Krono Prices... Sad Panda

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Hellboy007, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. Koryu Professional Roadkill

    Krono are being made less available to the people that want to use them because of the people who treat them as a form of currency. Krono being the only item that easily shifts between servers at no cost did not help, since so many of them went to TLP to be used as currency there.
  2. Siddar Augur

    Those aren't boxers those are called farmers. Really you don't need to six box to acquire anything bazzar salable. Two, Three accounts is about all you need and the biggest bazzar plat producers besides krono are collection drops where you only need one.
  3. Hayzeus Augur

    For me, I converted all my plat into Krono when I retired from full-time EQ play. I'm still in the process of liquidating my bazaar trader inventory, so I'm still hoping to add another couple dozen Krono to the tank. Mostly, I did this just as a hedge against future inflation in EQ, and so far it's worked in my favor.

    Originally, I was also thinking that, besides the generic hedge benefits, the Krono would be useful if I wanted to play H1Z1, but now that they "have no plans to include H1Z1 in the All Access plan," I don't know if that means Krono will not work for H1Z1 access or not?

    With the state of EQ currently, and all the longer term players that have retired due to DBG's poor management of EQ, I'd be willing to bet that there are many Krono just sitting rotting on unplayed accounts in the naïve hope that, one day, EQ will be good again.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  4. Badhand Elder

    If you are wanting to kill a named that is say level 99 you could have one account about level 100 or multiple accounts near that level. Which do you think is going to take longer to achieve? And if you are running all over the place killing multiple names, it will only be easier with one account.
  5. Badhand Elder

    When you get jealous of stupid people you are even more stupid then them. :(
  6. Hayzeus Augur

    I'm not normally one to grammar police, but if you're going to call other people stupid, you should at least make sure you are not in the same boat.


    Putting that aside... Siddar is right. With two or three toons, pretty much anything Bazaar worthy can be farmed. My setup was Necro, Shaman (healing support for cleric merc), and a Bard for both easy tracking of named and adps. Time doesn't play much of a factor even if a 6-box team may technically kill a named faster. Farming for the bazaar means you're probably targeting specific mobs. The respawn delay will be the choke point. Killing a named mob in 30 seconds instead of 60 seconds won't really make much difference.

    PS: Yes, I know that mobs usually die faster than 30 seconds. I'm just using easy round numbers to make the point that a 15-20 minute respawn timer is more important than saving a few seconds on a kill.

    He's also right that the best sale items are collection items. For that you only need an FD toon to get you around. You don't even have to fight. Just run over to the collectible, and then FD next to it if you need to shake aggro. If you know the market, and you have some success with RNG, you can acquire enough rare collectibles in a few hours to resell for several million plat.
  7. AlmarsGuides Augur

    Not on FV

    Mages get group CoTH
  8. Badhand Elder

    The point is guys if you spent all that leveling up multiple chars concentrating on one you could be 5 levels higher and grey mobs die fast.
    And, yes I'm only poking Almar because I loved watching his vids when I first started getting a bit higher level.
  9. Viper1 Augur

    get a jerb, pay yer subs. stop trying to run 27 accounts on full time krono consumption.
  10. Vdidar Augur

    Maybe with the mass banning demand will lower so prices will as well.
  11. Dilf Augur

    If you are on FV, high end gear sells for 1-10 million plat, which equates to a maximum of 5 Krono. If you are on Phinigel, a Swiftblade of Zek is going for 10 Krono and an AoN is going for 20 Krono - LOL. Who cares what the value of plat is on Live servers when people are paying an equivalent of $360 to turn you into a skeleton on the cash grab servers?
  12. Hellboy007 Augur

    this always blows my freaking mind... its a TLP server.. you spend that much plat or $$$ on something that will be near worthless in probably <1 year.. just wow.. and beings its a TLP server its not like any of this is new and cool.. so you see it on TLP well i have seen it for 10+ years already... BFD.
    Vdidar likes this.
  13. Cezz Journeyman

    DBG sowed their own poison on this one keeping Kronos above the cost of a sub. They will naturally find the market where they possess the highest value (TLP) and they never get consumed in those high value markets because it's a waste of at least $3 unless you bought it for cheap from an RMTer.

    The fact that the secondary market bears only 50-60% the initial purchase price means either someone is hacking or people by and large aren't that interested in using them for their intended purpose.
  14. Siddar Augur

    If you buy a trade-able item with Krono you can recover most of the krono when you resale.

    Starting on a new TLP server with say 20 krono banked is away to skip gearing. You just have a list of best item in slot for that era and buy them as they come up for sale. If you quit playing you sale all the items you can and recover most of the krono spent. Using krono to acquire plat in order to level tradeskills quickly is also a good method of making plat to buy more Krono.

    Krono are like cheat codes for new TLP servers. That doesn't mean spend 360 bucks on krono but acquiring stockpile through buying them on other servers is clearly the best aproach for a fast start on TLP.
  15. code-zero Augur

    Nobody buys a Krono from DBG to pay for their own subscriptions...they're bought to be immediately traded in game for something that the Krono buyer wants
    Tarvas likes this.
  16. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    If krono were being bought fraudulently and are then removed, you will see prices go up. Expect 3-4 million each soon.
  17. Makavien Augur

    Most of the reason why 3rd party sites can sell krono cheaper than dbg is because they have dropped for a long time in eq 2 from encounters a single person can get done so thousands of free kronos have been farmed possibly hundreds of thousands which is their fault for allowing this to happen.
  18. Rhodz Augur

    Did not know that.
    Seems kind of insane
  19. Ghubuk Augur

    Krono's drop in the game in eq2?
  20. code-zero Augur

    I think that was called duping....
    Iila likes this.