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It’s the Year of Darkpaw AMA time!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Jan 10, 2024.

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  1. Vekaras Ranger of the Too Long Name

    After literally years of trying to understand the randomization mechanism behind collects (specifically ground spawns) Can we get a little insight into how ground spawns are determined? It doesn't appear to be random, but the sample size is such that its a little challenging to come up with a complete understanding.

    From what I've observed it SEEMS to go in waves (so the likelihood of any given collect seems to vary with time, which would explain why I seem to get about 75% of them in a session, and then when I'll come back I'll often get duplicates of the few I'm missing and none of the ones that were common before)

    On the other hand the logic on dropped collects is a little more varied. Some seem 100% random. Some seem tied to specific mobs (specifically Overthere collects- the Chodaki drop Chodaki heads for example)
    Nennius likes this.
  2. fransisco Augur

    Can all anniversary content be made available all year round? It would be a easy way to make more content available to everyone.
    Hobs and Yinla like this.
  3. cryptastix New Member

    the sprite/wisp that i got in October doesn't give light. (it said it would) could you at least give it a light like a fire beetle?
  4. Vetis Augur

    Well I made it to page 4 before I stopped reading posts. Gods speed to whoever they make read all this. Thank you specifically to that person, you're a saint and everyone likes you.

    Specifically for TLP Rogue's. Every class in the game has something they bring to the table. In example: Monks fd, raid puller, melee dps god. Warrior: Main tank for raids. Bard: Jack of all trades, lock picking, movement speed, aoe buffs/debuff/dot/nukes etc.

    What is it rogue's bring to the table that other classes can't already do as good or better? (And just to get ahead of the curve, their best DPS is backstab from behind a mob and they still are some of the worst DPS in the game on top of having this positional requirement. Additionally, picklock and disarm trap can be done by bard and is not actually 'needed' until Prophecy of Ro the 11th expansion in the Deathknell event so...) Also, sneak/hide without SoS isn't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin gettin' it on.

    Are there any plans to address this issue, or will rogue be left to squander in the gutters like the dirty fatherless sea urchins they are?

    Maybe a better way to phrase this question is; Are there any utility or DPS based reasons to play Rogue over any of the following classes: Ranger, Monk, Warrior, Bard?

    tldr; Rogue's are worse dps than pets in classic for starters...
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  5. EagleTalon99 Elder

    Could the monk ammo stacks be increased to 1000? Since monks only pull.. and constantly, with range ammo and/or the "instant" ranged tag AA, and have practically non existent ranged DPS, it would be nice.

    I use both ammo and the aa ranged instant tag constantly, since both are useful, sometimes in the same pull, when splitting mobs. (The delay with the ammo is useful in many cases).
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  6. Dre. Altoholic

    Here's a fun one - Do mobs actually get a bonus to avoid hits when fleeing, or does it just seem that way?
  7. Robren911 New Member

    Will you please bring back the collectors edition bundles for the sale?: Why wouldn't that be a good anytime item?
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  8. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    How likely are you to recommend EQ to friends/colleagues on a 1-10 scale?
    DeadRagarr and Barton-Vox like this.
  9. EagleTalon99 Elder

    One last hair in the soup:

    Is there a reason the Titles window (Shift-T) isn't available on the EQ button drop down list?
  10. hakir New Member

    Is the luminous restless ice aug going to be updated past level 120 which it currently is at, or are you going to provide a new aug to complete to get the increases in damage and healing the that the luminous restless ice used to give?
    Valcron likes this.
  11. hakir New Member

    In Overseer, why have multiple agent cards when we can not use them. If an agent is disabled, even if we have 2,3,4 more cards we can not use them to complete a new quest.
  12. Nekk Augur

    Why does EQ have to close when you switch from one Internet to another like say your phone hotspot to WiFi?
  13. Rasmus1021 New Member

    Will you ever bring back the 'Lifetime' account upgrade option once offered?
  14. Curley Journeyman

    As regards Collectables, could you do an EQ2-style filter where you can filter on those not yet collected
  15. Curley Journeyman

    Could pre-launch expansion and collector item sets be made available to buy on the store? In regards to TLPS, maybe allow them to go on sale in time for the next expansions release, e.g. Harbinger's Staff for VoA, and other teleport items. Unless people played since the beginning AND kept playing, they have little chance to catch up. These are very much QoL improvements and will earn practically free $$$ for you.
  16. Curley Journeyman

    Can we have an option to auto-sell grey vendor items when we hit up a vendor? or at least some sort of option to tag xxx item as vendor trash, to automatically sell at a vendor.
  17. Garadgari Journeyman

    Ancient Arrows have been around since The Darkened Sea. Any chance of an upgrade?
    fransisco and Nennius like this.
  18. Spellweaver Journeyman

    Can you please make the unlock on the next tlp server at 6 months in classic 3 months in kunark and velious and luclin and then 6 months in pop i would greatly and immensely appreciate it please I know it can be done.
    EagleTalon99 likes this.
  19. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    I'm one who likes using illusions. For my team I like the pretty female illusions. If I'm going to watch my team for hours upon hours, I would rather look at pretty females than ugly monsters.

    With that said, would you please create these illusions? I love these.

  20. Xanbar Augur

    How do we provide positive feedback when we want to compliment the team at "Darkpaw Games" for doing something well? Is there a "tell us what we are doing right" or similar thread somewhere? If not is that something you would consider adding?

    I see a lot of "I want this" or "I don't like that" posts and I think all of that is fine. But some balance would be nice IMHO.
    fransisco likes this.
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