers! AoC debate was prior to RF/LJ during the whole "Casuals shouldn't kill Naggy" debacle. The whole point to creating Truebox was the massive outcry on these forums and in game on RF/LJ about how they were ruining every aspect of the game.

    I am not against boxing, I am against people who box more than 6 toons.
  15. Kahna Augur

    They have stated in the past that live instances are very different from TLP instances. Live instances were built specifically to be instances, the raid zones were forced into it later. They have different resource requirements and the raid zones are a bigger strain than regular instancing. Similar to why picks had issues and they had to change the pick rules.
  16. FIsh Lips Augur

    It also has...instances. Where you can instakill something if you bring a stupid large guild. Or you can have a decent fight with 15-20.
  17. Mashef Augur

    MOTM should simply be mitigated as time goes on. Killed some islands on in PoSky/Naggy/Vox on Agnarr as a duo team just to test it out - the Azarack boss Protector of Sky, Nagafen, and Vox were more challenging than Kelorek'Dar in Velious and Venril Sathir in Kunark.. why? Because MOTM in classic is more powerful.

    MOTM for all mobs should match the era you are in. eg. MOTM 1 in classic should become MOTM 2 in Kunark to match Kunark mobs. This is more casual friendly for guilds that are not as current or concerned about being current in addition to smaller guilds. Furthermore, the classic/kunark loot loses a lot of value by time you are on say MOTM 4 and 5 in Luclin and POP so it doesn't really harm anything.

    That being said, I concur with previous posters - MOTM is a must or its not worth playing.
    Renshu likes this.
  18. Quill Augur

    How are they going to get into your LDoN instance?

    Remember, I don't give two craps about a Classic-start server, much less two. If you want to True Box that, particularly on a Hardcore Server, I could care less because it literally wouldn't effect me as I'm not doing that again.

    Now, if they want to get their head on straight and make an ultra-casual server that opens at GoD using Agnarr to jumpstart it, get back to me. And at that point, there is zero reason for it to be True Box. If not, well, I can play around on FV np.

    I think you highly overestimate the number of people willing to 20+ box in 2019. I understand that apparently you were scarred for life, but that is no reason to take it out on the casuals by continually inflicting True Box on them. All you do is kill your potential sub money.

    Either way, they have a Ban key for these jokers. I'd honestly prefer they instead have a Ban from Server key for these jokers. It would be much easier to punt them from the server, than go whole hog and punt them from the game. Less technical support depending on where they got the accounts.
  19. Titanuk88 Elder

    add pvp and call it a day
  20. jordune Augur

    Omg somebody is boxing on a server I don’t play on!! Ban him !!
    You people remind me of the guy who runs down the street and measures the grass length
    Of a lawn that’s not his, then turns those people in for the grass being uncut to his liking.

    I box
    I box 12-18 toons
    So do my rl friends
    We don’t raid with you.. we raid with each other
    This thread was all about people of both mindsets being able to have fun
    But you Truebox people are determined to ruin eq for us all