Is LockJaw still viable?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Devanie, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. Darth Augur

    This is actually not true. And, I wouldn't expect you to know anything about how the rotations actually worked since of course you were never in any of the half dozen DBG (Roshen) lead discussions. The rules of the rotation would have been upheld as long as a majority of guilds agreed to it.

    I will NEVER continue to follow agreements made while the threat of guildwide bans were held over my head, when they no longer are.

    The fact you all think the rotation was something I would have agreed to without the threat of bans is laughable.
  2. yerm Augur

    How do you even respond to something like this?

    First of all, the majority of people I chat with on Phinny at the moment who played on those servers talk about it being a toxic environment and recount irrelevant war stories about grief they suffered through. It appears, though this is just my personal experience, and my impression from others' as well, that the exodus from RF and LJ were at least as much if not mostly about escaping a hostile play environment as anything else. The RF/LJ refugees don't appear to look back while Fippy and Xegony friends still raid on prior servers.

    Second of all, I thought these servers were fine and healthy? Are they really ruined?

    Third and finally, the notion that DBG shouldn't give people what they want is a wretched idea. If they release a server in October that's Phinny with triple the xp and starts in velious and stops unlocking at pop+loy, pre-ldon, and it destroys my server... so be it. I don't want that garbage but if others do, good on them.

    Insert the joke about the 3 guys stranded on an island and the third guy's wish is to have his friends back to keep him company here.
  3. Viersa Journeyman

    I wish they'd just re-merge LJ and RF. I'd be so happy on RF with a more robust population.
    Riley likes this.
  4. Darth Augur

    I don't know if that would good or bad. In Kunark for sure bad. But, Darkwind certainly wouldn't keep VP locked up anymore at least ;)
  5. Vaclav Augur

    Their public statements on the matter was that "as long as the majority of guilds are OK with it" more or less. Which is synonymous with being inclusive for the majority of guilds... I know well enough English is your primary language, "inclusive" isn't a hard word to understand - you literally quoted the wordier version of "inclusive" disputing me on it.

    The thing is YOU DID agree - you should've held your ground and said it doesn't work for you with some concessions offered. Instead of giving up EVERYTHING you wanted like you basically did.

    It's negotiation 101 stuff, bro.
  6. Darth Augur

    You can't negotiate with a loaded gun pointed at your head.

    I even made posts saying I accepted under duress.
  7. Imdead Augur

    This is mostly all old drama. Things on Lockjaw have settled into a pretty good equilibrium.

    The reality is that Ragefire and Lockjaw had massive populations with limited raid resources to satisfy those populations, hence the creation of Phinny.

    Faceless has locked down Trak and VP but outside of that just about anyone can hit any raid target they want. This is actually much more open than my experiences back in 1999/2000.

    Given the nature of VP, quick trash respawns, dragons all spawns independently, highly sought after loot, it stands to reason that any guild that is capable would seek to solely control the zone. This is not purely a result of Faceless but the way the game is made. Look at Ragefire to see the cycle repeating itself.

    In my mind MM will always be mostly petulant kids who played a game of "if I can't have it nobody can" ineed regards to their role in blowing up the rotation.

    Lockjaw in its current state is great. There's a guild that fits almost every play style.
  8. -wycca Augur

    Except TL did rotate VP. ;)
  9. Vaclav Augur

    Sure you can, it's more challenging and more stressful - some parts of negotiation like that are basically a game of chicken seeing who blinks first.

    You know well enough they didn't want to ban you to "force things along" - that's literally thousands of dollars of revenue they'd be saying goodbye to - if you'd have stuck to your guns and said this is what we want - Nag, Vox and Yael rotated 100% -- Gods and Sky rotated 50% -- Efreeti rotated 10% (Or whatever equivalent) - I'm sure they might have dragged their feet about agreeing with it quick, but given some time might have come around.

    I wish I was a better teacher - because I know your general ideal would've been something like that - and I don't see it being something that couldn't have been gotten at least close/closer to.

    Or perhaps I underestimate negotiation, being that my experience is largely on the side holding all the cards. But I will say in most of my negotiations - there was ALOT I could've been convinced to give that wasn't asked for - in my experience. Most people sell themselves short on what they could've gotten.
  10. bodes Augur

    LOL, owned
  11. Darth Augur

    Cause there guild imploded, and was only saved by moving servers, changing leadership, and names.
  12. Vaclav Augur

    It was likely on track for the last 2 regardless - but the first was more of a symptom of no voting with shorter base unlocks than "implosion". With the dynamics that were happening they likely would've just had a coup and renaming if Phinigel wasn't coming.
  13. papercutST New Member

    I think that Lockjaw's long term health will depend on implementation of instances or lack of them. We already have pickzones. An instance is a pickzone with a lockout timer, and bosses. That way TLP player base will have an option between 3 month and 6 month unlocks servers, and will hopefully appease both play styles.
  14. Pictarous Augur

  15. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    I'd bet that was closer to 99%
  16. VoltrunVoltari Lorekeeper

    The 98 active mains alone in my guild beg to differ. Not to mention what's in the other 3 major guilds that raid. Or the other 3-4 casual guilds. Or any of the other multitude of people that aren't tagged.

    I am more inclined to believe that of the 800 unique names quoted above, only about 35-40% are box characters. More than enough for a community and our economy is quite healthy .. Hundreds of trades going on night and day.
  17. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Keep thinking that, I'd guess 90%+ of the rats on that sinking ship box at least 1 guy. But my gut tells me that the left over folks on RJ / LJ = box more than 1 per active player.
  18. Simone Augur

    Lockjaw is currently in much better shape than Vulak'Aerr was at a similar period of it's life so I think all of the cries of "this server is doomed" are a bit pre-mature.
  19. GrugSA Augur

    The rotation was setup well before Phinny was even announced. We beat DW in Trak races during Euro prime time even after the rotation was setup. Have fun in the Special Olympics.
  20. Vaclav Augur

    4 major guilds without a ton of unrelated players vs. 4 major guilds without a ton of unrelated players...

    Maybe the details I've been getting are slightly off - but certainly doesn't sound "much better".

    This is around the time I tried to come back to Vulak timeframe wise (after my surgery) and poking around the areas and /who'ing it doesn't feel drastically different than my return to Vulak did. But could just be symptomatic of having a direct comparison to Phin ATM that it feels so extremely dead.